
Taekwon-Do for Kids

An email from a Parent

"At the beginning of this year I bought you my disobedient, angry and occasionally violent son. I clearly remember cringing each time he was told off for fidgeting, not listening or talking when he wasn't supposed to be.

Well, I am writing to you tonight to thank you both for helping him to discover a positive outlet for his frustrations and all that extra energy. In the space of this year, he has gone from being "that kid who drives the teacher crazy" and "the kid who's mum has to go to the principals office because her son hit somebody" ....

To the settled and happy young man who has found his turangawaewae, his place to stand in the world. He is no longer the kid who fights at home and at school and is rude in public. He is the kid who follows the good example of the people he see's at training twice a week. The people who respect and praise him and tell him off when he needs it.

He is also the kid that did so well academically this year that he has been placed in the accelerated learning class next year. I would like you both to know that this would never have happened without your help.

So from this very grateful Mum, thankyou."

What Can My Child Expect?

Fun and participation is encouraged, while the basic skills of Taekwon-Do are being taught. We have programs developed specifically for children which will not only teach them the skills required to complete our grading syllabus but will also help to develop their concentration, co-ordination, fitness and self-discipline.

Tournaments are regularly organised for those children that enjoy competition. Entering into competitions is completely optional however and does not affect a child's progress through the ranks.

We have a special Junior Syllabus as well as Taekwon-Do Kubz and Mini-Kids which are optional programs that come with their own syllabus and manuals. The children are not taught a ‘watered down’ version of Taekwon-Do; rather they are taught the same techniques and skills that older children and adults learn in the International Taekwon-Do grading syllabus, in a carefully sequenced order, that is appropriate for their stage of physical and mental development.

TKD Kubz (ages 3-6)

Our TKD Kubz program for 3-6 year olds focuses on developing self awareness, co-ordination, courage and safety while also supporting their physical development and associating fitness with fun.

We teach Kubz to use their voice and develop confidence in their interactions with other children and adults, and help to develop their co-ordination, motor skills, balance and more through the basics of Taekwon-Do training.

Kubz earn stripes and patches as their understanding of Taekwon-Do progresses. Learn more about TKD Kubz here.

Mini-Kids (ages 5-9)

Our Mini-Kids syllabus is especially designed for this age group and a great way for kids aged 5-9 to start off in Taekwon-Do.

The Mini-Kids curriculum progresses children into a stronger understanding of Taekwon-Do techniques. They develop fitness while learning cool moves, self-defence and having lot of fun. It promotes self-confidence, personal achievement and resilience.

Mini-Kids earn stripes on their belt through gradings at club level to celebrate their improvements and eventually proceed to their first nationally recognised rankings. Once your child has finished the Mini-Kids syllabus they are ready to progress to the national Colour Belt Syllabus. You can learn more about our Mini-Kids program here.

Junior Colour Belts (ages 10+)

At an age when many kids are starting to spend a lot of time on screens, Taekwon-Do is a great way for this age group to stay active and aid their physical, mental and social development.

Juniors work through a nationally recognised syllabus designed specifically for their age group, and grade two or three times a year under a national examiner. They grade from white belt to yellow, green, blue, red, and some even reach the junior black belt level while still under 18 years old.

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