
Essay Library

English - Korean Dictionary

Mr Mark Banicevich

abdomen bokboo
about turn dero dara
Achilles tendon dwichuk himjool
Adam's apple gyol hoo
against dae
air shield gongi bangpae
alternate euhkallin
and mit
and wa
angle fingertip homi sonkut
angle of the mandible wit tok
angle punch giokja jirugi
ankle joint balmok gwanjol
ankle joint balmok gwanjol
arc-hand bandal son
armed opponent moogi
armpit gyodurang
Assistant Instructor Boosabum (nim)
at ease swiyo
attack gong gyok
attack technique gong gyokgi
attacking tools gong gyok boowi
attention charyot
attention stance charyot sogi
back [foot parts/attacks] dwit
back [hand parts] dung
back elbow dwit palkup
back hand sondung
back heel dwitchook
back sole dwitkumchi
back view dwitmosup
back wrist artery dung sonmok dongmaek
backward duruogi (dwiro)
ball of the foot apkumchi
base of knife hand sonkal batang
bayonet chong gum
bear hand gomson
belt ti
bending stance guburyo sogi
black komun
block makgi (magumyo-)
blocking apparatus makgi dae
blocking tools makgi boowi
blue paran/ch’ong
body dropping mom nachugi
bow kyong ye
bow posture kyong ye jase
bow wrist sonmok dung
breath control hohup jojul
bridge of the nose migan
calisthenics dosoo dallyon
cervix gyong boo
charter of Taekwon-Do Taekwon-Do hun jang
check list daejo pyo
checking momchugi
checking block momchau makgi
checking kick cha momchugi
chest gasum
circular block dollimyo makgi
classification jongyu
clavicle swe gol
close stance moa sogi
club gonbong
coccyx migol
cold showers and baths naengsoo machal
combination honap
commence si jak
competition kyong gi
composition of Taekwon-Do Taekwon-Do goosun
concentration jip joong
consecutive yonsok
continue kesok
counter kick bada chagi
courtesy ye ui
covering karioogi
crescent bandal
cross-cut ghutgi
crouched stance oguryo sogi
cycle of Taekwon-Do soonhwan do
dagger dando
defence technique bang eau gi
demerit kamjom
demonstration sibum
diagonal stance sasun sogi
direction diagram bang hyang pyo
direction of kick chan bang hyang
dismiss hae san
disqualification silkyok
dodging pihagi (pihamyo-)
double [attack/defence eg turning kick] i-jung
double [technique eg stepping] ibo
double [tool eg forearm] doo
downward naeryo
dumb-bells aryong
dynamic stability dongtchuk anjong
eight yodul
elbow palkup
elbow joint palgup gwanjol
Epigastrium sang bokboo
equilibrium kyun hyung
etiquette ye jol
extremities pal gwa dari
eyeball angoo
face [eg. instructor] kke
fast motion pparun sokdo
female yoja
finger belly songarak badak
finger pincers jipge son
finger toughening box dallyon tong
fingertips sonkut
fist joomuk
five dasot
fixed stance gojung sogi
fixed type gojongsik
flat fingertip opun sonkut
floating ribs nuk gol
flying [see jumping qv.]
focus shield chotjum bangpae
foot lifting bal dulgi
foot parts ha bansin
foot shifting jajun bal
foot sparring bal matsogi
foot tackling bal golgi
foot techniques bal gisool
foot-fist-way tae-kwon-do
footsword balkal
forearm palmok
forefinger han songarak
forefist ap joomuk
forehead ima
fore-knuckle fist inji joomuk
forging bag dallyon bag
forging pendulum dallyon gune
forging post dallyon joo
forward nagagi
fossa ogum
fouls banchik
four net
four direction [punch/block] saju
four direction kick sabang chagi
free sparring jayu matsogi
front ap
front view apmosup
front-back kick apdwi chagi
full facing ohnmom
function kinung
fundamental exercises gibon yonsup
gain a victory in one blow olkyokpilsung
general assumptions ilban kahjung
Grand Master Saseong (nim)
grasping block butjaba makgi
grasping kick butjapgo chagi
green paran/nok
groin sataguni
ground noowo
guarding block daebi makgi
half ban
half facing bahnmom
hand parts sang bansin
hand technique son gisool
head mori
heart shim jang
heaven hand hanulson
heavy mukoun
high nopunde
high elbow nopun palkup
high kick nopi chagi
high section nopun bubun
history of Taekwon-Do Taekwon-Do yoksa
holding bachigi
hooking golcho
horizontal soopyong
horizontal wave soopyong pahdo
how to make a clenched fist jwinun bop
how to use sayong bop
humanity in
hyper gajang khun
identification of title chingho pyosik
indomitable spirit baekjul boolgool
injury busang
inner an
inner thigh anjok hobok dari
inside block anmakgi
instep baldung
instep baldung
Instructor Sabum (nim)
integrity yom chi
inward anuro
jar danji
jaw yop tok
jump rope twim jool
jumping (flying) twigi (twimyo-)
kick chagi (cha-)
kidney kongpat
knee moorup
knee bending moorup guburigi
knee joint murup gwanjol
knife-hand sonkal
knuckle fist songarak joomuk
left wen
leg crossing dari kogi
leg stretching dari pyogi
light labyoun
lips ipsul
liver gan jang
long fist ghin joomuk
low najunde
low section najun bubun
low stance nachuo sogi
lower abdomen ha bokboo
L-stance niunja sogi
luring block yuin makgi
male namja
mandibula tok gwanjol
mass zilyang
Master Sahyun (nim)
mastrid hoo-i-boo
method of exercise yonsup bop
micro aju jagun
mid-air twio dolmyo
middle kaunde
middle kaunde
middle knuckle fist joongji joomuk
middle section kaunde bubun
mirror ko ul
miscellaneous parts gita boowi
model sparring mobum matsogi
moral culture jungshin sooyang
mountain climbing dung san
mounted type ollyo nonnun shik
moveable type idong shik
neck mok
neck artery mok dongmaek
nine ahop
nine (9) -shape block gutja makgi
normal speed potong sokdo
nose kotdung
occiput hudoo
occiput hudoo
one hana
one way han chok
one-leg stance waebal sogi
one-step sparring ilbo matsogi
open fist pyon joomuk
open stance palja sogi
outer bakat
outside block bakat makgi
outward bakuro
overhead twio nomo
overlapped back hand pogaen sondung
palm sonbadak
pants baji
parallel narani
parallel stance narani sogi
patterns tul
perseverance in nae
philosophy of Taekwon-Do Taekwon-Do chul hak
philtrum injoong
pick-shape kick gokaeng-i chagi
piercing kick cha jirugi
pistol gwon chong
point of the chin mit tok
points dukjom
pole mongdung-i
portable type heudae shik
power holder gyokpa dae
power indicator wiryok gi
practice suit do bok
prearranged sparring yaksok matsogi
preface morimal
preparatory exercise junbi undong
press finger jiap
pressing noollo
procedure for leading a class sooryon jido bop
propriety ye
pubic region chiboo
public service sahwe bongsa
pullers dallyon jool
punch jirugi (jirumyo-)
punching ball dallyon gong
punching kick jirumyo chagi
pursue one goal whatsoever once it is determined ohdoilkwan
push ups momtong bachim
pushing block miro makgi
pushing kick cha milgi
radical artery maekbak sonmok dongmaek
reaction force bandong ryok
ready junbi
ready posture junbi jase
ready stance junbi sogi
rear foot stance dwitbal sogi
red ppaigan
reflex banung
reflex kick bansa chagi
release from a grab jappyosul tae
repeat tashi
return baro
reverse [hand and foot parts] dung
reverse [techniques] bandae
reverse hooking kick bandae dollyo gorochagi
right orun
righteousness ui
rising block chookyo makgi
rising kick cha olligi
rules for competition kyong gi kyu jong
saw tooth wave topnal pahdo
scissors-shape kick kawi chagi
scooping block duro makgi
scoring chejom
scrotum nang shim
section of the body mom dungboon
self-control guk gi
self-defence techniques hosin sul
semi-free sparring ban jayu matsogi
serve one master with unshakeable loyalty ilpyondanshim
seven ilgop
shifting jajunbal
shin jong kwaeng-i
shirt jeogori
shoulder euhke
shoulder joint eukke gwanjol
shout kihap
side yop
side back yopdwi
side facing yopmom
side front yobap
side instep yop baldung
side sole yop bal badak
side view yopmosup
side-twisting kick yop bituro chagi
sine wave hwaldung pahdo
single [technique eg. stepping] ilbo
single [tools eg. back-hand] wae
sitting stance annun sogi
six yosot
skip kick duro gamyo chagi
skull dae sin moon
sliding mikulgi
slow motion nurin dongjak
small of the back gyong chu
smashing kick cha busigi
snap kick cha busigi
solar plexus myong chi
song of Taekwon-Do Taekwon-Do norae
sparring matsogi
special technique holder tukgi dae
speed sokdo
spiral kick rasonsik chagi
spleen bi jang
sponge pad sponji byogae
spot gujari
square punching kick sagak jirumyo chagi
stability anjong
stamping kick cha bapgi
stance sogi (so-)
stance mould sogi pan
static stability jungtchuk anjong
stepping omgyo didigi (didimyo-)
sternum hyung gol
stop guman
straight [technique eg thrust] sun
straight kick jigeau chagi
straw pad jip byogae
strike taerigi (taerimyo-)
student and instructor relationship sajeji do
students jeja
sudden attack boori gong gyok
sweeping kick suroh chagi
system of rank dan gup jedo
system of sparring matsogi goosong
table of contents mokcha
Taekwon-Do practitioner Taekwon-Doin
teacher kyo sa (nim)
temple gwanja nori
ten yaul
tenets of Taekwon-Do Taekwon-Do jungshin
test simsa
thank you ko mup sum neda
thenar umjigoo
theory of power him ui wolli
three set
three direction kick sambang chagi
three-step sparring sambo matsogi
throwing and falling techniques dunjigi wa torojigi
thrust tulgi (tulumyo-)
thrusting kick cha tulgi
thumb umji
thumb knuckle fist umji joomuk
thumb ridge umji batang
tibia kyong gol
tibia kyong gol
time allowance shigan baedang
title chingho
toe edge balgarak nal
toes balkut
toward [eg. toward A] bang (eg A-bang)
training sooryon
training aids dallyon goo
training equipment sooryon jangbi
training hall do jang
training schedule sooryon gehek pyo
trapezoid punching kick jaegak jirumyo chagi
travel yo haeng
treble [technique eg. turning] sambo
triple [eg. attack] samjung
trust shin
tumbling kick joma chagi
turning [around] dolgi
turning [technique eg. kick] dollyo
twin sang
twin foot sangbal
twisting kick bituro chagi
two dool
two direction kick sangbang chagi
two way yang chok
two-step sparring ibo matsogi
umbilicus baekkob
umpire simpan
under fist mit joomuk
under forearm mitpalmok
upper back gyon gap
upper back elbow strike widwi palkup taerigi
upper elbow wi palkup
upper neck witmok
upset fingertip dwijibun sonkut
upset punch dwijibo jirugi
upward ollyo
u-shape digutja
u-shape grasp digutja japgi
vertical sewo
vertical stance soojik sogi
vital spots kupso
waist block hori makgi
walking stance gunnun sogi
warnings kyongko
warrior ready stance moosa junbi sogi
waving kick doro chagi
wedging hechyo
weight chegup
white hayan
windpipe soom tong
wisdom ji
wooden horse mok ma
wrist joint sonmok gwanjol
w-shape block san makgi
x- kyocha
x-stance kyocha sogi
yellow noran
you're welcome chang ma naeo


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