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Expense Claim

This form can be used by Regional Directors, examiners or other authorised persons to enable them to claim back expenses that have been given prior authorisation. This form is emailed to the Accounts Manager.

Expense claims should be submitted within 1 month of the Activity taking place. Claims in advance of an Activity being held must be pre-approved by the relevant Advisor Group, Board Chair or Operations. Proof of payment is required for all claims, and a proper receipt provided for any item over $5



Complete the form below

Your Details

Email address
Phone (for queries)
Activity Date
Bank Account #


Authorised by
Date the claim was authorised
I am attaching supporting document?
Attach supporting document

Activity Details

Date Expense Amount
Date Expense Amount
Date Expense Amount
Date Expense Amount
Date Expense Amount
Are you attaching receipts?
Attach scans or digital copy of receipts

Other information

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