
Request for On-line Tournament Entry Form

This is a request for the 'Breen' online tournament system, which should be considered 'Tournaments Lite'. There is no charge for its use.
( You may wish to look into the somewhat more modern and more comprehensive RingMarshall.com system from messrs Blackwell and Sutherland.)

This form can be used by any person, school or region who has gained permission to host an International Taekwon-Do recognised tournament. This includes peewee, inter-club, or any other tournament under the International Taekwon-Do banner.

On request, the System Administrator will create a Tournament Online Entry Form using the details you supply below. You will be advised when the form is available online, then you must examine it and advise of any details which need to be altered to match your tournament. The entry form will not be made public until you have checked it online and sent a request to the webmaster to publish it on the main website.

If you choose to use the Online Tournament System for further managing your draws, it automatically places entrants into divisions, allows you to alter divisions, and prints draw-sheets. (It is optional to use it for your draws.)
Most regions now have more than 1 person who has used the online tournament draw system, ask around.


Tournament Details

  NB. If you don't receive an acknowledgement to this form within 24 hrs please email Mr Neil Breen.
Select Event
Date of Tournament
Title of Tournament eg Midlands Regional Champs 2012
Venue / Address
Times for Registration, Formup, Competition start eg 8am registration, form-up 9am
Events and Any minimum age, rank or other restrictions for:

eg Yellow belts and above

eg green belts and above

eg 18 yrs

eg green belts and above

eg 1 team per club

Any Team Events
(Please describe along with any restrictions)

Financial / Other Details

Fees: either flat fee covering all events, or amounts for 1, 2, 3, 4 or more events
If pre-arranged, is there a separate fee, (and how much)?
If teams, is there a separate fee for each team member or just one for whole team (and how much)?
Is there to be an early payment Discount (how much, and final date for discount)?
Is there a maximum fee payable by families, or a number of dollars discount per family member, versus family size(s). (you can use any combination of 'number in family' from 2 to 8, plus 'or more', e.g. '3 or more’ e.g. '$X for 3 or more.' OR '$X for 2, $Y for 3, $Z for 4 or more')
What is the Final Cutoff date for acceptance of entries. (e.g. 1 week before tournament).
How will fees be accepted ?
(online, cheques?)
Bank account# for Internet transfer
If Cheques: send to what address
Cheques payable to who
Draw Organiser name to be listed on form
Email for entry enquiries
Phone for entry enquiries (optional)

Your Details

Your Name Person making this request
Email address
Do you have proper authority within your region to run this tournament?   

Give details or paste copy of email
Name and Club of person(s) who will be working with the online entry / draws system (If different) Person(s) driving the system
Phone (if different):
Email address (if different):

Other information

Attach any pertinent document



Those expressing interest need to be aware that while access to the on-line entry receipt system will be available, the individual tournament organisers will be fully responsible for advertising for and coordinating entries and producing and managing the draw for the tournament. Organisers will also need to maintain and make available to the Tournament Advisor accurate and detailed electronic records of the results of the tournament to allow best overall competitor records to be kept.
WARNING: if you do not receive an email response to this form within 24 hours, email nbreen@itkd.co.nz, as there have been some instances of browsers failing to send the form successfully

Please verify :

I agree to the above conditions



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