
Event Registration


Register for: National Training Camp 2019
January 26, 2019
At: Tui Ridge Park, Rotorua
Taken by: Master Joliette Trân and New Zealand Masters

Please use surname and camp19 as reference with payment): ITKD Event Account 12-3035-0746009-02. IF PAYING AFTER 31 DEC ADD $25 LATE FEE. NB Please check your name has been added to the list after you register.
This event is open to non-members.
If you do not have a membership#, leave blank. (will show on list with an * )
The Name field must have at least a Firstname plus Lastname.
If you want results recorded, you will need to have and enter a membership#
If you have a membership#, it is quicker to use your MyInfo screen to access courses, it will fill in a lot of the detail.
NZ Membership #:
Email address:
Name of your Club:
Your bank account No.
If you are making a payment to us, please provide your bank account number so that we can quickly process a refund to you if that was required.
Dorm Room - $150 - (includes $25 late fee):
Anyone you prefer to room with?:
Cabin [SOLD OUT] - $145 (4 people per cabin, One person must list the others in the cabin and make one payment for the total of $580.:
List names of others in your Cabin):
Will be staying off site - $120 (includes $25 late fee):
Medical Conditions or Food Allergies:
Other information or questions:
Please enter code :


  • If you are under 18 years of age please obtain your parents permission and ask them to tick the box below agreeing to the following terms and conditions.
  • I agree not to hold International Taekwon-Do or the organisers responsible for any injury I may sustain during the event.
  • I agree to notify the organisers at least 48 hours in advance if I am for any reason unable to attend, so that someone can take my place. If I do not cancel I understand I am obligated to still pay the event fee.
  • I/we grant the organiser irrevocable permission to use photographs, audio recordings, videotapes, artwork or other likenesses of me/us for marketing, promotional, trade, demonstration, publishing or any other lawful purpose without remuneration.
  • I have read the waiver and release linked to here. By submitting my registration to this event I agree it is my intention to exempt and relieve the parties stated above and ITFNZ incorporated from liability for personal injury, or death caused by negligence or any other cause.

I agree to the conditions listed above and submit my registration


National Training Camp 2019
January 26, 2019
At: Tui Ridge Park, Rotorua
Taken by: Master Joliette Trân and New Zealand Masters

Mr Darren Andrews
Ms Sam Ashworth
Ms Karen Attrill
Mr Max Bamford-Campbell
Master Mark Banicevich
Mr Cohen Batterham
Mrs Jackie Bebbington
Master Mahesh Bhana
Mr Nathan Bowden
Miss Morgan Bowler-Parkin
Ms Melissa Bray
Master Matthew Breen
Mrs Anita Broczek
Mr Gwyn Brown
Master Ian Campbell
Mr Dane Canton
Mr James Carver
Mr Sean Carver
Miss Sophie Carver
Ms Rungaroon Chaibantad
Ms Sheryl Chase
Mr Michael Child
Mr Gregory Christie
Ms Rebecca Corcoran
Mr Andrew Craig
Mrs Mary Daborn
Mr Brendan Doogan
Miss Danielle Drylie
Miss Shakeelah Enoka
Mr Andrew France
Master Pete Graham
Mr Murray Greig
Mrs Anna Hall
Mr Paul Hammond
Mr Bradley Hansen
Mr Glen Harding
Mr Barry Hart
Mrs Debbie Hart
Mr DeJaimero Iotua
Mr Richard Iotua
Mr Kevin Joe
Mrs Kim Kingsley
Mr Rudolf Lang
Ms Patricia Lastovicka
Mr Ben Linstone
Mr Michael Lowe
Mr Logan Lum
Ms Joy Mackenzie
Master Lawrence Mantjika
Mrs Fran Marshall
Mr John Matsuoka
Mr Duane Meek
Mr Hung Nguyen
Mrs Thu Nguyen
Mr Michael Onland
Master Graham Patterson
Master Suzanne Patterson
Master Steve Pellow
Mr Mark Pettit
Mrs Rosemary Pettit
Mr Artur Piascik
Mr Matthew Pilcher
Master Kane Raukura
Master James Rimmer
Mrs Sonya Robinson
Mr Shane Rogers
Grandmaster Graeme Rounthwaite
Mrs Andrea Sadler
Mr Michael Seymour
Mr Arnav Singh
Mr Kiran Singh
Miss Kara Stewart
Miss Pereise Suluape
Mr Arian Tavakoli
Mr Kiana Tavakoli
Mrs Ramin Tavakoli
Miss Michaela Thomson
Ms Nicola Tse
Mr Brice Valles
Ms Wedaad Waja
Mr Graham Walshe
Mr Ian Walton
Mrs Lena Walton
Mr Nathan Wansbrough
Master Darren Ward
Mr Jack Watson
Mrs Zharna Welch
Mr Curtis Williams
Ms Carmen Yip
Master Christine Young
Mrs Alexandra Zemanova
( * indicates non-ITFNZ member)

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