

Apply to Host a Course

Hosting courses is a fantastic way to engage with your organisation, connect with new people, and make a valuable contribution. Plus, it earns you a credit point towards your black belt grading!

Your Name:
Email address:
Phone / Txt:
Seminar or Course information
Name of the Course? e.g. Instructor Induction Course
What type of seminar are you requesting?:
Who is it for? e.g. Age? Rank? Beginner etc
What will it include? Brief outline of seminar content
Other details for the webpage? e.g. What to bring, equipment needed etc
Who will host the seminar? e.g. Papakura club, Wgtn region, individual?
Proposed day / date day date
Proposed times e.g. 9am - 1 pm, 9am - 5pm
Venue for Seminar or Course:
Preference for Seminar Instructor:
Type of Event:

Class B Event
Class D Event

If Class D, what is the fundraising for?

See the iTKD Events Management Policy for information on the various types of events.

Class B Event: e.g. National Seminars (such as approved Technical Seminars that receive funding assistance from iTKD)
Class D Event: e.g. Fundraising Seminars (Run by clubs and are endorsed by but not funded by iTKD)

Proposed fee schedule:

Anything else?:


The host is responsible for organising the seminar, the venue and providing to help to course participants.

Class A and B events are funded by ITKD and expenses can be claimed here.
For Class D Events there is no funding from iTKD so no funds need to be returned to iTKD, but accurate attendance records must be kept.

Course fee guidelines are:

Half Day: $40, Full Day: $65

I am applying for funding for travel / expenses for the Instructor

Include brief expectation of costs:

Verify Please :

I agree to the above conditions
and submit my request:


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