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All Instructors and Assistant Instructors must maintain the following qualifications to keep your certificate current:

Minimum age for Instructors is 18. Assistant Instructors is 15.

Apply to:

  • Open a new school
  • Have an Instructor take over an existing School
  • Have a Co-Instructor at your School
  • Have an official Assistant Instructor at your School

The person instructing must have the following certification BEFORE you complete this form:

Just checking you read the bullet points above? Please don't apply before having these five points completed. To check, sign-in to the database and check.

New School/Instructor Application

This first section is all about you - the person filling in this form.
Your Name (person completing this form)
Your email address
You wish to apply to

Next is information about the person who will be instructing. This could be you if you are to be the instructor, or otherwise it will be info about your Co-instructor or assistant instructor.

Instructor / Assistant Contact Details

Instructor's Name
Current Club:
ITFNZ Membership No.
Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr
Email address
Phone (home)
Phone (work)
Phone (mobile)

Instructor or Assistant Instructor Qualifications

Current First Aid Certificate
YES, the course date is recorded the ITFNZ database

Instructor's Induction Course
YES, the course date is recorded the ITFNZ database

Police Vetting approval YES, the approval date is recorded the ITFNZ database
Child Protection Certificate YES, the certificate date is recorded the ITFNZ database
Regional Approval YES, the application was approved on this date:
If you did not answer YES to all of the five questions above,
then please do not continue with this application.
Only submit this form if all five have been done.

This is about what will appear about your club and instructors on the ITFNZ website.

Public information

Venue, phone numbers and class times. All this information is pulled from the database and appears in the Locations Pages of members.itkd.co.nz.

To keep this information updated, Sign in and visit the section in the club database called: Update information about my club / school.

Instructor Photo and Profile

The photo that displays on the website for instructors and co-instructors also comes directly from the database. So the photo you upload in your own record is what displays on the website. Please keep this photo up to date.

If you hover your mouse over the instructor's photo, you see a profile of that person and/ or the club. That also comes from your own record the database. It's at the button and is called: Instructor Blurb. Please also keep that up to date.

Complete this section only if you are applying to open a new club.
Otherwise skip down to the APPROVAL section.

New School Information

(For New Clubs only)
Name of the School e.g. Miramar Taekwon-Do
Co-Instructor's Name (if any)
Co-Instructor's Membership No.
Assistant Instructor's Name (if any)
Assistant Instructor's Membership No.
Club Administrator's Name (if any)
Club Administrator's Membership No. Will be instructor if left blank
Email for payment screens and invoices Will be Club Admin if left blank
Postal address for handbooks etc  Will be Instructor if left blank
Name of the venue e.g. Miramar North Hall
Address of the venue
Training days and times
Areas your School services e.g. Miramar, Kilbirnie, Haitaitai
Your club website:
What age will you accept new members?
Will you teach the Mini-Kids Program?
Will you use the Kids handbooks?
Will you teach the Harmony Program?
Phone numbers would you like to appear on the ITKD websites?

Opening Date

Last Section!


Please tick:

I wish to apply for a New School Kit (new clubs only)

Other information

Terms & Conditions


Verify Please :

Instructor Agreement:

Please read and agree to the Instructor agreement and tick the box below if you agree to accept the agreement.

I have read and agree to the conditions and agreement above

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