Board Updates
This section keeps you informed about the Board and their activities. Check out who is on the Board.
Board Update 28.02.21
3rd February 2021
New Appointment: Chief Executive Officer – Alex Hayton
The ITKD Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Alex Hayton as Chief Executive Officer.
Alex comes to us with extensive experience in both the private and sports sectors. His sport’s experience comprises senior roles within football and more recently as CFO then CEO at New Zealand Rugby League.
Starting immediately, we're confident Alex will come up to speed quickly. One of his key initial tasks will be driving the development of a new Strategic Plan for the next five years. In the meantime please support the Board in welcoming Alex to the organisation.
Alex will lead the existing Executive Team and work alongside the various Advisor Groups, Executive and Board.
Alex can be reached directly on or 021 288 8822.
Any additional information, please contact the Board Chair Nick Lourantos.
The ITFNZ Board is pleased to advise that the ITFNZ Board Appointment Panel have selected Master Kane Raukura and Ms Sheryl Chase as Appointed Board Members to the ITFNZ Board.
Board Chair Nick Lourantos said that both Master Raukura and Ms Chase bring strong governance, policy development and leadership abilities that will compliment skills already on the Board. “We are extremely lucky that we have exceptional people in our community that are willing to assist and further develop ITFNZ to ensure we provide services and Governance that are relevant to our membership.”
Congratulations to Master Raukura and Ms Chase.
For further information, please contact the Board Chair Nick Lourantos directly on or 021439482.
Board meeting notes October 2020
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Board meeting notes July 2020
The Board of Directors met on 19 July 2020 via Zoom. This email contains a summary of key points from that meeting. If you have any feedback, please contact our Chair, Mr Nick Lourantos.
- Zoom presentation and Q&A with the Board and Instructors
- We will host a Zoom meeting for instructors within the next two weeks.
- We will briefly present our plans, and where we seek volunteers and support, then we will answer questions from you.
- Watch your inbox for an invitation. We would love to see you there!
- Board vacancies
- A huge thank you to Ms Elaine More and Mr Dennis Burns for their many years of dedication to the ITF Board.
- We have two appointed board positions presently vacant, one for 2 years and one for 3 years. Please help us find the best candidates, and refer to the email from Mr Tolley for application details.
- We would benefit from additional skills in marketing and strategy, IT and project management, legal and governance, and accounting and finance. The role includes some work outside board meetings to make things happen.
- The appointment panel comprises of our President Master Patterson, Board Representative our Chair Mr Lourantos, and two independents, Mr Russell Preston (CEO Counties Manukau Sport), and Mr Kevin McCaffrey (Associate Partner Ernst & Young).
- National Awards
- The Board considers it important to recognise our valuable contributors last year and, in particular, this difficult year. Refer to your inbox for Award nomination details, and please submit your nominations.
- This year’s awards will be presented during the National Tournament.
- Who were our COVID-19 Champions? Email Mr Lourantos with some information about which members of our organisation helped your Taekwon-Do students through.
- Recruitment
- We seek to recruit an IT Advisor lead, to help us plan and deliver our IT strategy, and lead the new IT Advisory Group.
- This is a volunteer position. Please think about who you know who could help, and contact Mr Lourantos.
- Strategy day
- The Board needs an experienced facilitator to lead a strategy day. If you know someone who could help, please contact Mr Lourantos.
- Finances
- COVID-19 hit us hard, but our net position January to June 2020 is only about $8,000 below January to June 2019.
- Measured against the adjusted COVID-19 budget that the Board implemented back in March, as expected revenue year to date was down $160k from $270k to $110k (including $35k grading fees, $15k registrations, $10k Kubz, black belt grading $20k, grants and Kiwisport $40k and courses $15k).
- Operating costs are stable, but expenses for gradings, coach travel, courses, and other events are significantly down on the first half of last year.
- We are also aided by government support. Mr Thompson is working through this with Sport NZ.
- Membership
- Membership numbers are significantly down. We currently have just under 3,000 members, 800 down on the end of 2019, and 400 down on this time last year.
- Most of this is due to lockdown happening during our usual annual growth spurt.
- We have more systemic issues to solve, with few clubs opening, few new instructors, ageing instructors, instructors retiring, and some clubs closing. This will be a major focus for the organisation.
- Dr Valles is working with Mr Breen to produce membership reports in Microsoft PowerBI. This powerful data visualisation tool will provide valuable insights into our membership trends.
- ITF update
- The ITF website URL has changed to If you have a link on your website, please update it.
- The ITF Coaches Committee seek to understand the needs of our coaches, and you can complete the survey here.
- The ITF plan to hold an international eTournament for patterns later this year.
- COVID-19
- The Board are concerned that this epidemic is not over, and we may be in for a second round through the Alert Levels at some point.
- Mr Doogan is preparing a digital library of teaching resources that will be available.
- We are asking two key people to create a document to guide and support instructors through each of the four Alert Levels.
- Communications
- Mr Pilcher is doing fantastic work to develop strong communications for our members. Watch this space!
- Online training
- The Tournament Advisory Group plan to develop online courses for C class umpires.
- Dr Jake Pearson is doing some anti-doping training, and we will request an online version of the course.
- Mrs Walton and Dr Eade drafted a Child Protection Policy. We seek to expand this to a Vulnerable Members Policy, and want to include online training for instructors.
- Trademarks
- Mr Thompson is reviewing our logo trademarks, as they are up for renewal.
Board meeting notes May 2020
The Board of Directors met on 10 May 2020 via Zoom. This email contains a summary of key points from that meeting. If you have any feedback, please contact our Chair, Mr Nick Lourantos.
- Zoom presentation and Q&A with the Board and Instructors
- We will host a Zoom meeting for instructors within the next two weeks.
- We will briefly present our plans, and where we seek volunteers and support, then we will answer questions from you.
- Watch your inbox for an invitation. We would love to see you there!
- AGM update
- Our AGM was postponed due to a delay with audited accounts caused by the COVID-19 lockdown.
- We propose holding the AGM via Zoom on 31 May 2020. We expect that the audited accounts will be ready to give instructors two weeks to review them before the AGM, otherwise we will hold a separate SGM to approve the accounts.
- Board vacancies
- This year, two appointed board positions become vacant and we seek applicants for these positions. Please help us find suitable candidates. Contact Mr Lourantos for more information. (We want to ensure everyone is aware of this opportunity; thank you to existing applicants, who are already in contention.)
- A huge thank you to Ms Elaine More and Mr Dennis Burns for their many years of dedication to the ITF Board.
- The appointment panel comprises of our President Master Patterson, Board Representative Master Bhana (shadowed by our Chair Mr Lourantos), and two independents, Mr Russell Preston (CEO Counties Manukau Sport), and Mr Kevin McCaffrey (Associate Partner Ernst & Young).
- COVID-19
- A huge thank you to Master McPhail for hosting a Zoom catchup for instructors on 3 May. Over 50 instructors participated.
- SportNZ suggests that sports can resume when the country moves to Level 2 – with some restrictions (see paper here).
- Our CEO will send a paper shortly that outlines what that means for Taekwon-Do classes.
- We recommend that you contact your venue now to ask them about returning. Some venues are not hiring out as soon as the country moves to Level 2, and you may be impacted.
- SportNZ has announced funding of up to $1,000 for not-for-profit sports clubs to help pay expenses incurred during lockdown, and you can apply through your local Regional Sports Trust (see paper here).
- A huge thank you to those who created fantastic resources to help instructors and students during lockdown. Special mentions to Mrs Shirley Pygott and Miss Emma Pygott for home activity sheets, Master Kane Raukura for theory posters, Mr Matt Pilcher for the ITKD Virtual Dojang on Facebook (where you can find the aforementioned resources), and Master Paul McPhail for his amazing TKD Coaching offer for clubs during lockdown.
- Mr Thompson will talk to Mr Doogan about creating a community of online classes available to our members. Many of our instructors, for example, are running Zoom classes, and we hope to broaden their availability.
- Finance and membership
- Thank you to those who supplied feedback following our budget discussion in our last update.
- Our finances will be impacted negatively by COVID-19. Gup gradings are a primary source of revenue, and without an April grading round, we expect to see this fall by a third. We also expect a fall in membership that will impact reregistration revenue.
- Instructors please update the database with your latest active membership, so we can better forecast our revenues.
- We are considering changing re-registration periods from 31 December, 30 April and 31 August, to 31 March, 30 June and 30 September respectively. This would align with calendar quarters and remove the problematic 31 December reregistration period (when many members lapse, but don’t return to training until February or March). We request your feedback.
- We are working towards analysing membership data in Microsoft PowerBI. This will provide interactive graphical reports that will be very useful for decision-making. Instructors may also be able to access these reports.
- Staff and volunteers
- Master Patterson is writing a job description for a volunteer to lead and manage our IT team and IT development. Please help us find a suitable candidate. Contact Master Patterson for more information.
- Once lockdown ends, and budget allows, the Board will revisit work to recruit a Chief Operations Officer. Please help us find a suitable candidate. Contact Mr Lourantos for more information.
- ITF update
- The ITF Board of Directors has met three times via Zoom since lockdown began.
- Grand Master Weiler has hosted meetings with instructors across Continental Federations to talk about the ITF, and Oceania’s meeting is scheduled for 16 May.
- The ITF hosted an online seminar for Association Presidents in early May, with over 80 participants, including Master Patterson and Master Banicevich. The session included discussions led by Grand Master Weiler, and the Chairs of the Technical, Children’s Development, Taekwon-Do Adapted, Harmony and Do Committees.
- The ITF cancelled all international courses up to the end of August.
- The World Cup in Koper is postponed to 2022, and the Executive Committee will talk with Ireland about potentially moving their hosting to 2024.
Board meeting notes March 2020
The Board of the International Taekwon-Do Foundation of New Zealand met on 1 March 2020. This is a summary of that meeting. If you have any comments, questions or ideas, please contact our Board Chairman, Mr Lourantos on 021 439482 or Here are some notes from the meeting:
- Board Members
- After many years of service Mr Dennis Burns and Mrs Elaine More are both standing down at this AGM. Both have been long standing members of the Board and have provided brilliant service - we thank them sincerely for their valued efforts.
- This means we will need two new appointed Board Members, one for a one year term, and one for a three year term. If you are interested, or you can recommend someone, please contact our Board Chairman, Mr Lourantos,
- Master Banicevich's term has expired. This position is up for election at this year's AGM.
- Budget
- We discussed our membership. Membership levels remain flat, and club locations are closing as quickly as new ones are opening.
- The Board is realigning from a “working board” dictating strategy and operational changes to a support and governance role to allow our strategy to be implement by the executive team. This will require some structural changes in reporting lines and the appointment of a Chief Operating Officer. Existing personnel are likely to stay in similar roles, but with specific functions. Our CEO, Mike Thompson, is likely to move to a role focusing on external funding and liaison – especially Government / Local Body and Sport NZ.
- This, and ever increasing costs, create a hole in our budget. We are lucky enough to have reserve to cover the investment. We have reviewed the budget, and trimmed our costs. We are also looking at ways we can raise revenue through new initiatives, and though current services being provided at no charge but incurring costs for the organisation.
- The Board do not want to increase registration and grading fees. Instead, we seek new sources of revenue. We are proposing that we will introduce small grading fees for mini-kids gradings, when the Technical Advisory Group release the extended mini-kids syllabus. Almost half of our members are 6-11 years old, almost a quarter are 6-8 years old, so a small grading fee for mini-kids will go a long way to boosting our revenue. The Board would appreciate feedback in this regard, email
- We are also proposing to earn a small margin on book sales. (Presently ITFNZ own the intellectual property in our syllabus books but charge no royalty their sale!)
- Kiwisport is changing to Aktive, which aims to keep people active through their teens.
- This creates an opportunity to open classes in these schools.
- We welcome Mr Brendon Doogan who has stepped up to lead this role, taking over from Master Peter Graham.
- We need instructors. Those interested or have ideas in this regard please contact Mr Doogan directly.
- IT systems
- We have an IT working group progressing robustness and sustainability activity on our IT systems.
- We plan to recruit a volunteer IT leader (with project management skills) to lead this project. If you can recommend someone, email
- Online instructor development
- Master McPhail has developed and launched the first online instructor development courses.
- We have a project manager to help Master McPhail with this project.
- We will ask the Tournament Advisory Group to work with this project to create an online C level umpire course (rather than doing this within schools).
- In our next meeting, we plan to workshop
Board meeting notes November 2019
The Board of Directors met on Sunday 24 November in Christchurch. Here is a summary of some of the key items discussed. If you have any feedback, please email our Board Chair,
Operations: The Board of Directors seek to engage a part-time Chief Operating Officer, responsible for streamlining and improving our national operations. Responsibilities will include overseeing our IT infrastructure, improving our administrative processes, and overseeing our staff. We are working with a recruitment company owned by one of our members to identify suitable candidates. Watch our vacancies page if you are interested in applying.
IT summit: on Sunday 17 November, a group of our IT volunteers and staff met in Wellington to discuss risks and our broader IT strategy. The group included our incredible Master Paul McPhail, Mr Neil Breen, Mrs Shirley Pygott, Mr Craig Hannah, Master Gray Patterson, Mr Scott Sutherland, Mr David Lo, Mr David Blackwell and Mr Morgan Lloyd. It was facilitated pro bono by IT strategy consultant Mr Ajay Blackshah. It was a fantastic first step, identifying our key risks and agreeing a workplan to document and progress our IT infrastructure. We seek to establish an IT management team, and we will shortly advertise for someone to lead the team – ideally someone with IT architecture experience. Watch our vacancies page for details, or contact
Anti-bullying: you may have seen Mr Josh Hart in a fantastic segment on Seven Sharp on 22 November. If not, watch this Facebook link. Following this segment, Mr Barry Hart approached the Board with an opportunity for International Taekwon-Do to support anti-bullying in New Zealand. The Board are pursuing the opportunity.
Community funding: the Board of Directors believes we can improve our success rate with community funding applications. We would be very grateful for offers of help, from those with expertise in the area, and those without (students, instructors or other volunteers). Contact for details.
Financial systems: Mr Morgan Lloyd, currently operating as our volunteer “Chief Financial Officer” will be contracted to review our financial systems and processes, including budgeting and administration. We expect to see improvements in reporting and administration processes within six months.
South Island: Masters Patterson and Banicevich met with South Island instructors on 23 November 2019, with a training seminar and instructor meeting. The South Island is presently without a Regional Director. It was a productive meeting, and outcomes included South Island instructors establishing a communication medium for themselves (such as a WhatsApp group), a summer social and training event for them, and possibly a South Island seminar series with one of our fantastic senior instructors.
Kiwisport: Messrs Lourantos and Thompson, and Master Banicevich are getting together in December to plan a proposal to establish new Taekwon-Do classes in schools following Kiwisport programmes. The idea is to administer the schools centrally, and pay local instructors to teach the classes. High performance athletes are great candidates for these positions, because there are benefits for those spending larger sums of money to train and compete in Taekwon-Do. If you have any black belts who would make great class instructors, please email
Sport NZ are changing their strategy to focus on youths, rather than younger children. Their data show a large drop in activity participation after physical education becomes optional at school. Our Board and Management will follow these changes closely to ensure that our strategy aligns with the national strategy, to obtain funding and recognition benefits.
Special ITF event in Seoul, Korea: the ITF are hosting a very special event in Seoul, Korea, 10-15 April 2020 to celebrate the 65th anniversary of Taekwon-Do. Details are available on the ITF website, with further details on Facebook. It includes an IIC, and elements of an International Do Course, International Kids Course, and International Adapted Taekwon-Do Course. There will also be two days of sightseeing for Taekwon-Do enthusiasts, and a gala dinner in the hotel where Taekwon-Do was named! All at a very reasonable price! Places are strictly limited, so book early. If you have trouble logging on to the ITF online system to register, email Mr Tolley.
Finally, we would like to wish all of our International Taekwon-Do family a safe and merry Christmas, and a prosperous and happy New Year.
Board meeting notes 15 September 2019
- Our CEO, Mr Thompson, has plenty of workload in his Inbox. A fair amount of work is undertaken on activities which consumes his time, with minimal return right now to the Organisation. As part of the new 5-year plan currently being developed, a detailed analysis of his workload will be forthcoming. In this regard;
- Nicola Tse and Mike Thompson will review and draft a proposal about how we can better use Kiwisport and Kiwi-TKD to grow our clubs and membership while adding value to existing clubs.
- We are looking at options to increase the efficiency of work performed by our awesome administration team.
- Mr Thompson is arranging a workshop with a number of our IT volunteers and an external facilitator to plan the future of our IT systems.
- Mr Morgan Lloyd would like to contract to the organisation to help improve and take advantages of recent enhancements in our accounting systems and processes. (Mr Lloyd has previously volunteered his time finalising our annual accounts for the past few years, and migrated our accounting to Xero). We will request a project plan from Mr Lloyd for the first few months of work, with measurable milestones and KPIs. The goal here is to release mundane tasks that could be automated, freeing up precious time to provide a higher level of services and facilities. A very exciting time for staff.
- How can we make use of external contractors where tasks, such as, those for short term needs can be allocated?
- Mr Thompson has renewed our group insurance policy, including public liability cover for all ITFNZ clubs (at no cost to instructors). Instructors and administrators should review and check that clubs and school are not double paying in this regard. Mr Thompson would appreciate feedback if the Group policy is not providing the cover you're wanting.
- A significant part of the South Island Region has approached the Board with a view to restructure the current Region into 2 separate Regions. The Board is concerned that while the idea has merit, the current small size of the South Island Region, in terms of the number of clubs and the number of overall student numbers will continue to challenge our members there. Our constitution requires each region to have at least 5 clubs and 200 members. On 23 November, Masters Patterson and Banicevich will conduct a seminar in Christchurch for South Island instructors and seniors, followed by a planning meeting to determine how to grow both parts of the South Island to the required minimum size. The following day, the Board meet in Christchurch.
- On a final note, and by no means a small one, after many years of fine dedicated service to the Organisation, Mr Dennis Burns has stepped down as the Chair of the Board of Directors. His ability to gather and lead the Organisation thru a major change milestone can not be measured. Thankfully he will remain on the Board to provide much guidance to the new elected Chair Mr Nick Lourantos from the Wellington Region.
If you have any feedback or questions, please contact our Chair,
Mr Nick Lourantos, or our CEO,
Mr Mike Thompson.
Master Mark Banicevich
Member of the Board.
Board meeting notes 9 June 2019
The International Taekwon-Do Board met in Wellington on 9 June 2019. Here is a summary of key points that may interest instructors. Our next meeting will be on 24 September.
- Situations vacant:
- We seek a volunteer Media Liaison Officer. This person will plan and coordinate our media presence, work with our PR consultant monthly, and work with a team of media and photography volunteers. A job description will be available soon at Check the page regularly over the next two weeks.
- We seek an Assistant Accounts And Database Administrator to assist Mrs Pygott. This is a paid position. Xero experience preferred. A job description will be available soon at Check the page regularly over the next two weeks.
- We seek a volunteer Programme Manager. The Technical Advisory Group are creating a significant programme to develop instructors. It will proceed more smoothly if Master McPhail has a Programme Manager to help him. A job description will be available soon at Check the page regularly over the next two weeks.
- Instructors, when a student stops training, please go to the database and set the student to “Gone” as quickly as possible. There is also a box for you to select the reason they stopped training. When a student is set to “Gone”, the system emails them an exit survey. If this is not sent soon after they stop training, they are very unlikely to complete it.
- The Board identified three key priorities for 2019:
- Instructor development. The Technical Committee are developing a programme of training videos on numerous topics to improve the knowledge and skills of instructors. This is a large piece of work that would benefit from a volunteer Programme Manager (see situations vacant, above).
- Recruit volunteers. It takes a lot of work to keep an organisation like ours running well. Presently there are a small number of people doing a great deal of work. We would like to recruit a much larger pool of volunteers (1) to spread the load into many small jobs, and (2) to ensure succession planning and redundancy, so roles can be covered easily when someone stops temporarily or permanently.
- Ensure compliance. As we get smarter and more organised, we should ensure that our schools and organisation are robust and compliant with all legal obligations. We plan to develop simple policy manuals for schools, and we are reviewing our operations structure to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
- We intend to propose a change to the Constitution at the next AGM. When a group remains unchanged for a significant period of time, group think emerges, and creativity declines. Therefore, we will propose that a Board Member may sit on our Board of Directors for a maximum of two consecutive terms (6 years). After these terms, a person may not sit on the Board for one complete term (3 years). Each year, two of our six Board Members’ terms expire, and four remain, so we will get fresh people and ideas, while retaining continuity.
- We are investigating two projects to make things easier for instructors and members:
- A payment gateway on When a member registers for a tournament, seminar or otherwise makes a payment on the national website, they will pay via a payment gateway. The national association will transfer money to the event organizer. Presently different events have different bank accounts for payment, so this will make the user experience much simpler, and reduce payment errors.
- A new process to issue syllabus books and cards to new students. Once implemented, cards will be sent directly to new members with a welcome letter. Instructors will carry small stocks of syllabus books so new members can receive their book as soon as they join, rather than waiting for them to be sent. Instructors can reorder books as desired, and will be invoiced for excess books periodically.
- We discussed a few matters related to information technology:
- We want to assemble a working group of IT experts to discuss our current and future IT needs. We seek an independent expert to facilitate this discussion.
- Our website hits are falling. Facebook is becoming an alternative medium to receive news, and our new website separates hits between the main page and member pages.
- Our main page’s location finder has problems, and the developer is investigating.
- We need a volunteer to develop and manage our social media presence.
- Kiwisport is likely to change format in the next two years. A working group will develop an alternative approach to Kiwisport to fit with the new paradigm. If successful, the approach will result in more clubs and more students for International Taekwon-Do.
- If any member travels internationally on ITF business, and the full costs of travel are not covered by the ITF, the NZ Board will consider contributing to the member’s costs. Applications should be made in advance, and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
November 2018
The Board met on 25 November 2018. This was our final meeting for the year. This is a summary of the key matters we discussed. Please send feedback to the Board Chair.
- We are conducting a full review of operations, and Mr Thompson reported on its progress.
- We are reviewing the roles undertaken in our organisation (paid and volunteer roles), to review how we can do everything better and more efficiently. This project will take another 6-12 months.
- Mr Breen created a suite of growth and retention reports for us – by region and by club/school. We will send these reports to RDs, and encourage them to discuss them with instructors in their region. Where are you growing? Where are you losing members? Are there clubs/schools in your region doing things they can share with others to help everyone retain students?
- Mr Thompson will investigate the possibility of an online payment gateway on our national website. The goals will be to improve our member experience (registering and paying for seminars, tournaments, etc), and streamline our administration.
- We are reviewing the role of Regional Directors (RDs). All RDs met with our CEO earlier in the year, and we will use the outcomes of this meeting to shape the RD role going forward.
- We are aware of gaps in our policies and procedures that may leave our instructors and our organisation vulnerable. We are looking into options for a robust policy review – hopefully with useful one-page policies for instructors and clubs/schools! One example is that we should be reporting health and safety incidents to Board level, and we need to devise a method to do so.
- Our finances are a little behind plan this year. The biggest gap is a shortfall of about $30,000 from funding applications. We also made a loss at the National Tournament, and grading revenue is down on expectations. We are still running a surplus, and our accounts are in good shape.
- We are currently without an RD in the South Island, and some instructors are experiencing difficulties. The Board will provide resources to gather instructors to talk through and resolve these issues.
Our 2019 year will begin with a day devoted to strategy and prioritising operations projects.
As 2018 comes to a close, we wish everyone a very merry Christmas, and a safe and happy New Year.
September 2018
The Board met on Sunday 16 September. This is a summary of key points from our meeting. If you have any feedback or questions, please contact Mr Burns,
- Good luck to all students and instructors competing at the ITF World Cup in Sydney!
- The 2019 National Tournament will be hosted by Counties Manukau.
- The 2020 National Tournament will be hosted by Central Districts.
- We plan to book our tournaments two years ahead so that we don't miss out on in-demand venues.
- The Board implemented a group insurance policy for all clubs, for professional liability.
- Mr Thompson will send a separate email soon to outline the policy, which will include links to the policy wording and other relevant documents.
- Instructors who have their own cover may like to compare the cover, and might cancel their existing policies.
- To gain the full benefit of this policy, you should have implemented a health and safety policy (using the template Mr Tolley sent earlier this year - email for more information).
- Submit your health and safety policy to Mr Tolley for national records (
- Review your policy every year.
- The Operations Review is in full swing.
- We have an interim report from our external consultant, which raised many interesting points about our strengths and weaknesses as an organisation.
- Regional Directors gathered recently for a workshop, and their feedback will also inform this review.
- Mr Thompson will produce a final report, hopefully before our next Board meeting, which will give us some clear suggestions for how to improve our organisation.
- Master Bhana will produce a child protection policy for the organisation.
- Our financials look strong. Thanks to Mrs Pygott and Mr Lloyd for getting these in order. We plan to work on some quarterly operational reports (with the amazing Mr Breen).
- Miss Tse and Miss Bates are working on ways to improve our marketing and communications.
- We encourage everyone to review our Strategic Plan and hold the Board accountable to it. The Board are changing procedures to ensure the plan is at the centre of what we do. You can find it here,
- Master McPhail and Master Banicevich are reviewing the mini-kids syllabus, including the book, syllabus and gradings.
March 2018
The Board met on 11 March 2018. Here are my notes from our meeting.
Remember that the AGM is on 29 April at MMC in Ellerslie, Auckland. Mr Graham is not re-standing for his board position, and Master Davidson is not re-standing as president. Get your nominations to Mr Tolley before Saturday 31 March. Who do you think could help us achieve our goals?
The 2018 budget was approved. This is a good time to comment on our finances, because many instructors wonder where the money goes. Our financial accounts are released every year, this is just a few interesting points to note for the year to 31 December 2017:
- Our daily cash movements can be up to $30,000, so we keep about $30,000 in a current account. Large payments are for things like Kiwisport.
- At the end of December, we had about $75,000 in a savings account, and about $100,000 in term deposits.
- For accounting types: we have about $165,000 in retained earnings.
- Our primary sources of revenue are registrations ($100,000) and gradings ($70,000, net of $45,000 to examiners, and other expenses).
- We have a lot of money go in and out for things like Kiwisport and tournaments, which approximately breakeven, and high performance.
- We contribute money to things like high performance ($15,000), and the Technical Advisory Group ($10,000).
- Our biggest expense is administration ($120,000), which paid for our half-time CEO, half-time Operations Executive, bookkeeping and database work.
- We also spent about $15,000 on marketing, about half of that to develop the new website front-end.
We are starting to get good financial data at board level, thanks to Morgan Lloyd and Shirley Pygott. In future, we expect to get quarterly financial reports within three weeks of the end of each quarter. We will ask advisory groups and regions to report on the same timeline. The last series of quarterly reports we seek will be about student numbers (including new members and lapses).
Mr Thompson is presently performing an operations review to identify out pain points and make things better for instructors. This will include reviewing our paid and unpaid personnel. Unfortunately this is taking him away from his day job, so we allocated $10,000 to employ an operations specialist for 10 hours per week for six months to perform this, and other, operations projects. (One small operational project underway is reviewing our gup certificate process - can we make it more effective?)
Master Banicevich was tasked to perform a revenue review. As stated above, our primary sources of revenue are registrations and gup gradings. Every couple of years, we review these costs. Could there be other sources of revenue for the organisation, to help us achieve our goals? Rather than increasing grading fees, could we find other ways to earn small amounts of revenue at regular interactions? For example, we do not make money on the sale of handbooks (unless they are purchased directly from the organisation)!
Mr Graham's trial of a satellite club is going well. Mr Thompson and Master Banicevich would like to continue the "Plus 500" initiative by talking to Mr Graham and Mrs Jasberg-Young about it. This will also form part of a Kiwisport review - how can we optimise our benefits from this programme?
Mr Thompson and Master Banicevich are looking into an opportunity about public liability insurance. This may also involve training for all instructors to help us understand our general liabilities and reduce our risk of not complying with various areas of law, such as health and safety, privacy, employment, and tax. We could all sleep much easier if we knew we were meeting all of our legal obligations!
We would love to receive feedback: what frustrates you? What should the organisation be doing to help you, and to be better? Email
We look forward to hearing from you.
November 2017
Here are some notes from the Board meeting on 12 November. If you have any comments or questions, email Mr Thompson or Mr Burns.
Mr Thompson will undertake an operational review, with recommendations by the end of March 2018. Presently we have eight part-time contractors working for the organisation performing various jobs. What work will we need performed over the next few years? Do we have the right mix of skills and enough capacity in our operational team? Are we doing the right things, or can we improve our processes? We discussed a few specific issues that will be included in the review:
- Why can't instructors manage their own stock of student manuals, and give them to new students as soon as they join, rather than waiting a few weeks for them to be sent out?
- Can we accelerate the time it takes to receive gup certificates, so students can receive certificates when they receive grading results?
- Can we streamline Kubz, mini-kids and gup gradings? Should we semi-formalise mini-kids gradings with a national certificate and reasonable grading fee?
Next year will be our busiest KiwiSport year so far. We want to open permanent Taekwon-Do classes in many of the target schools, using the Plus500 idea. Mr Graham and Mr Kevin Matsuoka are presently running a pilot in St Francis School. Mr Banicevich and Mr Thompson will expand this concept, including a standard school launch pack, and administration processes. We may develop a similar pack that existing schools can use to run promotions for new students at the start of each school year.
Mr Lloyd is working hard to create regular financial reporting systems. The goal is for the Board to access a quarterly financial reporting pack that clearly shows our financial position. Mr Lloyd will meet with Mr Thompson, Mrs Pygott and Mr Banicevich to design the processes and reports.
Our new website is up! If you haven't seen it, visit now! The goal of the new website is to direct prospective members to their nearest International Taekwon-Do location. The site is running a little slowly on some operating systems and browsers, and Ms Tse will follow up with the designers.
Ms Tse will undertake a review of school retention. This may include some standard reports for instructors (if you haven't seen your student retention report on the national database, check it out!). We are also identifying the processes required to run a successful school, with a view to offering training and tools to help instructors. We would like to include sessions for instructors to cover these topics at national gatherings, such as camps, seminars, and possibly even tournaments.
Over the years, many people brought great ideas to the Board or management team. We agreed to improve our follow up process as we haven't consistently returned to the person to tell them what happened to the idea. We love receiving ideas - good ideas that fit with our national strategy help us all. All ideas are considered and evaluated. Not all ideas are implemented - some don't fit with our strategy, some cost more than the benefits they deliver, and with limited resources, we can't do everything. In future, Mr Thompson will keep track of every idea that comes to the Board or management team, and he or the Regional Directors will also notify the person about the outcome. Please bring your ideas forward - to your Regional Director, our CEO, or the Board.
We do many things to keep our members safe. One thing we haven't done in the past, and we will start doing now, is periodically police checking all instructors and assistant instructors. Where there is a cost, this will be borne by International Taekwon-Do. It's a small thing, and an important thing to be able to include in our marketing material - "All of our instructors are qualified black belts who are police vetted and hold current first aid certificates". With that in mind, some instructors have expired first aid certificates. These are important for your students' safety.
Finally Master Davidson and the Board wants all instructors and members to support the ITF World Cup in Sydney in September 2018. This is open to blue belts and above, and will be a fantastic tournament. Master Daher (the tournament host) is a strong supporter of International Taekwon-Do, and this is our opportunity to support him. Start saving! Even if you are not competing, come along, have a holiday in Sydney, and watch some of the best Taekwon-Do in the world on display in our corner of the globe!
Have a safe and merry Christmas, everyone. Thank you for your fantastic involvement in 2017, and we look forward to an excellent 2018!
June 2017
What are the board doing?
At the board meeting on 5 June, we agreed that we would provide quarterly board updates on high level activity relating to the organisation's strategic priorities. These will be brief - something you can read quickly and if you have any concerns, comments or ideas, you can send them to the Board Chairman.
What are the board and management teams doing?
- Instructor development is an important focus and objective for International Taekwon-Do. How does this look? How can the organisation help us become even better instructors, and develop new ones? The Technical Advisory Group with board and management assistance will work to formulate a draft instructor development plan.
- KiwiSport is working well. How does the organisation further capitalise on the success of this initiative? What happens if the funding model changes drastically? Elaine More and CEO Mike Thompson will be organising a workshop to discuss our leverage options, planning for the unexpected, and developing new strategies to encourage sustainable growth. (See below for a new pilot growth program.)
- Succession planning is an area of high interest for the board. As with most predominantly volunteer organisations we have a heavy reliance on people in key positions. Mr Graham is working through a list of key personnel and tasks to write job descriptions and develop succession plans to ensure adequate provision going forward.
- The International Taekwon-Do website is receiving a facelift. In particular, we need an entry page that effectively targets new members. Ms Nicola Tse and operations are working with a website company to develop this public facing page.
- Finance and reporting are being overhauled by Morgan Lloyd and the management team. I look forward to working work with this team to define management reports so we can better budget and manage our finances.
Seeking Help
We need your help, there are some one-off tasks within specific areas that we aim to improve. In future, the board or management team may email all members to see if anyone would be willing to help develop some discrete projects. We want to tap into the highly skilled members in our organisation who are willing to help us achieve more.
A new growth pilot project
This pilot aims to help our future instructors open new clubs by leveraging existing programmes and opportunities like Kiwisport. The project aims to address some of the barriers associated with setting up a new club:
- Finding the venue
- Finding the instructor
- Administration, or finding an administrator / owner.
Further details will follow once we have worked out the scope and logistics and in the meantime, here are a few questions:
- Do you have any black belts who you think would make great instructors? Can they be coached to instruct classes in a satellite venue linked to your own school/club?
- What additional support (if any) would you need to manage the classes as part of your school / club?
- Could finances be integrated with your own club / school finances?
Reply to me by email, and let's grow our instructors, students and membership together!
Mark Banicevich.
On behalf of the board.
May 2016
The May Board meeting was held last weekend, and in addition to my re-election by fellow board members as Chair for another year, we welcomed Master Bhana’s re-election and the reappointment of Ms Elaine More. We also took the opportunity to congratulate Master Davidson on his continued Presidency.
We started the day on the alignment of our Strategic values with the Operational Business Plan prepared by CEO Mike Thompson. We then discussed and signed off on a reshuffle of roles within the Board. Prior to the meeting we had identified a need to fill the gap left by Mr Herbison’s departure. Thankfully, Mr Peter Gudsell has stepped up and agreed to be an advisor to the Board.
Our roles at Board level are:
Mr Dennis Burns
Master Bhana
Mr Peter Graham
Mr Peter Gudsell (Advisor)
Ms Elaine More
Mr Vince Pygott
Ms Nicola Tse |
Board Chair (and liaison with CEO & Operations)
Advisor Group Liaison
Volunteers; support training & succession
Finance, Risk, Audit and Accountability
Sport NZ Liaison & Strategic Alignment
Health & Safety and iTKD Polices
Marketing & Growth Support |
Other areas covered were:
Health & Safety
As a key focus area for our organisation, we took the opportunity to thank Operations and Mr Tolley in particular on the work done on the templates for clubs to use in setting up their own individual Health & SafetyRisk Management Plans. However, it is was of concern to the Board that nearly two months following Mr Tolley’s email, some clubs have yet to start putting this into place.
I will take the opportunity to re-state the last paragraph in Mr Tolley’s email;
“If you do not have a plan in place and something goes horribly wrong the consequences are stiff fines and even incarceration”
And of course even more importantly we want to keep our members safe. It is not an option to do nothing. If you need help, as a first step please contact your RD or fellow instructors in your region and failing that, please contact Mr Tolley in Operations. Email
The Board and Operations are working together on a redesign of our Website. This is a targeted Marketing Strategy looking at how we can integrate our current Database/website and financial systems. The latter is to try and streamline processes where in some cases the same information has to be entered several times.
Board Risk Register
Master Bhana and I will be working with Mr Gudsell to put in place a Board Risk Register. This will be a tool we can use to identify and monitor areas of risk for our organisation, rate importance level and then prioritise action as appropriate.
Should you have any questions, in regards the items noted above, please do contact me
Dennis Burns
Board Chairman
International Taekwon-Do Foundation of New Zealand
February 2016
The Board gathered in Auckland on Sunday for the first Board meeting for 2016 and we are already 3 months into the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan.
In addition to business as usual, we discussed how the Board and Operations are going to monitor and measure success against the plan. Step one was to simplify the way we communicate the Strategic Plan i.e. “our one pager”. Now we need to simplify how we collate reliable evidence to support progression against measurable targets, i.e. 'how do we know we are doing well’?
This background work is in progress and in conjunction with Mike Thompson, our CEO, aim to have a new quarterly dashboard, available to us for our next board meeting in May. This will then be made available to all members.
On a personal note, whilst on the plane home, I was reviewing the meeting and looking over our “one pager”. Having missed out on a lovely Wellington Day and time with family, my thoughts turned to the myriad of volunteers, who like the Board, take the time out from family and friends to help our organisation be a success. Why? Speaking for myself, it is because it is what I enjoy doing. I am constantly learning new things, the role as Board Chair is challenging, and in the end it is that combination that makes it very rewarding. We would love to know what motivates others. Because finding this out will, in the end, help us all achieve one of our focus areas. To “Attract and retain the staff and volunteer base that are the cornerstone of effective and sustainable delivery”.
As always, I look forward to any comments you may have. The board is constantly challenging ourselves to be more open and available. We welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can make International Taekwon-Do enrich our lives and teach valuable physical, ethical, and moral skills.
Kind regards,
Dennis Burns
(Board Chairperson)

October 2014
Hi all, We have just finished the October Board meeting and had a really productive session, with work done on
- Internal Communications,
- Future direction for External Marketing, A good discussion and presentation from Dave Worsley about how we interact with the Media and the need for him to have stories from iTKD instructors to promote Taekwon-Do,
- We had a presentation on and started discussing how we can empower our individual/organisation web sites to improve market penetration,
- The Budget round is nearly upon us. The finance subcommittee is meeting on the 18th of this month to develop and have ready, the 2015 budget, for Board discussion/ratification in November,
- We also discussed the upcoming Strategic review for next year and have set in place the dates for the 2015 Board meetings. These will be on the first Sunday in each school term with dates posted in the iTKD Events Calendar
- Other items discussed were a review of our Policy documents, Pathways Project and a review of internal and external Audit procedures and processes.
If would like more information please email me at
At the recent AGM Master Mahesh Bhana was re elected for a three year term and will continue in his role as Advisory Panel liaison with the Board. Congratulations to the re-appointment of our Board Chairman Mr Dennis Burns, and welcome to our new Board Member Elaine More.
The Board appointed Elaine recently as Ms Sheryl Chase stood down as board member. A huge thanks to Ms Chase for all her valuable input to the Board over the last two years. Ms Chase continues her role as co-instructor at Khandallah and key driving force in the Wellington region.
Elaine has had a long history in the health sector before making the life-changing decision to move to sport in early 2002. She currently holds a senior leadership role at a Regional Sports Trust (RST) in Auckland providing strategic and operational support to the organisation. Elaine’s current contribution is primarily in the area of Community Sport (including KiwiSport) and is focused on successful win-win outcomes in the complex and uniquely challenging sport sector.
Elaine has a Bachelor’s Degree in Sport and a Post Graduate Diploma in Social Sector Evaluation research. Elaine has a passion for Taekwon-Do and although forced to retire due to injury, practiced for many happy years to a Second Degree Black Belt level.
CEO Update - February 2013
We are well into 2013, the schools are back, and we’re looking forward to another year that will be as busy and successful as the last.
In these notes, I’ll be explaining the work that happens away from the dojang, what takes up my time, and sharing the successes we achieve.
Kiwisport was a big feature of 2012. The pilot schemes were launched in the early part of the year in Counties Manukau. Some of these have completed their first year and been extended to a further course this year. As a result of this success, three new clubs have been started in schools – Redoubt school for example.
This success has let us expand the scheme to other regions, including Auckland, Waitakere, and Wellington. This involves going out and talking to the schools, getting them interested, and bringing together the school, enthusiastic instructors and the Sport New Zealand funding. In short, it’s exactly what Sport New Zealand are for – to get more young people out doing sport.
For International Taekwon-Do, this all provides us with a great way of getting more people to see our martial art. We have received over $150,000 in funding for the programmes, with a large percentage of that going the instructors themselves. The feedback has been nothing but positive, from both instructors and students.
At the other end of the scale, the high performance athletes have been busy preparing for the 2013 World Championships. The New Zealand team trials have just completed, with over 60 of our top people competing for a place. The trials weekend was the final phase of months of training and hard work from the competitors and team managers. There has been training sessions every week, monthly regional training sessions, and two full national camps over December and January.
The role of the CEO in this is to assist with support and funding where possible, work with Sport New Zealand, and bring top people from around the world over to help our top people.
We now have the highest membership we have ever had, growing 10% per year. We get regular comments from trusts and outside organisations about the quality of our organisation and what we provide. 2012 was a very successful year, and 2013 will be even better.
Questions for Mr Thompson
Q1. You have been involved with other sports organisations in New Zealand, how does Taekwon-Do compare in terms of the size of the organisation.
I have been involved in some very well developed sports like cricket, football, squash and in Secondary School Sport. Those sports organisations varied in size from 22,000 members to 96,000 participants so you could say that International Taekwon-Do and Martial Arts in general are relatively small in comparison, but every organisation has its own advantages so while those organisations might have been larger and had more resource, Taekwon-Do has the benefits of being nimble and quick to act (sometimes) so we can drive change more quickly. I have also been impressed by the quality of the volunteers I have met in my three years in this role, and believe that they also have the opportunity to see the effects of their contributions quicker that in the larger sports.
Q2. Rugby and Netball seem to be the only sports that get regular television coverage. What are the possibilities of getting Taekwon-Do on the small screen ?
This is a real challenge for us and other sports, but the World Champs in 2011 showed we can get on the news if we have something to talk about that interests the media. So we have to keep on winning internationally, have great stories to tell about our people, and know who the right people are to talk to. This is a work in progress but last year we were on TV3 as well. If we got on telly every month it would be a major achievement for us. Baseball are good at it and I am also talking to them and Aussie Rules about leveraging activity to create profile.
At the recent AGM held in Auckland, Master Davidson was re elected as President of ITKD and Mr. Peter Graham was re elected to the Board for a further 3 years term. Mr. Kris Herbison was re appointed by the Appointment Panel to the Board for further term of 3 years also.
Congratulations to everyone.
Elected Board Member
At the recent AGM held in April 2011, Mr Pygott was voted in for a further three year term on the ITFNZ Board - Congratulations to Mr Pygott.
Appointed Board Member
On the 3rd of May 2011, the ITFNZ Appointment Panel comprising of Mr Russell Preston, CEO Counties Manukau Sports, Mrs Lynette Adams, CEO Waitakere Sports, Master Davidson, International Taekwon-Do President and Master Bhana, Board representative and Panel Co-ordinator, conducted interviews for an appointed board position with a term of three years. The successful applicant was Ms Sheryl Chase. Ms Chase is a Senior Policy Analyst for the Ministry of Economic Development and has held various role within government agencies as an Analyst. She has numerous academic achievements to her name, including a Bachelor of Management degree with Honours in Economics. She has also been a director of her own company, is a keen and enthusiastic Taekwon-Do practitioner and was a core member of the leadership group who organised the recent ITF World Championships in Wellington.
Ms Chase brings valuable skills and perspective to the Board - we wish Ms Chase all the best as a Board member.

Board Chairman Mr Dennis Burns with ITFNZ's new CEO, Mr Mike Thompson
Board communique 8 - March 2010
Board communique Nov 2009 
Board Decision Paper - Rebranding 09 11 03 Issued
Executive Officer
ITFNZ Taekwon-Do is going through some exciting changes, strengthening our ability to promote and deliver the original Taekwon-Do throughout New Zealand whilst preserving the philosophy, moral character and quality of the Art.
Adopting a more professional and commercial approach to the running of the organisation, a Board has been elected in place of an Executive. We are now seeking a strong people leader with demonstrable business management success, ideally within the Sports sector, to act as Executive Officer to the Board.
A senior management position, this role is responsible for the successful overall management of ITFNZ Taekwon-Do and will work closely with the board to build and deliver the strategic direction for ITFNZ.
To achieve success, you’ll bring your strong business and financial management experience along with an ability to think strategically and act locally, delivering against initiatives that support the strategic plan, annual business plans and annual budget. With exceptional organisational skills you’ll excel at delivering results against deadlines and will manage policy and processes, system enhancements and continuous improvement initiatives.
A credible and articulate communicator, you’ll be at comfort relating to a diverse audience, leading external and internal stakeholder engagement, building advocacy for the organisation, whilst providing authentic leadership and direction to staff, the board and the membership.
We are fortunate to have secured funding to support this role through Sport New Zealand and NZ Community Trust and as such, the position is a part-time salaried position for a fixed term of 12 months.
To apply for this rare opportunity, please send an electronic copy of your resume along with a covering letter to Dennis Burns, ITFNZ Board Chairman.
Applications close Friday 27 November 2009.
Board communique Sep 2009.pdf 
Board communique Jul/Aug 2009.pdf 
The Board Appointment panel conducted interviews on 7 July 2009 for an appointed position which was up for renewal this year on the ITFNZ Board.
The panel would like to congratulate Mr Kris Herbison on his appointment to the Board for a term of three years. Mr Herbison will be well known to many of you and brings with him a diverse range of skills that will be beneficial at Board level.
Mr Herbison replaces Mr Krishna Reddy who served on the inaugural Board for just over a year.
We would like to thank Mr Reddy for his valuable input and contribution during his time on the Board.
The appointment panel consisted of Master Paul McPhail, nominee of the ITFNZ President, Master Mahesh Bhana, representing the ITFNZ Board, Mr Russell Preston, CEO of Counties Manukau Sport and Ms Sarah Dunning, a Relationship Manager at SPARC.
The Appointment Panel would like to thank all candidates who applied for the appointed position.
The ITFNZ Board of Directors would like to thank Mr Preston and Ms Dunning for volunteering their time to be on the appointment panel for the second year running and providing invaluable assistance, resources and guidance in the interview process. The level of support has been exceptional and most appreciated.
Also, our congratulations to Mr Peter Graham who was re-elected for a further three year term on the ITFNZ Board at our recent AGM held in Auckland on 28 June 2009.
Forth communiqué issued
Board communique July 2009.pdf 
Third communiqué issued
Board communique February 2009.pdf 
Second communiqué issued
Board communique October 2008.pdf
and 2011 World Champs brochure 
First communiqué issued
The new ITFNZ Board of Directors had their first meeting on Sunday 29th June and have issued this communique. The Board Chairman Mr Denis Burns has indicated that they want to keep things pretty much “Steady as you go” until we get a chance to really get moving.
Board communique July 2008.pdf 
Mr Dennis Burns
Chairman of the Board
P O Box 27032
Wellington 6141
New Zealand
ITFNZ announces its appointed Board Members
The Board Appointment Panel for ITFNZ met on the evenings of 27 and 28 May to interview five candidates for appointed Board Members. It is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of the following members:
- Mr Terry Harkin, of Wellington, for three years
Mr Harkin has a strong background in insurance, particularly in risk management, project management and relationship management for corporate sponsorship. He is an experienced motivator, who gently guides his team on their chosen path. With his corporate sponsorship role, Mr Harkin also brings extensive business networks.
- Mr Dennis Burns, of Wellington, for two years
Mr Burns runs a very successful architecture business in Wellington and Auckland. He is a creative person with a passion for the success of ITFNZ, and experience with charitable organisations and government entities. Mr Burns successfully helped a number of other organisations to build their membership numbers.
- Mr Krishna Reddy, of New Plymouth, for one year
Mr Reddy is an academic researching in the area of governance and Boards of Directors, with governance experience in the not for profit sector. He has a strong background in banking and finance. Mr Reddy's knowledge will be essential to create the correct policies and procedures to run our Board of Directors in the future.
The Appointment Panel would like to thank all candidates for coming forward to help ITFNZ into the future. The candidates were of high calibre, and the decisions were difficult.
Prior to advertising for appointed members, elected members analysed their own skills and experience to identify gaps in the team. The Appointment Panel sought to appoint Board Members with complementary skills to fill the existing gaps. It was important to ensure the resulting team will work well together to govern ITFNZ, and to ensure the team has the overall skills required to work on the strategic challenges facing the new Board.
The appointment panel were Mr Mahesh Bhana, representing the Board, Mr Russell Preston, CEO of Counties Manukau Sport, Ms Sarah Dunning, a Relationship Manager at SPARC, and Mr Mark Banicevich, nominee of the ITFNZ President.
The existing members of the Board of Directors, elected by ITFNZ members, are Mr Mahesh Bhana, Mr Peter Graham and Mr Vince Pygott.
We look forward to following the progress of our Board of Directors over the ensuing months.
The Board of Directors would like to thank Mr Preston and Ms Dunning for their invaluable assistance interviewing and selected appointed Board Members.
Congratulations to Mr Graham, Mr Bhana, and Mr Pygott on being elected to the ITFNZ Board.
Download the minutes of 28th AGM of the ITFNZ Council here
We have a lot to do now that we have a new structure. The very next item is to appoint 3 more board members to the ITFNZ Board. We also need to appoint a Chief Executive Officer and Secretary. So NOW more than ever we need people to stand up and put themselves forward to take on new challenges within our organisation. Please consider putting your name forward for these positions. Or maybe you have a family member with experience and expertise in areas that can help our organisation?
Please consider seriously taking on a position or seeking good people to take on positions within the new and exciting ITFNZ.
Read more about ITFNZ's Governance and Structure.
Applications (including CV’s) for Chief Executive Officer and Secretary may be made by anyone.
The ITFNZ Board will be appointing the CEO’s position first, with Applications and CV’s needing to be received by the Secretary P.O.Box 38-842 Howick Auckland .
A Job Description for the Secretary’s position can be downloaded here
The CEO’s Job Description will be affixed soon.
The due dates for these applications will be advised soon.
Read more about ITFNZ's Governance and Structure.
Attributes that we are looking for in our Board Members:
- Ability to think strategically (X 2.0)
- Analytical, critical reasoning and problem solving skills
- Strong financial literacy and analytical ability (X 1.5)
- Oral communication skills (X 1.5)
- Ability to understand and relate to stakeholders
- Legal knowledge, literacy, skills and ability
- Understanding of marketing
- Understanding of inter and intra-organisation communication
- Ethical, open, honest, trustworthy, high levels of integrity
- Independence and inquisitiveness (X 1.5)
- Ability to establish quality relationships
- Ability to work as a team player (X 2.0)
- Preparedness to work hard and commit time and effort to do the job (X 1.5)
- Has an outcomes focus
- Strong stewardship orientation/member focus
- Sponsorship and funding experience
- Governance experience
- Understanding of and experience in the sport (X 1.5)
- Community/stakeholder influence and connections
- Broad business experience (X 1.5)
- CEO appointment and evaluation experience
- Management structure review and evaluation experience (X 1.5)
Meeting Performance
- Well prepared for meetings
- Adds value to board dialogue (X 2.0)
- Able to focus at the governance level of issues
- Able to disagree without being disagreeable