

International Taekwon-Do is a family. As family, we care about the happiness, safety and care of all our members. Regardless if you’re a child, teenager or adult, everyone has a fundamental right to train and participate in a positive and supporting atmosphere.

Whether you are inside or outside the Dojang. International Taekwon-Do has a zero tolerance policy around any form of physical, sexual or mental abuse.

Please contact us immediately if you have any concerns at all in regards to any of these situations.

We have a number of documents available that may assist you.

The Standards and Discipline Document

The Child Protection Policy

The Sexual Harassment Policy

Do you need to speak to someone? Or make a complaint?

  1. Firstly, do you feel comfortable approaching your class or head instructor about the issue? If so, this might be a good idea first.

  2. If this is not possible or makes you feel uncomfortable, you can make direct contact with our Standards and Discipline Advisor Group who have representatives in your area.

    Make a Complaint

You can also contact our Child Protection Officer directly:
Ms Nicole Kettings

Are you currently unsafe in any way and remain in danger? If so, immediately contact the NZ Police and dial 111.

Do you need immediate advice around child safety? Contact Oranga Tamariki on 0508 326 459 - Available 24/7.


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