

Team Legacy Round Robin Tournaments 2015

15th and 29th March 2015

Warrior Training Zone
198 Marua Road
Ellerslie, Auckland

Two fun tournaments to gain experience being hosted in Auckland 2015.
These tournaments are fund-raisers for members attending the ITF World Champs in Italy, 2015. Please help them out by attending either as a competitor or helper. Thank you!

Kids Tournament 15th March:
Organiser: Allister Villiers
Ages 12 and under only 
Patterns, Sparring and other fun stuff
Entry Fee: $25

Senior Tournament 29th March:
Organiser: Alexandra Couling
13yr old+ round robin competition, patterns and/or sparring. 
Entry Fee: $35 for one event or $40 for two

Registration is at 8.30am. Please bring your own mouth guard and groin guard and any other sparring gear you have.


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