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Protect Accredited Trainer

August 2013

Congratulations to two new Protect Accredited Trainers from Silla TKD in Tauranga. Shaun Skedgewell and Abby Gibson passed the accreditation course and are now qualified to teach the Protect Basic Principles.

March 2012

Protect Self Defence have developed a program to provide ITKD instructor’s with the training and structure to teach Protect’s basic-level material in a way which easily integrates with, and compliments the do-jang environment. The module is designed to be a separate syllabus so as not to confuse students or interfere with the required ITKD self defence syllabus in any way.

Protect had had repeated requests over the years from instructors who have attended their courses or trainings to be able to teach the material in their do-jang. To date that has not been possible due to the realistic nature of the material. Recently, Protect have identified particular key components of their material which can integrate into a do-jang environment and will provide significant value to students.

The module is in no way intended to replace any part of ITKD’s syllabus, but instead is designed to be an additional resource with substantial benefits to instructor’s, students, clubs, and ITKD overall.

For those of you who have attended a Protect course, you will know that it is mainly in the mental side of self defence training that they specialise in, and that we can benefit greatly from.This module provides training in: Recognition to Enable Avoidance, De-escalation and Defusion, Physical Protection, Post- event Issues. ITKD instructors and/or assistant instructors who opt to be accredited as an approved trainer will be trained in a seminar environment to gain a comprehensive understanding of the concepts, as well as how to teach these to their students.

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