
Umpires Course Request Form

This form is to request to host an Umpires course.

The host is responsible for organising and promoting the course. Once the course is approved, the host may deal directly with the course facilitator to make the necessary arrangements.

Umpire Courses are funded from an annual budget available to the Tournament Panel. Approved funding covers the travel, accommodation and food expenses of the course Instructor plus reasonable venue costs for the seminar.

The first step is to approach one of the members of the Tournament Panel to run the course for you. Arrange for the date and venue first, then use this form to apply.

Request form

Your Name:
Email address:
Who will host the course? e.g. Papakura club, Wgtn region etc
Course Day e.g. Saturday
Course Date
Course Venue e.g. Papakura School, Walters Rd, Papakura
What type of course are you requesting?:
Course Facilitator:
Please ask one of the course facilitators if they are available before you fill out this form.

Other information or questions:

Verify Please:

I agree to the above conditions
and submit my request:

Calendar Calendar of Events »
International Taekwon-Do has hundreds of events every year including tournaments, gradings, seminars and camps.

Check our calendar before you request a course so that it doesn't clash with any other event in your region.


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