World Camp 2002
The United States Taekwon-Do Federation (USTF), Sister Organisation to
ITFNZ, hosted World Camp in June 2002 at the YMCA Snow Mountain Ranch,
in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. ITFNZ members first attended a "Sereff
Camp" in 1986 - then again on a number of occasions. It is always
a fantastic experience.
Mr McPhail attended the 2002 Camp and here are some photos of the action.



Master Daher
These amazing shots shows Peter from Slovenia - the most unpopular participant
at the camp, falling on his head at the waterfall. Everyone watched in
amazement as he then got up, did some Karate like posses and yells, -
then later complained of a sore arm!
Mr McPhail with the Girls from Aussie | Mr Kent Hups in Action at the
Foothills Club
We first Met Mr Hups at Camp in 1986 | Rocky Rounthwaite
Master Dale Burkhart - breaking machine!
Mr McPhail and Mr Ed Newcommer finally meet - after years of emailing
Master Daher in deep discussion with Grand Master Sereff
Mr R emailing from Master Burkharts Office | First training at Camp
Grand Master Sereff | Story telling around the camp fire
Rocky - exhausted! | Mr Affatagato and Mr Steadman
Mr Hannon's self defence class | Regular 40 degree outdoor training!
The traditional waterfall photo shoot - Mr R and his girls. | Sparring
Mr and Mrs Suarez from New York - sparring class | Dead!
Master Daher's kicking class
Master Renee Sereff teaching Etiquette Class
Master Daher with some of young fans | Signing table
Training in the public park of Grand Lake on the final day
Dale and Robin Burkhart | Tong-Il at USTF HQ after Camp
Tour of GM Sereff's basement !
Breaking class with Master Burkhart