
Black Belt Grading Results

Senior Dan Grading - 23rd March 2012

Requirements - notes for candidates

A senior dan grading is to be held at the National Camp, 23rd March 2012. The examiners are Master Davidson and Master McPhail.


Maintaining the highest of standards is our top priority, and all candidates must be up to the required standard in all areas.


It is important to take such a senior grading very seriously, and be prepared to dedicate at least 6 months towards achieving your potential. All senior dans should be good role models to our other members in terms of dedication to training, physical condition, technical knowledge, technical competency and moral culture.


We have placed a large emphasis on the build up to this grading. The idea is that all the hard work is to be done before the day – proving you have the dedication and will-power to achieve the goal of a senior dan in our organisation. With the help of your “assessor” you will have some direction in the 6 months ahead, and you will be able to improve your overall standard.



All candidates must come under the guidance of a senior examiner leading up to the grading. We will be asking to see a brief monthly report from your assessor providing his comments and results of a monthly fitness test. This is also to provide you with some technical assistance and general guidance.


It is up to you to decide who you would like to be your assessor and to approach them. They may or may not require payment for their time, that is up to them. If a senior examiner is not available in your area then you can apply to us to have another person become your assessor.



Fitness Testing

By the time of the grading you must be in top physical condition. All candidates must complete a monthly test with an assessor and have him email the results to Master McPhail. We are interested mainly in your progress and improvement over the 6 month time period.


Below are the tests required and information that your assessor will need to provide. This must be submitted within the first week of each month, for 6 consecutive months leading up to the grading. Fitness tests must be submitted to Master McPhail by the 7th of eah month starting 7th October 2011.

Template for fitness testing


  • Body Mass Index
    Please use this link to calculate your BMI:
    e.g. 23.5. 

    Aim is to be in the “normal” range.

  • Fat percentage
    Please provide your total body fat percentage (e.g. 15%) This can be calculated by various methods (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_fat_percentage)

    The easiest way would be to make an appointment at a gym each month for a skin caliper or BIA test (electronic scales). If you live in Auckland I have some BIA scales that you are welcome to use each month. You must use the same method of measurement each month, preferably at the same time of day.

    Aim is to be in the Average, Fitness or Athletes range.

  • Waist measurement. Measure your waist with a tape measure, level with your navel.

    Aim is to be under 94 cm for men or 80 cm for women.

  • Press-Ups
    Record how many press ups you can complete without stopping (same as black belt fitness test).

    Aim is to perform 50 press ups.

  • Squat kicks
    Record how many squat kicks you can perform without stopping.  Squat so the legs bend to around 90 degrees then stand and perform a front snap kick, alternating legs.

    Aim is 100 (50 each leg).

  • Front Plank
    Record how long you can stay in the Front Plank Position without dropping or lifting your hips. (http://www.maxnrgpt.com.au/blog/exercise-of-the-week/prone-hold/)

    Aim is to hold for 4 minutes.

  • 2.4 Run. Record the time.

    Aim is to run in under 10 minutes (men) or 12 minutes (women).


The results of your monthly tests will be taken into consideration when assessing your fitness and plays an important part of your grading result. If due to injury or medical condition you are unable to complete some of the tests, please provide a medical certificate or adequate information about your condition.



Candidates testing for 4th dan are required to produce a thesis as per our requirements. Those testing for 5th and 6th dan must write an essay choosing one of the following topics:

  • How do we assimilate moral culture into the psyche of the modern day students?
  • What are the challenges of teaching the "Do" in the 21st century and how do we address them
  • How do we cultivate our students to become better citizens in society?


Length for the essay is at least 1000 words. This can be submitted at any time up to one month before the grading.



Those wishing to test for 4th dan and above must have a character reference from two key people within your own region, e.g Regional Director or senior Instructor. The reference must be in support of your application to grade.



Please see the Dan Handbook for the current syllabus. Other points to note:

  • Those testing for 5th and 6th dan are required to do the same breaking as those testing for 4th dan (as per handbook).
  • Those testing for 5th required to perform pre-arranged free sparring against two opponents (1 routine - max one minute).
  • Those testing for 6th dan are required to perform pre-arranged free sparring against three opponents (1 routine - max one minute) and also Foot Sparring. See Encyclopedia for details.
  • Self Defence for those testing to 4th dan is per the handbook: Multiple attackers, non-pre-arranged. Although the handbook says pre-arranged partners are allowed, we will be just using each other for this.
  • Self Defence for 5th and 6th dan will be a test of all levels including the gup syllabus, ground techniques, stick defence and multiple attackers. (Please bring a stick).
  • There will be a written exam at the grading based on the theory syllabus in the handbook, plus some general knowledge Taekwon-Do questions. You should be familiar with the structure and personnel of our organisation in New Zealand and the ITF.


Other Requirements

Please check the handbook to check you comply with requirements such as time period, umpiring, IIC attendance and credits.




The On-Line application should be started now and must be completed one month prior with the fee paid in full.

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