
Event Registration



Self-defence Seminar
September 23, 2023
At: Hampden Street School hall Hampden Street Nelson
Taken by: Master Ian Campbell

Mrs Urla Ashmore
Mrs Anna Bulley
Mr Garth Crosbie
Mrs Selina Fensom
Mr Igor Kleniar
Mr William Lunai
Mr Adam Schwass
Mr Lance Solly
Mr Paul Spence
Mr Isaac Vercoe
Mr Kelvin Vercoe
( * indicates non-ITFNZ member)

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  • To enter a tournament please see the particular tournament page concerned.
  • To apply for a black belt grading please Sign-In to access the application form.
  • To register for an Instructors Course please do so via the Instructors Courses page.

Organisers: For events to be publicised on this Website it must have International Taekwon-Do approval.

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