

2022 Warrior Club of the Year nomination

Although you could say New Zealand’s largest club would be the best equipped to withstand multiple lockdowns, on the other hand they had the most at stake. With a full-time facility, ten instructors and staff, Warrior were determined to make the most of the Covid situation.

Driven by the team work of centre manager Rachel Bates, Grand Master McPhail and the instructors, what transpired was an impressive program of classes, courses and activities designed especially with the goal of keeping the members engaged.

This is what they did:

  • July 2021 - grading development workshops for students who had had a long time since their last grading to help them keep progressing
  • 21 August - started online classes. Everyone could book a 15 minutes private lesson with their instructor.
  • August - weekly competitions began. Competitions included .... make your own pattern, create a TKD obstacle course, teach a TKD pattern to someone in your bubble, instruct your bubble, plank challenge, bottle challenge, toilet roll challenge, drawing competition, push up challenge, TKD's Got Talent
  • September - online mini kids grading
  • 18 September - online interclub patterns tournament
  • October – “On Track for Grading” Seminar – to help colour belts prepare for an online grading situation
  • 18 October - training in the park began, extra classes open with demand
  • 18 October - introduce split-off zoom class for junior colour belts
  • November online mini kids and gup gradings
  • December - online, indoor and outdoor classes!
  • February 2022 - online AND on site classes hybrid approach
  • February - Planning your TKD year ahead online short course for colour belts
  • March - online and on-site option for Mini Kids grading
  • March - video project of all syllabus material walkthrough available to members to help people practice at home released
  • Special guests for online classes – Miss Irene Yu, Master Kane Raukura, Master James Rimmer and Master Rod Johnson from Canada.

Warrior TKD is on track to have well over 260 registered students this year. As you can see it is no accident.

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