
Past Awards


2023 Awards

The finalistss for this year's ITKD Awards are below. Congratulations to all our finalists.

The winners for this year's ITKD Awards were announced that this year's National Tournament. See the criteria here. Winners are highlighted below. Congratulations!

NB Winners of our special awards were also announced at the Awards Cermony: Presidents Award, Outstanding Official and The Norman Ng Trophy. 25+ Year Plaques were also presented. See those awarded here.

Dan Student of the year.

Karen Atrill (MD)
Mrs Anika Koziarski (WN)
Mr Michael Rail (AN)
Bailey Jeffery (CD)
Wedaad Waja (CM)

Gup Student

Elizabeth Rail (AN)
Camryn Eastwood (MD)
Ria Sutrisno (CM)
Rei Farr (WN)
Amy Thomas (CD)


Sachin Sharma (AN)
Karen Atrill (MD)
Kishan Mistry (CM)
Cameron White (CD)
Mr Alois Vogt (WN)


Hae Taekwon-Do
Paul M Papakura

Junior Sports

Lily Koziarski (WN)
Samantha (Sammy) Berwick (MD)
Cohen Batterham (CD)
Amy Childs (CM)

Senior Sports

Bailey Filer (MD)




2022 Awards

We are pleased to announce the finalists and winners for this year's ITKD Awards. Winners were announced that this year's National Tournament. See the criteria here.

NB Winners of our special awards are also announced at the Awards Cermony: Presidents Award, Outstanding Official and The Norman Ng Trophy. 25+ Year Plaques were also presented.

Norman Ng Trophy
Ian and Lena Walton

Presidents Award
Craig Hannah

Outstanding Official
Ben Linstone

Dan Student of the Year
George Elvin

Rachel Watt
Paul Hammond
Kara Timmer
Danielle Drylie
Jarrad Ramsay

Gup Student of the Year
Samantha Hughes

Anthony He 
Sune Loots
Chris Dunlop
Anavi Karan

Instructor of the Year
Brett Kraiger   

Graham Walshe
Dean Jenkins
Master Kane Raukura

Club of the Year

Warrior TKD - read their nomination

Dragon's Spirit Wangaui
North Wellington TKD
Silla TKD
Paul M Papakura

Junior Sportsperson of the Year
Cohen Batterham

Joshua McPhee
Owen Sanderson

Sportsperson of the Year
Kyla Walton

Michelle Lindsay


2021 Awards

At the start of the Awards evening, our new Masters and senior dans were presented their certificates, plus our "25 Years in TKD" plaques were awarded. More details of the other presentations are published on our Honours List page.

The 2021 Winners are:

Gup Student of the year
Enoch Tie - Winner
Cammie Sanson - Runner-up

Dan Student of the year
Caitlin Hakeagatoa - Winner
Mischke Hendricks - Runner-Up

Club of the year
Dragon Spirit Papatoetoe - Winner
Van Roon Martial Arts - Runner-up

Instructor of the year
Karen Attrill - Winner
Matthew Davey - Runner-up

Junior Sports Person
Amy Childs - Winner
Enoch Tie - Runner-up

Presidents Award
Bryan Reynolds - Winner
Ian Walton - Runner-up

Outstanding Official
Matt Pilcher - Winner
Nicola Pallin-Simmonds - Runner-up

New Award: The Norman Ng Trophy
Master Paul McPhail - Winner

2020 Awards

Due to the circumstances this year with Covid19 and events being cancelled the National awards did not get to be presented at the national tournament.


The category winners are as follows.

Presidents award Mr Brendan Doogan
Official of the year Ms Kara Timmer
Junior sports person Mr Gerek Chaudhary
Sports person of the year Mr Cody Milne
Instructor of the Year Mr Alois Vogt
Dan Student of the year Mr Sean Hakeagatoa
Club of the year Dragon Spirit Paptoetoe
Gup student of the year Ms Tracy Foster

Congratulations to all the award winners for this year. The awards will be presented to you at the following events.

Sunday 13th December, black belt grading Auckland
Presidents award Mr Brendan Doogan
Official of the year Ms Kara Timmer
Junior sports person Mr Gerek Chaudhary
Dan student of the year Mr Sean Hakeagatoa
Club of the year Dragon Spirit Paptoetoe
Gup student of the year Ms Tracy Foster

Saturday 14th November. Wellington Gup grading and black belt seminar.
Instructor of the year Mr Alois Vogt

Sunday 6th December. Black belt grading, Hastings.
Sports person of the year Mr Cody Milne


2019 Awards

Saturday 13th July 2019

Congratulations to this year's Winners!


Best Overall Club: Hwa-Rang Tauranga
Finalists: Paul M Ardmore, Hwa-Rang Tauranga, Hart TKD

Dan Student: Alois Vogt
Finalists: Andrew France, Marcin Kukialka, Alois Vogt

Gup Student: Elisha Tie
Finalists: Elisha Tie, Bradley Hansen, Harry Glover, Terii Simpson, James Shinkarenko, Anika Koziarski

Instructor of the year: Carl Van Roon
Finalists: Matthew Davey, Sei Brown, Carl Van Roon

Junior Sports Person: Liam Hakeagatoa
Finalists: Natalie Coburn, Liam Hakeagatoa, Ashley Porter, Damyan Ng, Georgia Vogt

Senior Sports Person: Christine Young-Jasberg
Finalists: Christine Young-Jasberg, Kyla Walton, Layne George, Courtney Weir

Outstanding Official: Kelly Collis         
Finalists: Kelly Collis, Morgan Bowler-Parkin

President's Award: Nathan Bowden and Paula Bowden
Finalists: Master Mahesh Bhana, Bryan Reynolds, Mel Yates, Nathan Bowden and Paula Bowden, John Matsuoka

2018 Awards

Saturday 14th July 2018

The ITKD Annual Awards ceremony were once again being held at our National Tournament, this year in Wellington, on Saturday14th July 2018. The Nominees for our regular award categories and the winners in bold are listed below. There will also be a number of other special awards presented on the night.


2018 Award Nominees:

Dan Student of the Year

  • Chris Morton
  • Chris Broughton
  • John Raptis
  • Richard Peters
  • Kerry Tuhiwai


Gup Student of the Year

  • Matthew Pilcher
  • Missy Thompson
  • Riana Brown

Instructor of the Year

  • Gwyn Brown
  • Kerry McEvoy
  • Louie Vogt
  • Dion Bennett
  • Nick Lee
  • David Lo
  • Shannon Ryan
  • Shaun Skedgwell
  • Chris Broughton
  • Brett Kraiger
  • Darren Ward
  • Lawrence Mantjika
  • Carl Van Roon
  • Brett Kimberley
  • Richard Peters
  • Sonya Robinson

Club of the Year

  • Berhampore
  • Riccarton
  • Silla
  • North Wellington
  • Southern Cross

Sportsperson of the Year

  • Mark Trotter
  • Brooke Theobald
  • Joe George

Junior Sportsperson of the Year

  • Bianca Koper
  • Layne George

Outstanding Official Award

  • Matthew Pilcher
  • Debbie Hart

The Presidents Award for Outstanding Contribution

  • Matthew Pilcher
  • Chris Broughton
  • Master Rounthwaite
  • Neil Richardson
  • Angela Oliver

Other Awards

The outgoing Board Members were thanked for their long service to ITFNZ by the Chairman Mr Dennis Burns. These were:
  • Master Evan Davidson
  • Mr Vince Pygott
  • Mr Peter Graham



Master McPhail presented 25 Year Plaques to Mr Rene Kunz and Mr Craig Hannah.

Senior dan certificates were presented to:

  • Master Mark Banicevich
  • Mr Craig Hannah
  • Mr Scott Sutherland


2017 Awards

Saturday 15th July 2017

Dan Student of the Year --- Ms Helen Caley
Gup Student of the Year --- Mr Clive Stanton
Instructor of the Year --- Mr Barry Hart & Mrs Debbie Hart 
Club of the Year --- Remuera Taekwon-Do
Presidents Award--- Master Rocky Rounthwaite & Mrs Trish Rounthwaite
Outstanding Official --- Mrs Mary Daborn 
Special Commendation Certificate (officiating) --- Mr David Parker
Junior Sportsperson of the Year--- Mr Harlan Tariau

2016 Awards

Saturday 9th July 2016

National Awards finalists and winners.

******Presidents Award*****
Jackie Davis 
David Blackwell & Scott Sutherland 
Jenny Church

****** Club of the year finalists******
Warrior Taekwon-Do Three Kings
International Taekwon-Do Riccarton
Paul M Papakura

******Gup Student of the Year******
Steven & Matthew Webster
Clive Stanton
Jeny Joseph

******Dan Student of the year*******
Scott Sutherland
Nicola Tse 
Rosemary Pettit

******Instructor of the year******
Debbie & Barry Hart
Chris Broughton 
Dean Jenkins

*****Senior Sports Person of the year******
Lou Black 
Kara Timmer

*****Junior sports person of the year*****
Frances Lloyd

2015 Awards

Saturday July 4th, Christchurch

Here are the awards nominees and winners for 2015:

Gup Student of the year:

Chloe Almey
John Emett
Kerry Wharerau
Winner: Steve Milne 

Club of the year:

Hwa Rang Academy Tauranga
Winner: Hart Taekwon-Do 

Instructor of the year:

Dr Roman & Mrs Seida Scholl Latour 
Ms Sally Cale
Winner: Mrs Christine Young-Jasberb

Presidents Award:
Master Paul McPhail

Photos by Craig Oliver


2014 Awards

Saturday July 26 at 7 - 10pm. Daniels in the Park (right next to the tournament venue)

There are so many amazing people in our organisation, from instructors to students, staff and parents and all the volunteers. The annual awards are your opportunity to thank them publicly.

Congratulations to this year's finalists with the winners marked in red:

Award Categories:

Dan Student of the Year

  • Nathan Bowden
  • Morgan Lloyd

Gup Student of the Year

  • Leo Alvarado
  • Daniel Cossey
  • Matt Pilcher

Instructor of the Year

  • Lawrence Mantjika
  • Debbie Hart
  • Tim Couling
  • Jon Sawden

Club of the Year

  • Dragon Spirit Papatoetoe
  • Southern Cross Taekwon-Do Academy
  • Te Karaka Club

Junior sportsperson

  • Matt Bowden

Senior sportsperson

  • Roisin Giles
  • Ethan Parker
  • Melissa Timperley

The Presidents Award for Outstanding Contribution

  • Paula Bowden




2013 Awards

Congratulations to the nominees and winners of the 2013 National Awards, announced at the Awards Ceremony at the 2013 National Tournament Dinner, 1st June 2013. Nominees and winners are listed below.

Dan Student of the Year

  • Mrs Fiona Parrant (Winner)
  • Miss Sarika Woodley, Mr Kishan Mistry and Mr Keith Speck

Gup Student of the Year

  • Mr Sei Brown, Mr Rob Bavin and Mr DeJaimero Iotua (Winners)
  • Mr Daniel Yates

Instructor of the Year

  • Mr Shaun Skedgewell (Winner)
  • Ms Lianna McCartney, Mr Gwyn Brown, Mr Luke Thompson, Miss Estelle Speirs and Mrs Angela Oliver

Club of the Year

  • Palmerston North Taekwon-Do Academy (Winner)
  • Silla Taekwon-Do

Junior sportsperson (new category)

  • Mr Simon Davis (Winner)
  • Miss Niketa Wells, Miss Georgia Moore andMiss Shenea Whakarau

Senior sportsperson (new category)

  • Miss Estelle Speirs (Winner)
  • Miss Melissa Timperley and Mr Ethan Parker

The Presidents Award for Outstanding Contribution

  • Mr Lawrence Mantjika (Winner)
  • Mr Gwyn Brown


2012 Finalists and Winners

Dan Student

Gup Student



Junior sportsperson

Senior sportsperson


Ronan Gallagher - Forbes

Riley Jackson

Carolina Dillon

Warrior TKD

Niketa Wells

Kristy Leong

The Iotua Family

Rebecca Styles

Niketa Wells

Paul McPhail

Paul M Papakura

Georgia Moore

Kane Baigent

Niketa Wells

Bryan Reynolds

DJ Iotua

Kane Raukura

Dragon Spirit

Rose Biddiscombe

Courtney Weir

Afi and Sandra Meleisea


Aiden Wells



Shania Kennedy-Lowe

Estelle Speirs



Timoti Wharewaka




Mark Trotter



Rebekha Upston




Kerry McEvoy


2011 Awards

The 2011 were held at the National Tournament Dinner in Auckland on 13th August 2011.

Awards Dinner
Held at Fairway Lodge next door to the Nationals Stadium - limit 200 tickets .Ticket prices entitle the holder to entry to the National Awards evening and a three course buffet dinner. A cash bar will be available for drinks.

Award Finalists:

Dan Student of the Year

WINNER: Mr Don Leong
Mrs Pam Colee
Miss Kara Rae Timmer
Mr Christopher Broughton
Ms Sheryl Chase 

Gup Student of the Year

WINNERS: Gena Salmon
WINNERS: David Blackwell
Zacharius Patai
David Parker 

Junior Student of the Year

WINNER: Kara Rae Timmer 
Liam Bramwell
Sarah Gudsell
Michael Davis
Ethan Parker
Simon Davis

Instructor of the Year

WINNER: Mrs Lena Walton 
Mr Brett Kimberly
Mr Peter Gudsell

Club of the Year

WINNER: Tribal Taekwon Do – Counties Manukau
Ellerslie Taekwon-Do
Fielding Taekwon-Do
Pulse Taekwon-Do Merivale 

The Presidents Award for Outstanding Contribution

WINNER: Mr Nick Lourantos
Lisa Davey
Mr Dave Ballard
Ms Angela Barltrop


Photos from the 2011year's awards



2010 Awards

The 2010 National Awards were held in Wellington on Saturday 3rd July. Mr Don Martin organised and hosted the awards. The 2010 winners were:

Dan Student of the Year
Mr Afi Meleisa

Gup Students of the Year
Mr Shane Searle

Junior Student of the Year
Miss Melissa Timperly

Instructor of the year
Master Paul McPhail

Club of the year
Paul M Papakura

The Presidents Award for Outstanding
Contribution to Furthering ITFNZ

Mrs Shirley Pygott

2010 Nominees:

Dan Students of the Year:
Mr Shane Black in 2006 he was first selected to represent New Zealand at the Junior World Champs in Honduras. The following are international medals from world champs he had received since representing New Zealand: 2006 Honduras: Competed in the team events that received 1x Silver, 2x Bronze; 2007 Canada: Silver medal in specialty, Bronze in Sparring, Team Events: 1x Gold, 2x Silver; 2009 Argentina: Silver medal in specialty, 1x Gold, 1x Bronze. Mr. Black is now the coach along with his brother Ross Black for the Midlands National team having organized and run a number of great training sessions and has organized a number of interclub tournaments to help build skills for fellow regional members. The Monday after nationals Mr. Black is flying out to compete in the USA Open then back to trail for the 2011 World Champs senior team.

Ms Tanya Katene does so much for Taekwon-Do at all levels, club, district and national. She started training about 15 years ago.  Mrs Katene is an excellent club member where she is presently the treasurer, assistant instructor and committee member. She always helps out with all activities such as, fun days, gup gradings, trainings just to name a few. Mrs Katene has over the years the ability to obtain grants for the club from various trusts, so that those members from PNTA that obtained selection to the New Zealand Team that competed at the World Championships in Argentina. She is a valued assistant instructor where she is always willing to pass on knowledge and skills to the students. The students seem to excel and this is due to her style, friendly manner and patience. Until recently Mrs Katene was the regional director for Central Districts.  Over the years she has devoted herself to various roles including treasurer for ITFNZ and more recently assistant manager for the New Zealand Taekwon-Do team that competed at the World Championships in Argentina.

Mr Afi Meleisa is an active member of Dragons Spirit Papatoetoe and Counties Manukau region, he is the current E.O for the region and plays a major role in the organising of Regional events. Mr Meleisea is a no nonsense person that just does the job without hassle, Mr Meleisea has earned the respect of many Taekwon Do in and continues to humbly assist without hesitation.  Mr Meleisea’s recent accomplishments have been: 2009 Regional Dan grading, CM Star Series 09/10, IIC 2010, IUC 2010

Ms Sheryl Chase is a very inspirational member of the Wellington region. She’s always energetic at training and is an encouraging role model to the junior members in the region. Being a working mother of 3, Sheryl can always find time to train and heavily involved in Taekwon-Do. Sheryl actively participate and organise Taekwon-Do events such as the Khandallah club 30th Reunion, Wellington Round-Robin tournament, Regional tournament, and she is also an organising committee member of the 2010 Oceania championships as well as the 2011 ITF World Championships.

Mr Ogy Kabzamalov is a very talented member of Jungshin Glenfield. He is well liked and very courteous to all members of the club. He is always helpful and is a well liked member of the club. At gradings he has impressed the examiners, achieving two double gradings, and A passes at all of his other gradings. At his Black Belt grading in May 2010 he achieved an A pass (he was 2 points away from a distinction). He attends the World Champs trainings and will be trialling for the 2011 World Champs. He attends Nationals trainings and various seminars to further his TKD knowledge and skills. He attends as many tournaments as possible, and gets fantastic results. He is attending the US Open in Orlando in July 2010. He has been best overall red belt winner for the 2009 Auckland North Regionals and the 2009 National Championships.

Gup Student of the Year
Mr Corey Hunter is an active member of Xtreme Taekwon Do an the Counties Manukau region, currently Mr Hunter instructs the junior classes and excels in maturity to maintain a high level in his teachings. Mr Hunter is an asset to his instructor and club whilst committing himself to raise his own funds to compete at the US opens straight after this year’s Nationals .Mr Hunter takes his teachings from Taekwon Do and utilises these attributes within the Franklin community, promoting the art from a teenagers point of view. He follows closely his mentor and instructor Mr Thompson in ensuring that perfection is earned through commitment and dedication and not forgetting what steps have be taken to achieve. 

Mr Shane Searle is a huge asset to both the Horowhenua Taekwon-Do School and to the central districts region for all the hard work he does. Shane participates in all regional events and travels up and down the country taking family and other club members to events, such as Taupo training camps, junior belt champs, star series tournaments, regional tournaments, national tournaments, other tournaments such as the junior belt tournament in Wellington and the national junior camps. He has had great success in tournaments and gradings. He is the current national and regional sparring champion and finished runner up in the star series of 2009. He competes well in patterns, power (when able to compete) and special technique events. He is the anchor of the club and is always willing to lend a hand to whatever may be asked of him. He lives by the tenets of Taekwon-Do and is highly motivated to achieve to the best of his ability and leads by example.

Mr Alex Perkins is a very dedicated member of Jungshin Glenfield. He attends a number of World Champs trainings, all Nationals trainings and various seminars to further his TKD knowledge and skills. He attends as many tournaments as possible (even traveling out of Auckland to compete), and gets fantastic results. He has been best overall winner of his belt grade for the past two Auckland North Regional Competitions, as well as achieving the best adult blue belt at the 2009 National Championships.

Junior Student of the Year
Miss Melissa Timperly is an active member of Paul M Papakura and the Counties Manukau Region, currently assisting at PaulM Papakura Miss Timperley takes on the role a team leader. Miss Timperley is a well mannered young lady who is always there to assist her fellow peers and is a terrific role model for all with her strict training regime of 6 days a week and also her ability to maintain an A grade throughout her academic life, whilst holding a part time job. Miss Timperley had an incredible 2009 /2010 as she was part of a successful New Zealand Team at the ITF World Championships, also passing her Level 2 NCEA and then 2 weeks after arriving back from Argentina achieving her 3rd Dan promotion a Pass with distinction!.

Miss Hayley Rosser since her commencement of Taekwon-do classes on July 19 2000, Hayley has been the model student with an infectious character and wonderful personality. Always encouraging, a friend and favourite of everyone within the "Bay of Plenty Taekwon-do Academy" schoolsHayley has been a key component of its success.  Hayley is held in very high regard by the students and has gained respect in her tuition and technical application as well as her approach to students. To the point where I have made her an assistant instructor for my Tauranga classes. More recently, since February 2010, we have added our first kid’s class in which Hayley is the head instructor. She is in charge of 16 students, has completed her first grading with them and has filled the venue to capacity!  The children think Hayley is simply amazing!  Hayley has supported our camps, seminars, IIC’s, officiated at our tournaments (regionally and nationally), and in recent times has been involved in trying to rekindle a little of the 'ol Midlands spirit with a "Midlands Girls Day In". Hayley was also a key component in assisting with the 2008 Nationals tournament on the organising committee as well as being a competitor within our regional team.

Mr Aramai Tahau has been a very important member of the Horowhenua Taekwon-Do School; he attends most organised training sessions outside the normal club training hours. He is the current national Best Overall Junior Male Black Belt winning gold in sparring, patterns and silver in the special technique at the 2009 nationals. Aramai also retained the Best Overall Black Belt at the 2010 central districts regional’s winning gold in sparring, special technique, power and silver in patterns. He also won the martial arts award for the second year in succession at the Manawatu sports awards. To date the achievement that stands out is the individual Gold in the junior special technique event at the 2009 World Championships in Argentina he also helped secure the bronze in the team special technique event. Aramai is an assistant instructor at the School and is admired and respected by all his peers both young and not so young.  He is also a very good all round sportsman who achieves great results in all he does.

Master Andrew Moore is always polite, friendly and willing to take time to show me things or help me out. He always has time to run through patterns with me and if I am paired with him for sparring drills he takes time to help me out and build my confidence.  He is always keen to get involved in local tournaments and does well. I have a lot of respect for him and feel that he is a role model to the rest of us colour belts!

Instructor of the year
Master Paul McPhail has been acknowledged for various achievements in his young life time, but we would like to acknowledge our Boss for being himself, no extra bits and pieces just a modest gentleman that is so honest, and hardworking. His ability to uphold such charisma in the worst of times is amazing; his professionalism could only be an asset to our organisation as a whole.  Master McPhail is very approachable. He held various positions within ITFNZ, ITF Oceania and ITF, he is at the forefront of most of our most successful events and continues to run one of the largest clubs in New Zealand and produce world class practitioners, whilst also training the largest number of juniors based on the new mini kids programme at one time. He was recently being recognised in the Australian Martial Arts Hall of fame.

Mr Ian Walton, as one of the Wellington regions most honoured Seniors, works tirelessly for the art of Taekwon-Do.  Mr Walton celebrated 25 years service to Taekwon-Do last year. His celebration dinner was so over subscribed they had to turn people away!  Mr Walton is a pivotal and most respected figure in Wellington and has been for many years.  Many seek his wisdom and experience.  If there is something that needs doing Mr Walton will be there.  The Wellington Junior Belt tournament is a permanent fixture on the calendar each year.  Last year the tournament celebrated its 12th year!  Mr Walton works and has two growing children.  However he manages to dedicate many hours to teaching Taekwon-Do.   The Berhampore Club won the Wellington Regionals this year for the third year running.  Mr Walton, with his wife and co-instructor, Mrs Lena Walton open their club doors to many visiting students throughout the year, and selflessly give up their time to help visiting students to work towards a grading goal.  Mr Walton is a core member of the leadership team helping to organize the Oceania’s and the 2011 World Champs.

Ms Carolina Dillen.
This year club members faced a big transition where Kingsland and Mt Wellington clubs merged and became one. Ms Dillen helped to ensure a successful transition by organising lots of club activities and opportunities for people to get to know each other. Events have included a Christmas function, interclub tournament, and Easter extravaganza. Ms Dillen has also spent many hours developing websites for Impact club and for Impact Kids.  As a result of Ms Dillen’s enthusiasm, hard work, and commitment, 2010 has seen Impact club expand with two new classes especially for kids being added to their existing teens/adults session. At Ms Dillen’s encouragement, club members are very active in all ITFNZ events including tournaments, seminars, combined trainings and courses. Members are achieving successes at regional, national, and international tournaments. In addition to instructing at Impact Taekwon-Do Club, Ms Dillen helped to organise and teach the Patterns for Papua New Guinea Fundraiser. She has also been involved with preparing the Auckland North Team for Nationals, helping to coach the female team events in 2009, and coaching the Auckland Central team members as well as the female team events in 2010. Ms Dillen is an inspiring instructor, with the skills and the enthusiasm to bring out the best in her students.

Club of the year
Paul M Papakura has been in the top 3 of the Top 10 for over 8 years and why wouldn’t they with 2 world class instructors, and the continual turn out of world class practitioners.  Paul M Papakura has flourished and in the process has had members move to form an even bigger region consisting of quality and overall well trained practitioners that have in turn become instructors. Paul M Papakura has been the host to many events of both local and National events and is a common place to find those that are requiring extra help and training.

Jungshin Glenfield is a modest sized club, but consistently achieves at a high level in many aspects of ITFNZ Taekwon-Do. Every training session at Jungshin Glenfield is full of energy, and commitment. They thrive on hard physical workouts, but also strive for technical excellence, as evidence by their impressive grading record, with high percentage of A-passes including several double gradings during the last year and earning highest % grading the 2010 April grading round. They had 5 people at the May 2010 Black Belt grading, all passing, with one of the students obtaining an A-pass to 1st Dan Black Belt. Jungshin Glenfield is a great all-round club, which still has much potential to continue to grow and thrive.

The Presidents Award for Outstanding Contribution to Furthering ITFNZ
Mrs Natasha Iotua is an active member of Counties Manukau and currently holds the position of Regional Director and Marketing. Mrs Iotua plays a major part in the organising and overseeing of events within Counties Manukau and also oversees from grading to tournaments such as Star series, Oceania, Nationals, to IIC and IUC. Mrs Iotua is much multitasked which often sees her floating from admin work to umpiring and kitchen hand at one event.  Mrs Iotua often visits individual clubs and mingles with both members and parents ensuring that the Counties Manukau standard and quality is always maintained at a high level. Mrs Iotua is very instrumental with the formation of Cook Islands ITF, and the promotion of ITF Taekwon Do at local, national and international level.

Mrs Shirley Pygott is a long standing member of ITFNZ having joined in Oct 1985, i.e. a few months short of 25yr ago. She is a 2nd Dan and Instructor of Jungshin Red Beach & Stanmore Bay Clubs.  Shirley is a big advocate for Kids in ITFNZ and has been working on introducing a syllabus for several years. Last year saw the national introduction of the ITFNZ Mini-kids syllabus, this was the culmination of many years work. She is also a part of the ITF kids development programme helping with the content for their Kid Kicks web pages. Shirley has been a regular helper and instructor at National Kids Camps for as long as they have been running. She is now assisting with the Auckland North Regional Kids Camp. In our region, as well as being very involved officiating at Tournaments, helping to manage many Auckland North Nationals teams in the past, Shirley has also been the Treasurer for several years, finally handing over the mantle earlier this year. She is a person people often phone and talk to for advice within the region.  Nationally, Shirley has spent many hours working every week with the ITFNZ Database managers position (initially unpaid and recently being contracted to ITFNZ). This position has recently (within the last few months) been expanded to include the Accounts manager role, since the restructuring of ITFNZ and the repositioning of the Treasurer role.


2009 Awards

The 2009 ITFNZ National Awards were held at the National Tournament Function in Christchurch on the 26th September 2009.


Paul M Taekwon-Do: Dan Student of the Year
Winner: Carolina Dillen - Mt Wellington
Finalists: Wayne Tureia - Papatoetoe, Sherri Jane Lander - Papamoa, Dane Canton - CD

Fuji Mae New Zealand Ltd: Gup Student of the Year
Winner: David Blackwell - Hamilton
Finalists: Sheryl Chase - Khandallah, Corey Hunter - Counties Manukau

Epson New Zealand: Instructor of the year
Winner: Steve Pellow - Counties Manukau
Finalist: Matthew Davey - Glenfeild

Top Ten: Club of the year
Winner: Palmerston North Taekwon-Do Academy
Finalists: Paul M Glendowie

The Presidents Award for Outstanding Contribution to Furthering ITFNZ
Winner: Nick Lourantos - Wellington
Finalists: George Konia - Auckland North, Afi Meleisea - Papatoetoe

The following senior members were awarded the ITFNZ 25 Year Loyalty Plaques:
Master Mahesh Bhana, Mr James Rimmer, Mr Lawrence Mantjika

2008 Awards

The 2008 ITFNZ National Awards were held at the Nationals dinner on 4th October 2008. As well as having the annual ITFNZ awards presentations, senior Instructors were also presented with their senior dan certificates.

Thanks to Dr Jake Pearson who organised the ITFNZ Annual Awards for 2008, with the valuable assistance or Mrs Sue Breen.


2007 Awards

The 2007 ITFNZ National Awards were held at the Nationals on 22nd September 2007, at a special finals night dinner. As well as having the annual ITFNZ aware presentations, senior Instructors were also presented wih their senior dan and Umpires certificates.

Mr Steve Pellow was also awarded a plaque for 25 years of training in Taekwon-Do, and outstanding service to ITFNZ and received a standing ovation.


Paul M Taekwon-Do Dan Student of the Year
Winner: Carl van Roon
Finalists: Gwyn Brown, David Burr, Richard Lavin

Fuji Mae New Zealand Ltd Gup Student of the Year
Winner: Chris Morton
Finalists: Donna Marie Edwards, Dave Sawyer, Helen Caley, Peter Goodyer

Nibun ITF Junior Student of the Year
Winner: Amy Reeder
Finalists: Melissa Timperley, Alicia Yates

Epson New Zealand Instructor of the Year
Winner: Steve Pellow
Finalists: Mark Banicevich, David Oliver, Richard Burr, Ian Walton

Top Ten Club of the Year
Winner: Palmerston North Taekwon-Do Academy
Finalists: Dragons Spirit Papatoetoe. Meadowbank, Porirua, Phoenix Taekwon-Do Gisborne

The President's Award for Outstanding Contribution to Furthering ITFNZ
Winner: Mark Banicevich
Finalists: Carl Matthews, David Ballard, Nick Lourantos

2006 Awards

The 2006 ITFNZ National Awards were held at the Nationals Dinner on 7th October 2006, with special guest - Grand Master CE Sereff


Paul M Taekwon-Do Dan Student of the Year Winner: Mr Dan Jackson
WebWorld Gup Student of the Year Winner: Mr Afi Meleisea
Nibun ITF Junior Student of the Year Winner: Miss Courtney Meleisea
Epson New Zealand Instructor of the Year Winner: Mr Ross Campbell
Martial Arts Apparel Club of the Year Winner: Dragons Spirit
The President’s Award Winner: Mr Neil Breen

The 2006 Awards dinner was a very special event, with over 350 ITFNZ members and guests attending.

2005 Awards

The 2005 ITFNZ National Awards were presented at the Nationals Dinner on 4th June 2005.


Paul M Taekwon-Do Dan Student of the Year - Johnny Ormsby
WebWorld Gup Student of the Year - Amanda Cleland
Nibun ITF Junior Student of the Year - Melissa Timperley
Epson New Zealand Instructor of the Year - Neil Kettings
Martial Arts Apparel Club of the Year - Gisborne RTR
The President’s Award - George and Wendy Konia

Special Awards

Masters Certificates

ITFNZ does not normally provide ITFNZ grading certificates for senior gradings - they are covered by the ITF certificate. At the awards dinner Masters Davidson and McPhail were presented with framed ITFNZ certificates for their master's gradings. There was the slight problem of keeping it a surprise when ITFNZ certificates are normally signed by our President (Master Davidson), and the process overseen by the Director of Gradings (Master McPhail)!

As part of his meticulous planning of the Masters' seminar and grading last year, Mr Bhana arranged for Master Trân Triêu Quân, (President of ITF), and Masters Hector Marano, Pablo Trajtenberg and Wim Bos to sign the certificates, with this awards dinner several months away in mind.

Life Memberships

Mrs Shirley Pygott and Mr Vince Pygott, Mrs Sue Breen and Mr Neil Breen, and Mr Andrew Salton were made life members of ITFNZ.

ITF course certificates were presented.

ITFNZ President Mr Evan Davidson made a speech and wished the NZ Team all the best for the World Champs in Germany.

2004 Awards

The 2004 ITFNZ National Awards were presented at the Nationals Dinner on 5th June 2004


Paul M Taekwon-Do Dan Student of the Year - Chris Fitzgerald
WebWorld Gup Student of the Year - Trudie Malone
Nibun ITF Junior Student of the Year - Campbell Gold
Epson New Zealand Instructor of the Year - Kane Raukura
Martial Arts Apparel Club of the Year - Dragons Spirit Papatoetoe
The President’s Award - Greg Skinner

Special Awards

Mr Peter Graham was awarded a plaque to celebrate his 25 years in Taekwon-Do. As Mr Graham was unable to attend the dinner, his student and good friend Ms Viv Holmes accepted the award on his behalf.

4th and 5th degree certificates were also presented.

2003 Awards

ITFNZ's senior members (4th dans and above) were chosen to decide the 2003 award winners. The nominees are listed below with the reasons they were chosen as a nominee by at least one region. The winners were revealed at the Awards Dinner at the National Tournament. Mr McPhail presented 4th dan Certificates to Mr Dave Ballard and Mr Shaun Tolley.

Thanks to Hayden Breese, Grant Eccles, Jodie Colins and Sue Breen for putting the awards together.


Paul M Taekwon-Do Dan Student of the Year - 
John Matsuoka
WebWorld Gup Student of the Year - The de Koster family
Nibun ITF Junior Student of the Year - Nicole Kettings
Epson New Zealand Instructor of the Year - George Konia
Martial Arts Apparel Club of the Year - Otago University ITF Taekwon-Do Club
The Presidents Award - Paul McPhail

Other Presentations

2002 Awards

The 2002 ITFNZ Annual Awards were held in Hamilton on Saturday 24th August 2002. It featured our new 4th dans who made the presentations, and we also saw the the Junior World Champs Team and wished them the best for November. Mr Ng also acknowledged the work of the Executive Committee and the Sub-Committee Directors. Thanks again to the Marketing Sub-Committee, in particular Mr Mark Banicevich and Mr Darren Ward for organising the awards. Congratulations to all the nominees!


Instructor of the Year - James Rimmer
President's Award - Debbie Trotter
Club of the Year - Tauranga
Dan Student of the Year - Matthew Breen
Junior Student of the Year - Daniel Kerr
Gup Student of the Year - Carl Matthews


2001 Awards

The 2001 ITFNZ Annual awards were held in Auckland on Saturday 28th July 2001. Thanks again to the Marketing Sub-Committee, in particular Mr Mark Banicevich for organising the awards and comparing the evening. Congratulations to those who were nominated, and especially those who received awards.

This year's 'theme' was the 'Italy World Champs' - so many of the Team members presented the awards, and they also got up and thanked everyone for their support with the their training, and assisting them in getting to the Worlds.


Dan Student of the Year: Sandi Galpin - Palmerston North Taekwon-Do Academy
Gup Student of the Year: Renee Faleseuga - Horowhenua Taekwon-Do
Instructor of the Year: Daniel Motu - Rangitikei Dragons Taekwon-Do
Club of the Year: Rangitikei Dragons Taekwon-Do
The President’s Award: Mark Banicevich - Papakura Taekwon-Do

Mr Kevin Joe, Director of the Tournament Sub-Committee also presented Mr Paul McPhail, Mr Mahesh Bhana and Mr Mark Banicevich with their ITF Umpires Certificates.

2000 Awards

The Inaugural ITFNZ Annual awards were held in Wellington on Saturday 29th July 2000. Thanks to the Marketing Sub-Committee and the ITFNZ Executive Committee members for making this possible, and congratulations to those who were nominated, and especially those who received awards.


Student of the Year
- Nikki Mantjika
Instructor of the Year 
- Andrew Salton
Club of the Year 
- Kapiti Coast
The President’s Award 

- Sue Breen

Mr Michael Lowe received his ITFNZ Taekwon-Do Life Membership Award (Mr Lowe was unable to attend).

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