Formula For Highest Average
More equitable for smaller clubs.
This formula gives an incrementing score for each A pass, averaged
over the number of people grading from the club . The first A gets 1.1,
the 2nd 1.2, then 1.3, 1.4 etc. Double gradings just add on the end
as two more A's.
This gives a "bonus" for the extra workload added by larger
numbers of students. However it does not automatically give an unbeatable
advantage to larger clubs. The total is still divided by the number
of students grading from each club, .
For the mathematically minded, the formula for N A passes is N + (N+1)
x 0.1 x N/2 = (Nsqrd + 21N)/20 = N(N+21)/20 (sum of N terms of the series
1.1, 1.2, 1.3.....)
Lets the bigger clubs make the most of their membership.
This is a simple tot up of the A and Double passes a club receives:
1 point for an A pass and 2 points for an unrequested double grading.
Note that in both these formulae, clubs must have five or more students
grading to be included.