National Junior Camp 2003
We ended up with 70 children, 2 pulled out due to sickness. The weather
was not kind, contrary to the weather report and it rained most of the
weekend with very strong winds as well, although that certainly didn’t
seem to put any of the children off.
Mr Trotter & Miss Joe again came down and impressed both the children
& the adults with their professionalism and knowledge with nearly
2 hours of sparring training. Mr Kyle Caldwell & Mr Regan Diggleman
also taught for 1.5 hours teaching the children how to jump higher, which
they loved.
In total there was a little over 9 hrs of TKD training as well as another
3-4hrs of smaller individual group training over the weekend, so I imagine
there are more than a few very tired children today, not to mention adults.
My feelings were that the camp was an unqualified success and should
be done again next year. After talking to all the adults that attended,
we turned away some 20 other children that decided in the last few days
to see if they could come. Perhaps a bigger venue for the next one?
Thanks to the Exec for allocating the funding for the camp, we must continue
to encourage and nurture our younger members in this fashion and make
the National Juniors Camp an annual event.
Gwyn Brown

The man himself - Gwyn Brown - organiser of an amazing Junior Camp!


Junior World CHampion Kyle Caldwell jumps Regan Diggelmann

Girls having a blast

Instructors attending
Mr James Rimmer, 6th dan Regional & Senior Black
Belt Examiner, Technical committee member, our Patterns & Self Defence
Instructor, and ‘Game of Slime’ teams coordinator.
Ms Jeanette Joe, 4th dan Devonport Instructor, formaer
ITF World Champs medalist.
Mr Mark Trotter, 3rd dan World champs gold medallist,
multi National & International Champion Sparer and Patterns winner
extraordinaire, and our Sparring Instructor. Mr Trotter will also be working
one-on-one with some of you!
Mr Shaun Skedgwell, 1st dan 2003 ITFNZ National Power
Breaking Champion and our Breaking Instructor. Mr Skedgwell is rumoured
to have a railway sleeper in his backyard that he practises on!
Mr Kyle Caldwell, 1st dan World Junior Champs Speciality
Gold Medallist winner, and our Specialty Breaking Instructor. Mr Caldwell
will also be working one-on-one with some of you and will demonstrate
his famous ‘jump over a car’ breaking display!
Other Instructors attending the camp and assisting our experts are:
Mr Chris Fitzgerald, 4th Dan, Mrs Shirley Pygott, 2nd Dan, Mr Devon Pittman,
2nd Dan, Mrs Chris Davidson, 1st Dan,
So, who’s coming…
Here is a list of attendees and their clubs. Please check that I have
your names spelt right and whether you are a boy or girl. Any corrections
please email me ASAP so I can get you all sorted.
Name M/F Club |
Aaron Coe m Waiuku | Alana Inglis f Wellington
| Alesha Grocock f Waiuku | Amy
Marriner f Waiuku | Ashe Cooper f Russell
| Auke de Boer m Waiuku
| Billie f TGA | Bradley Thompson
m Papakura | Brian Woolhead m Rotorua
| Brittany Thompson f Waiuku | Caitlin
Hunt f Waiuku | Cameron Casson m TGA
| Carlos MacDiarmid m TGA | Claire
Kendall f Waiuku | David Clencie m Waiuku
| David Westren m Waiuku | Dean
Ward m TGA | Dievwe de Boer m Waiuku
| Emma Pygott f Jung Shin | Emma
Ward f TGA | Ethan Lawson m Waiuku
| Georgia Kendall f Waiuku | Grace
Cooper f Russell
| Hannah Kendall f Waiuku | Hayden
Stevens m TGA | Hayley Rosser f TGA
| Jaeden Owen m Papakura | James
Wright m Jung Shin | Jamie Read f Waiuku
| Jamie Teasdale f TGA | Jared Adams
m Waiuku | Jean Chapman f Wellington
| Joshua Thomson m Rotorua | Julien
Harland m Jung Shin | Kayla Beets f TGA
| Kyle-Laci van Niekerk f Waiuku |
Luke McHardy m TGA | Martin Ward m TGA
| Mathew Penetito m Waiuku | Melissa
Timperley f Papakura | Micayla Wright f
Jung Shin | Michael Black m TGA
| Michael Latto m Manurewa | Michelle
Paul f Papakura | Mike Gascoyne m TGA
| Minette Sleyn f Rotorua | Monica
Fata f Waiuku | Nadia de Koster f Greymouth
| Nathan Butchersm Waiuku
| Nicholas James m Waiuku | Nicole
Read f Waiuku | Noah Cooper m Russell
| Paige Moki f Papakura | Ross Black
m TGA | Ross Gulliver m Kihikihi
| Ryan Butchers m Waiuku | Ryan
Stevens m TGA | Sam Freeman m Rotorua
| Shane Black m TGA | Shaun Grocock
m Waiuku | Sidney Matlock m Rotorua
| Sonya de Koster f Greymouth |
Taylor Thomson m Rotorua | Teryn Vissers
f Papakura | Thomas Pygott m Jung Shin
| Zane Kendall m Waiuku
Don’t Forget!
Make sure you don’t forget to bring the items we listed on the
camp entry form, but especially the following:
your home baking, there are prizes
sun-block and hat
any medication
drink bottle
dinner plate, cereal bowl, cup (no glass please)
Ok, that’s all. See you all in 10 days time!
National Juniors Entry Form & Poster
Ok, here it is! You can download the entry
form right here.
Please send us only page one of the entry form, the other 2 pages are
for you to keep so you will know where to go and what to bring. And yes,
you must bring some baking for us to judge. Yes you can get Mum or Dad
to help you bake it, and yes, I am partial to Anzac biscuits. Please post
page one back to the address on the bottom right of page one and please
fill in all sections, especially the medical and food sections.
We would also like to announce the winner of the poster contest as
Mr Carlos Macdiarmid - "Take
up the Challenge"

Although all the posters had great themes and artwork, Carlos’s
poster was picked unanimously by all 5 judges after a lengthy judging
Right, it’s now all up to you, so please fill out your form and
post it in. We will be taking the first 40 male and the first 32 female
applicants only.
Other stuff
The Lodges new training facility has been finished and will be fully
usable when we arrive in November. It consists of a large hall, about
the size of a School Hall, and is big enough for all of us to train in
if the weather gets nasty. Part of the gym also consists of a huge rock
climbing wall. We will also be spending some time in here playing games
and ‘other’ stuff!
The agenda for the weekend is also nearly finished and we can promise
you that you will have a simply awesome time, but for now, it's secret!
We have been receiving some questions by email about the camp so we thought
we would publish them here for everyone to read. Most of these were to
be answered on your entry form, but we will answer the ones we have so
far so everyone can see.
Can I attend the camp if I am older than 14?
Yes you can, however we will be placing children 14 and under first,
so there won’t be room if the camp is full.
Can I bring my mini-disc-man?
No, sorry. And anyway you won’t have time to use it.
Will there be time for a Yugi Oh competition?
No, and please don’t bring any Yugi Oh, Pokemon cards etc or hand
held electronic games, unless you like press ups!
What kind of food will there be?
Aha, I knew someone would ask this question. And the answer is “Fear
Factor Food”!! Ok, just kidding. There will be lots of food, we
have engaged the services of two Chefs who specialise in children’s
food (Mrs S Rimmer & Mrs M Brown!) as we all know how important food
is to children. You will all get a turn at cooking, cleaning, and serving
the food over the weekend. So….that will be interesting won’t
How late can I stay up for if I am older than 14 and make the
Lights out will be at 10pm, possibly earlier for the little ones. That
includes everyone.
Can you please send me an entry form now, I don’t want
to miss out?
We don’t want you to miss out either, but it would be unfair to
let some people in early and not everyone else…sorry
I heard that at the last camp, people had to sing before they
got lunch
No! Some children were singing for points for their team while we all
waited for lunch…which could possibly happen again. (Hint)
Do I have to bring my Do Bok, my instructor doesn’t like
dirty Do-Boks and I don’t want to get it all muddy?
Yes of course you do, it is a TKD camp after all. Don’t worry,
you won’t be rolling in the mud in your Do Bok…promise!
I might be grading just before the camp and not have my correct
belt, is this ok?
Of course it is, we will know what gup you are so don’t worry.
Ok, this answers all of your questions so far. The entry form has all
the information you will need about the camp and it’s only 4 weeks
to go. So, get those Posters sent in and be in the competition to win
the set of sparring gear, kindly donated by Martial Arts Apparel.
ITFNZ National Juniors Camp Theme Poster Contest!
The major prize, kindly donated by Martial Arts Apparel, is a full set
of sparring gear and a TKD Kit Bag to carry it all. The winner will also
be interviewed by a 'special mystery guest' and have that interview and
their picture featured in TKD Talk.
All ITFNZ members under 15yrs old are invited to enter the contest for
coming up with a theme for the ITFNZ National Juniors Camp.
Some examples of a theme might be…
ITFNZ National Juniors Camp (Just be There!)

As you can see there is plenty of room for lots of different ideas and
how you could display your artwork.
- You must be 14 yrs old as of 21st November 2003 or younger to enter
- Your poster must include the title which is “ITFNZ National
Juniors Camp”
- Your poster must include your theme sentence of less than 10 words
under the title, as the examples above show
- No computer drawings are allowed!
- Your poster, theme, and any drawing/ pictures/colouring in etc, must
be TKD related
- You must include your Name, Age & Birth Date, Address and Phone
Number on the back of your poster or on an accompanying letter.
- There is no limit on the size of the poster you do, however for practical
purposes, it must be able to be posted and if you glue things to it
etc, be careful how you send your creations.
- The close off date for entries is Friday 12th September, entries received
after this date will not be accepted…so please, please post them
- Entries will be judged by the Camp organisers and a “mystery
special guest” and the winner will be announced on the ITFNZ Camp
Website page on the 23rd September, the same date the camp entry forms
are made available.
- Only one entry per person is allowed
- Entries will be judged with relevance to each entrants age, so don’t
assume you have an advantage if you are older!
- Judges decision is final
Address to send your poster:
ITFNZ National Juniors Camp Contest
15 Dunrobbin Pl
What can you win?:
The winner will receive a complete set of sparring gear sponsored by
Martial Arts Apparel and a gear bag. They will also have their poster
featured in TKD Talk along with a picture and an interview of themselves.
The poster will feature on the ITFNZ Website and be an integral part of
the National Camp.
Camp Costs & Dates
When: 21-23 November 2003
Where: Aongatete Lodge, near Katikati, Bay of Plenty
Time: 5:00pm Friday 21st to 3pm Sunday 23rd November
Cost: $20 per child, adults free*
* Please note that a maximum of 20 adults only can be accommodated. Preference
will be given to Instructors staying and adults travelling with children.
The National Juniors Camp is exactly that, a camp for the junior members
of ITFNZ. Everything from the training to the food is aimed at our junior
members. The camp is exclusively for 14 and under year old 1st to 10th
Gups, and under 10’s must be accompanied by an adult guardian. Obviously
if you are bringing a group and there are several under 10’s, this
is fine. Children older than 14 are welcome to apply, but will only be
accepted if we have the room.
The camp is to be held in the sunny Bay of Plenty at Aongatete Lodge,
which is situated at the base of the Kaimai Ranges midway between Katikati
and Tauranga.
The lodge has room at present for 32 female and 40 male children. There
will of course be room for attendance above these numbers as day visitors,
but at present there is only bedding available for 72 in total. So when
the camp is full you can still attend, but you will have to make your
own sleeping arrangements.
The camp will be open from 5pm on Friday night for registration and will
officially start at 7pm. Throughout the weekend you will be involved in
TKD training, team events and a heap of fun games and entertainment. The
camp Organisers promise that you will leave the camp inspired and able
to do something that you never thought you could.
At this stage the camp application form will be posted on this site for
you to download on the 23rd September, 2003 and then be emailed/faxed/posted
back to me.
Acceptance will be on a first in, first served basis.
Camp Organisers
Gwyn Brown
Trudie Malone
Shaun Skedgwell