
General Documents

Grading Hosting

International Taekwon-Do GradingGup gradings are held throughout the Country throughout the year, and are hosted by the various schools in each region. As a grading host, there some things to consider that will make the grading run smoothly:


  • Book the venue well in advance and re-confirm the booking one week prior to the grading
  • Try and ensure the venue has adequate warming facilities and/or ventilation according to the seasonal conditions.
  • Make sure there is suitable equipment available. Most regions have a "Grading Kit" with the first aid kit, boards, table cloth and so on. Have focus pads handy also.
  • Make sure you have adequate marshals to assist and take the warm up (well before the scheduled start time of the grading).
  • Before the grading starts, each school should do a quick 'Head Count' to ensure all gradees are present.
  • Ensure all gradees are wearing correct dobok and in good presentation. i.e. Do a uniform/dobok inspection prior to examiner arriving. (No coloured T-shirts or jewellery).
  • Reserve a car park for the Examiner adn instructors and make sure you are ready to greet him as he arrives.


  • Follow the correct start procedure - see here
  • Introduce the Examiner properly. A list of all our examiners and their titles is here.
  • Instructors and or Assistant Instructors should be in correct attire when seated at the front with the Examiner e.g. suit and tie or do bok
  • For longer gradings, consider having water or juice available on the front table.
  • At the conclusion of the grading, invite the Examiner to speak, then thank the Examiner and others at the end.

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