From the Director of Tournaments:
Can a junior enter an adult sparring division?
No. ITF and ITFNZ rules do not permit this.
Note: We added the peewee, Intermediate and
junior hyperweight plus divisions. This removes
the reason for any peewee, intermediate or
junior member to enter an older division.
Can a junior enter an adult pattern division?
No. ITF and ITFNZ rules do not permit this.
Can a junior enter an adult Specialty division?
(or an intermediate enter junior Specialty?)
ITF and ITFNZ rules do not permit this.
Can a junior BB team member do one of the
two hand techniques for team power?
rules do not permit this.
(We have introduced junior power this year
as a trial but no juniors can attempt a hand
technique in either individual or team power.)
From the Organisers:
Tickets to the dinner
for under 10 years are only $20.