
How to Join

If you are interested in Taekwon-Do and joining a great organisation, you are in the right place! See where all our Schools are on one map here.
You are more than welcome to just turn up to any of our Locations, watch a class and have a chat to the Instructor. Alternatively you can email us and one of our instructors will be in touch.
If you have any general questions, chances are they are answered in our FAQ section.

To make contact, visit our Contact Us Page.

Quick Facts

  • International Taekwon-Do has been established in NZ for over 50 years
  • Over 3000 active members
  • Around 60 schools nationwide
  • Youngest members aged 4, oldest student is over 70!
  • Great for fitness & wellbeing

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International Taekwon-Do Federation
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