
High Performance

Nga Kaponga

This page provides the background of the New Zealand Taekwon-Do Team name and haka.

Our haka, Nga Kaponga, was composed by Brent Pene, a former Māori liaison officer at the Waiouru Army Camp and a representative of the marae there. The New Zealand Team management met with him several years ago to discuss our history, the legacy of our founder, General Choi, the army connections in Malaysia, and the story of our team’s journey to represent Aotearoa New Zealand on the world stage.

This conversation touched on the significance of our team members’ dedication, their whānau (families), and the organisation they represent. We were honoured and privileged that Brent Pene composed this haka especially for us, drawing from our unique history and identity.

During the New Zealand Team’s visit to the marae, they were formally welcomed and gifted the haka. The text of the haka was shared with the team, along with an important message: they now have a permanent home at the marae, symbolising a lasting bond between the team and the Māori community.

Nga Kaponga reflects the strength, unity, and spirit of the New Zealand Taekwon-Do Team, serving as both a rallying call and a reminder of the values we hold dear.

  • New Zealand Army National Marae

    The New Zealand Army National Marae (Rongomaraeroa o Ngā Hau e Whā) is situated in Waiouru, in the rohe of Ngāti Rangi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, and Mōkai Pātea.

    All soldiers pass through the marae on their journey to becoming members of Ngāti Tūmatauenga. Waiouru is considered the home of the New Zealand soldier – Te Papa Kāinga o Ngā Hōia o Ngāti Tūmatauenga.

    Unlike many other marae, ours faces the setting sun. This is symbolic of our role within New Zealand – that while others face the rising sun, we will protect them from any who might come from the darkness behind.

    Our marae provides an environment for learning our unique history, kawa, and tikanga (customs and traditions). Our marae staff teach cultural practices, including our relationship with local iwi, sacred areas within the vast Waiouru Military Training Area, performing arts, mau taiaha, kai karanga, and Te Reo Māori wānanga.

    It is a unique place that empowers and embraces the teams, whānau, and warriors who pass through. It was a very special experience. Below are the words and meaning of the haka.

Nga Kaponga Name and Haka


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