Instructing can be one of the most rewarding part of your Taekwon-Do career. It is a way to share your love of the art, put back something into the organisation, and of course fulfill the wishes of the Founder - to help spread Taekwon-Do throughout the world.
We have Instructor Development Officers (IDO) to assist you. Along with your Regional Director, the IDO in your area will guide you as you start out, and also into the future to assist you with your own training if you need it.
We even give you a New Club Kit to get you started. We put this much effort into making it easy for you because we want International Taekwon-Do to grow.
We hope to change the ‘mindset’ and ‘perception’ of the way we traditionally think about what an Instructor is. We encourage our black belts to explore these ideas and other options in becoming an Instructor.
We hope our black belts will participate in the growth of our organisation, to share their experience, skills and help continue the legacy of our founder’s art as an International Taekwon-Do Instructor.
Instructing doesn't have to be a marriage to Taekwon-Do. We can offer flexible options, looking outside the traditional model of an Instructor and Club, making it more realistic and achievable.
Some examples that could be explored and developed are:
These are just some ideas that can be developed. We believe that this flexible approach would not incur a huge personal time commitment and would greatly benefit International Taekwon-Do - making it a ‘win-win’ situation.
If you would like to know more, or discuss the options further, please contact the IDO in your area.
To be an Instructor you must first complete an Instructors Induction Course. You then gain approval from your Region, and finally the Technical Director. Once you open your school you would be awarded an Instructors Certificate.
You would normally talk to your own Instructor or Regional Director about the idea, and they would put you in touch with your local Regional Director or Instructor Development officer (IDO). These people can assist you with everything you need to get set up and underway. You would need to apply to your Region for approval before the school was started, and then get final approval from the Technical Director.