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Team Trainings

By now we expect that you have been coming to the Team Trainings which for those in Auckland are Sundays at Nibun from 2.00pm to 4.00pm, and for those north of the Brynderwyns are Sundays also, alternating between the Kerikeri Dojang (i.e. this weekend 02 August) from 10.30am to 12.30pm and/or the Hurapaki Dojang starting between 9.00am and 10.00am. If you need to check which Dojang up North please contact either Mr Tim Couling or Mr George Konia for details.

Due to the Best of the Best Tournament on Sunday the 9th of August there will be no training at Nibun that Sunday, although I would urge those that are not entered to consider turning up to an Athletes Class at the Mt. Wellington Dojang either on Friday from 7.00pm or Saturday from 1.00pm with $5.00(each) and a fellow practitioner to work with. Mr Pellow would love to see you and you will definately benefit from the experience!

Our one and only combined training will take place at Mahurangi College in Warkworth on Sunday the 13th of September from 10.00am to 2.00pm. Please let me know if you are unable to make this very important Session.

Sonya Robinson
Auckland North Team Manager/Coach
Auckland North Regional Director

The Opportunity is Yours!


OPEN TO ALL WISHING TO TEST IN MAY. COST: $20.00 (to cover breaking materials etc.)

VENUE: GYMNASIUM, DE LA SALLE COLLEGE, 81 GRAY AVENUE, MANGERE EAST (this is the actual grading venue!!)

TIME: 9.00am to 3.00pm

CONTENT: (as per all of your grading requirements)

· Senior line-work and fundamentals
· Patterns
· Step sparring
· Free sparring
· Self Defence
· Breaking
· Full fitness test
· Written Test

YOUR HOSTS: Mr. Kane Raukura (V Degree) Standards and Discipline Director & Mr. Shaun Tolley (V Degree) Regional Examiner / ITFNZ Secretary

“Not sure whether you are ready? Hesitating to full in the online application? You will be marked and tested as per your grading weekend, this is your chance to find out if this is your time! A great chance to check out and train in the actual venue for the grading, including the run route”



Auckland North Regional Camp

T - Shirts @ $6.50 each.

Available in Child and Adult size.

Orders must be in by this Tuesday 31st March: email: g.konia

AN Regional Camp Schedule - 2009


5:00pm - People can start arriving.

    • Cabin allocation.
    • Adult supervisor allocation.

8:30pm - Evening settling in period.

    • Young campers get ready for bed.
    • Older students and parent care supper.
    • Go over Saturday roster.

10:30pm - Goodnight call.

    • Last check of cabins and grounds.
    • Main light's out (keep toilet block light's on).



7:00am - Day program start.

    • Water kick-starter.
    • Showers and prep for breakfast.
    • Cabin clean up and inspection.

8:00am - Breakfast.

    • Seniors.
    • Juniors.
    • Clean up.

9:30am - Full student form up.

    • Massive warm up.
    • Group break out (Human pyramid).

10:15am - Guest instructor's session's.

    • Mr Steve Pellow.
      • 10th gup - 5th gup.
    • Mr Mark Trotter.
      • 4th gup - 1st gup (Includes black belts).

11:30am - Guest instructor's session's.

    • Mr Steve Pellow.
      • 4th gup - 1st gup (Includes black belts).
    • Mr Mark Trotter.
      • 10th gup - 5th gup.

12:30pm - Lunch.

    • Seniors.
    • Juniors.
    • Clean up.

1:30pm - Full student form up.

    • Massive warm up.
    • Group break out (Tug of war).

2:15pm - Guest instructor's session's.

    • Mr Steve Pellow.
      • 10th gup - 5th gup.
    • Mr Mark Trotter.
      • 4th gup - 1st gup (Includes black belts).

3:30pm - Guest instructor's session's.

    • Mr Steve Pellow.
      • 4th gup - 1st gup (Includes black belts).
    • Mr Mark Trotter.
      • 10th gup - 5th gup.

4:45pm - Afternoon teams activity.

    • Madhouse circuit (Can you hack it?).
    • Warm down and Stretch down.

6:30pm - Dinner (Play snap shots and video from the day).

    • Seniors.
    • Juniors.
    • Clean up.

7:45pm - Evening session with Mr Steve Pellow.

    • Ground defence and stick defence (Red belts, black stripes and black belts only).

9:00pm - Evening settling in period.

    • Young campers get ready for bed.
    • Older students and parent care supper.
    • Go over Sunday roster.

12:00am - Goodnight call.

    • Last check of cabins and grounds.
    • Main light's out (keep toilet block light's on).



7:00am - Day two program start.

    • Water kick-starter.
    • Showers and prep for breakfast.
    • Cabin clean up and inspection.

8:00am - Breakfast.

    • Seniors.
    • Juniors.
    • Clean up.

9:30am - Full student form up.

    • Massive warm up.

10:00am - Guest instructor's session's.

    • Mr Steve Pellow.
      • 10th gup - 5th gup.
    • Mr Mark Trotter.
      • 4th gup - 1st gup (Includes black belts).

11:15am - Guest instructor's session's.

    • Mr Steve Pellow.
      • 4th gup - 1st gup (Includes black belts).
    • Mr Mark Trotter.
      • 10th gup - 5th gup.

12:30pm - Lunch and guest instructors presentation.

    • Seniors.
    • Juniors.
    • Clean up.

1:30pm - Camp clean up.

    • Break out and clear cabins and place your belongings in your vehicles.
    • Group one; clean cabins.
    • Group two; clean kitchen and dining area.
    • Group three; clean toilets and showers.
    • Group four; clean camping grounds and ensure all camp litterbin lids are closed.

3:00pm - Clear out and go home.

Please note a more detailed schedule will be emailed out to all attendees week of camp.


Marshalling course

for all Auckland North and Counties Manukau Black Belts.
Mon 30th March 6.30pm Dragon's Spirit Dojang. Papatoetoe.

Auckland Regional Camp

Seminar Date: 4th & 5th April 2009

Yes! This year Auckland North Region will have a regional camp in the lovely Bream Bay area of (One Tree Point - Ruakaka), Northland.

We have two special guest instructors: Mr Steve Pellow (6th Dan) and Mr Mark Trotter (4th Dan). Hosting clubs: Hurupaki and Bream Bay Makos. Please fill in the online Registration form. More information will follow shortly about how to get there, what to bring and what you can expect at the camp.

Camp fee: Single student $50.00, two or more (family rate) $80.00. Camp venue will be open from the Friday 3rd of April for those wishing to arrive earlier. Email contact is Mr George Konia

What to bring:

Own toiletries Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, flannel, insect repellent, sun block, towel x 2 and personal deodorant etc…

Clothing Old shorts or longs you do not mind getting dirty or wrecked likewise t-shirt (long or short sleeved). Swimming togs for the early morning kick-start and warm clothing for the evening should it be cooler plus runners etc…

Bedding Pillow, blanket, sleeping bag and a torch (please check the batteries are fully charged or new) etc…

Training equipment Two Dobok if possible one will be all right. Sparring gear, mouth guard, spare towel and bottled water plus replacement drinks like (Powerade).

Other Bring your own dinnerware and utensils (dinner and dessert plate, cup/mug, knife, fork and spoon – plastic preferred). Snacks you need outside of the camp meals will need to be purchased by yourselves ie; snack-bars, chippies, lollies and the like.

Best cake:

Home baked Bring along home baked cake or biscuits (The best cake or biscuit will get a special prize) it has to be home baked at your house not your friendly bake-house shop to win. Theme; something to do with Taekwon-Do.



Auckland Combined Training & War Games

Around 130 ITFNZ members got together at Vellenoweth Green, Tamiki Drive, for a combined training, War Games and a BBQ on Saturday 21st Feb.

Master McPhail ran a 90 minute class, then Mr Mark Banicevich explained the rules for WAR GAMES. Two games followed - featuring two fun battles lasting over half an hour each. All the clubs then set up their BBQs had had fun throwing around a ball and chatting.

Mr Banicevich would like to thank the following people: Master McPhail, thank you for your support and your class; Family Styles for making it happen; Mr Linstone and Mrs Howitt for the amazing barbeque; Mr Wright and Mrs Robson for the wonderful banners; Mr Raukura, Mrs Iotua, Mr Butchers: thank you for your overwhelming support of this event.

And thank you to all of the students. I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Hopefully next time we will break 200, and grow from there! One day I want to play War Games with 500 people!



Red Belts at the Academy

Red belts and above! Are you going for your 1st Black Belt or your next Dan soon? Then the Auckland Academy has a special Black Belt Pre-Grading Programme which includes Patterns, Step Sparring, Self Defence, Breaking and more, just for you! Enhance and develop your TKD skills with some of our best Instructors.

We have Master Mahesh Bhana 7th Dan, Mr Matthew Breen 5th Dan, Mr Kane Raukura 5th Dan and other highly regarded Instructors lined up for specific areas of training on Sundays 5-7 pm at the Mt. Wellington Dojang - the full Programme starts Sunday 8th of February!

So there's a specially designed full Programme or you can come along casually to specific Sessions but you must Register before each Session. And yes! there's more! Every Black Belt Class Participant will be given the opportunity to train at one Athletes Class for free!

Auckland Taekwon-Do Academy AGM & World Champs Trainings

The ATKDA AGM held on Friday 16th January was a great success with a very strong Academy member turnout. The officers gave a brief overview of 2008 to the membership. To summarise: the Academy held a total of 130 training sessions which included 48 Athlete focused sessions and 82 Black Belt focused sessions. Academy students overall achieved excellent results at National and International tournaments, as well as in their Gup and Dan gradings.

Following this, a new committee was elected. Mr. Mark Trotter gracefully handed the role of President over to NZ Team Assistant Coach, Mr. Steve Pellow who will be basing his World Champs trainings at the Academy. Ms. Sonya Robinson will continue as the secretary. The role of Treasurer held through-out the year by Ms. Estelle Speirs, Ms. Erica Germain and Ms. Carolina Dillen, will be passed on to Mrs. Chris Henry who has valuable
experience in the area and was also the team manager for the World Cup Team going to Italy. Mr. Matthew Breen and Ms. Erica Germain will spearhead the team in charge of re-developing the Black Belt Classes to specifically target preparation for Dan gradings - watch for further developments!

Mr. Pellow took the floor next and outlined his plans for the 2009 World Champs in Argentina campaign. Mr. Pellow plans to run a tight ship, so if you are from the Auckland North or Counties Manukau region and are planning on trialling for the team, please read the following very carefully.

World Champs Trainings - Auckland North / Counties Manukau

If you are planning on trialling for the World Champs team attendance at 3x sessions per week is COMPULSORY. People not trialling are very welcome to train at these sessions.

First World Champs Training Session: Friday 30th January, 7-8.30 pm

Regular Training Days & Times: Tuesdays 7-8.30 pm
Fridays 7-8.30 pm
Saturdays 1-4 pm

Venue: Mt. Wellington Rugby Football Club,Hamlin Park,Wilson Way,Mt.

Cost: $40 per month for all triallists by AP only
$5 per session for non-triallists for casual attendance

Bank Account No: 38 9007 0728871 01
Please use your name as a reference

For anyone trialling, you must set up an automatic payment for $40 per month to start during the FIRST WEEK OF FEBRUARY, NO EXCEPTIONS! If you are not able to do so, you need to contact Mr Pellow. If you are from out of Auckland and think you might struggle to attend trainings in Mt. Wellington please also contact Mr Pellow.

It's going to be a very exciting year in the build-up for the World Champs in Argentina this year and if you are even thinking about the World Cup in Las Vegas 2010 or the World Champs in New Zealand 2011 you also ought to be there. The more, the merrier!

Thanks, Regards
Sonya Robinson
ATKDA Secretary

Newspaper Article



TKD Wedding Vows

Instructor Mr Matt Davey married Lisa Mason at Cornwall Park on Friday afternoon (5-12-08).Very informal and lovely wedding in the brilliant sunshine in the park.

First time we've have heard a groom have to promise to wash his own dobok after every training session as part of his marriage vows and his bride promise to not complain about the time he spends at TKD! SHould have thought of that! :-)


Auckland North News

Northland Sports Awards 2008

Amy Reeder and Riki Lum winners of the Northland Sports Awards 2008. One of the photos is taken with Mahe Drysdale (Bronze Medallist - Beijing Olympics 2008), this years awards guest speaker.

Auckland Academy Changes

Now open to 1st Gups - Join before the price increase - and don't forget the Concession Card.

The Auckland Taekwon-Do Academy Black Belt Class runs Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, 6.30-8pm, at the Tamaki Dojang. The concept behind the class is that students can attend one of the two nights each week without interrupting their normal club training.

Open to all black belt grades - we have 1st Dans through to 4th Dans training regularly - and now we're also opening the class up to 1st gup students who are training for their black belt grading. (The classes will not necessarily be focused on the 1st gup syllabus specifically, but just about every class will be applicable in some way to the student's grading or ongoing training!)

At present, the training fee is $20 per month by automatic payment. On the 1st of August, the fee for new students will increase to $30 per month, (existing students will retain the $20 rate) - so if you've been thinking about joining up, get in before the increase!

Also new to the Academy is the Concession Card, ideal for students who can't commit to a weekly class but who want to occasionally make it along for some extra trainings. For $100, the student receives a card with ten 'clips', which may be used for a session at either an Academy Black Belt class (on Tuesday or Wednesday), or an Academy Athletes class (on Friday).

We've heard suggestions from Instructors already for ways the Concession Cards might be used, apart from a student purchasing his or her own. The Instructor might purchase a card, and have it available for members from the school who can borrow the card and pay the Instructor for any sessions they use.

The Instructor might give a card to a black belt student as a thank you for assistance in teaching, or as a congratulations for a successful grading, or as encouragement for an upcoming grading or tournament. Or the Instructor might purchase a Card and take several black belts from the school along to a session focusing on an aspect that needs some work. Please contact Matthew Breen beforehand to arrange this possible option.

At present, the Black Belt classes are taught by Matthew Breen (V degree),and the Athletes classes by Mark Trotter (IV degree, world champion), Luke Thompson (II degree, world champion), Carl Van Roon (II degree, world champion), and Carolina Dillen (I degree). We aim to have guest instructors for specialist topics as well - keep an eye on the website for details!

Thanks again,

Sonya Robinson - Secretary of the ATKDA.

Protect and Hurupaki ITF team up again for a very special day…

On Tuesday 13th May, Phil Thompson from Protect Self Defence and Amy Reeder from Hurupaki ITF teamed up again for a very special event held in Whangarei. The theme of the day was “Keeping Ourselves Safe” and the participants were 15 children with disabilities from a Northland school Special Needs Unit.

“The day was amazing, the kids there are incredible human beings and we were honoured and humbled to have been able to share this day with them and make new friends” Phil says.

Many different topics were covered in an adapted, high energy format, all centred around “keeping ourselves safe”.

“It was challenging for us because of the range of different disabilities that the kids had which obviously meant a lot of adaptation was required, but the kids loved it and got a lot of value from it, and we certainly learned a lot from them too. There were a lot of very special moments which will remain with us for a long time.”

“This is the second time that Amy and I have worked with kids with disabilities in Northland, and there is certainly a lot more to come. Amy is a wonderful person with an enormous heart and she is also a good friend. That is no surprise really though given that her instructor is Mr George Konia, another person with a huge heart and a very inspiring attitude. Athena and I are privileged to be surrounded by so many amazing people who support what we do and are so willing to give their time, energy, and caring to help other people” 

“We were happy to do the event for free, but the school insisted on paying us something, so Amy, Athena and I decided on the day to donate the money to the Elim Christian College Mangatepopo Memorial Fund.” 

We are looking forward to the next opportunity to work with, teach, and learn from these wonderful kids. Watch this space…

Award ceremony of Prime Minister's Sport Scholarships for Taekwon-Do students

Sport and Recreation Minister Clayton Cosgrove congratulated 120 North Island recipients of the 2008 Prime Minister’s Sport Scholarships during a special presentation ceremony at Baradene College in Auckland on Wednesday 16th April.

2nd Dan Carl van Roon and 1st Dan Carolina Dillen, both from Impact Kingsland club, are two of the 7 ITFNZ students earlier awarded SPARC Performance Enhancement Grants.

The Prime Minister’s Sport Scholarship programme is a government initiative that enables emerging and talented New Zealand sports people to concurrently pursue tertiary study or professional development while striving for sporting excellence.

Taekwon-Do was the only martial art to receive scholarships this year.


Regional News
Auckland North
Counties Manukau
Central Districts
South Island

International Taekwon-Do Foundation of New Zealand