
Taekwon-Do Talk

Taekwon-Do Talk magazine is FREE to International Taekwon-Do members throughout New Zealand with back issues available to download here.



Check out the new TKDTALK DIGITAL MAGAZINE here

After 29 years at the helm, Master McPhail is stepping down as editor of TKD Talk. He and his team have taken this publication from a simple leaflet-styled handout, to the magazine that helps define Taekwon-Do in New Zealand today; a publication that is the envy of many International Taekwon-Do organisations.

A huge thanks to past editors of the magazine:
1988 – 1998      Paul McPhail
1999 – 2000      Phil Dunn
2000 – 2001      Hayden Breese
2001 – 2004      Mark Banicevich and Matthew Breen
2005 - 2007      Mark Banicevich
2007 – 2008      Mark Banicevich and Kirsty Irvine
2008 – 2009      Kirsty Irvine
2009 – 2017      Paul McPhail

With the change in editor, come changes in the magazine format. Our new team consisting of Brian Ricketts (pictured top - opposite) and Matt Pilcher (opposite) are currently designing the website from which the magazine will be published. They will be assisted by Andrew Kellett (writer, editor) and Trevor Topfer (website). We anticipate two or three digital issues a year (the number of issues will depend on member’s submissions), plus an end of year hardcopy issue that will be a kind of yearbook. The site will be accessible to the general public; we hope that this additional exposure will encourage more non-members to join ITKD.

We will continue with the kind of magazine content that Master McPhail was so successful in delivering to ITKD members. We would also like to introduce some new items, for example:

  • increased participation from young folk, especially coloured belts. This could be in a variety of formats, such as photo essays, written articles, photos of written articles and art-work, video clips etc.
  • Articles from parents and caregivers of young students, but who themselves are not doing TKD, such as - What value do they see for their kids in the Art, training, social network?
  • Articles from our Masters on some aspect of TKD that interests or concerns them.
  • Articles or photo essays on what TKD means in a very complex world - how do we really build a more peaceful world?

    The list of potential topics and formats is endless. But it will depend on you - the members. 

All members, Junior and Senior, please start thinking about how you might contribute to our National Magazine.
If any member would like to submit an article, or make a suggestion about the new format and content, please send it to: editor@tkdtalk.co.nz

Check out the new TKDTALK DIGITAL MAGAZINE here


About Taekwon-Do Talk
Taekwon-Do Talk - The Official Magazine of ITFNZ Taekwon-Do, was first published in the mid eighties, as a single folded A4 page, called TKD Talk. The name was changed to keep up with the magazine's professional image in April 2005.

Taekwon-Do Talk is now a glossy A4 size full colour magazine, published twice a year, and distributed free to all ITFNZ families throughout New Zealand.

Read about advertising in Taekwon-Do Talk, or contact the Editor.
If you would like to submit an article, letter or photograph to Taekwon-Do Talk, email it to the Editor.
Back issues
You can download back issues in PDF format free!
Nationwide distribution is kindly done by TRIBAL TAEKWON-DO. Any problems or questions - please email Mrs Natasha Iotua

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