High Performance Programme
This document should be read in conjunction with the High Performance Group Document.
Purpose of the High Performance Programme
This document should provide reference for all members of the International Taekwon-Do (ITKD) High Performance Programme in New Zealand. To achieve a shared vision it is important that all parties involved in the High Performance Programme are aware of the expectations placed on them. This enables a true “partnership” approach.
This is a “living” document and will be updated regularly. There will be consultation prior to publication to ensure that it reflects the wishes of coaches and athletes who genuinely want to work in a true high performance environment. This will culminate in two things:
- An increasing ability to attend the World events and know that the results will be in line with the goals and expectations set.
- The provision for athletes, who wish to participate in the High Performance programme, of a training regime which will enable them to transition to a genuinely international level.
The ITKD strategic plan has as one of four priorities “Maximum Potential – to support and nurture success on the national and international stage”.
The High Performance Programme provides that pathway for athletes, coaches and officials and enables them to learn and develop to be the best in the world. Another part of that pathway is to develop a comprehensive competition strategy. This will include holding international events in New Zealand in order to provide a profile within New Zealand and to maintain New Zealand’s place in the international TKD community.
International success could be described as the ultimate promotion for a sport. If New Zealand continues to achieve international success in Taekwon-Do it will improve the brand awareness of our sport.
This in turn attracts sponsorship and government funding and provides incentives and development for our athletes and coaches.
An increased profile is likely to increase participation and grow the sport. This then creates a greater potential pool of athletes for our High Performance Programmes.
Therefore, the success of the High Performance Programme is critical in achieving sustainable growth and increased brand awareness in Taekwon-Do.
Underpinning our High Performance programme is the funding we get from Sport NZ. This funding depends largely on results at the following events:
- ITF World Cup
- ITF World Championships
Athlete Development
iTKD will base the athlete development programme around three levels of development:
- ITKD Competitors
- National Development Squad
- Senior & Junior National Teams

The purpose of the structure is to:
- Identify and implement a deliberate talent development pathway for athletes through to New Zealand representation.
- Provide year round plans and programmes for the athletes.
- Provide a base of technically, physically and mentally prepared athletes from which New Zealand teams can be selected.
ITKD Competitors
These are ITKD members that compete in local, regional or National Tournaments. They are coached by their Instructor or Regional Coach and may go on to represent their regional at the National Tournament. This is the pool of grass roots membership that may go on to become National Development Squad members and members of the National Team.
Talent Identification
This is all about realising athletes’ performance potential, recognising their potential to perform to a very high level in the future. These athletes will transition through with the ultimate goal of reaching the level of our National Squad, maximising their performance level.
Talent identification is based around the following principles. It should:
- be inclusive rather than exclusive
- be conducted often throughout the year as individuals will develop at varying rates
- avoid early specialisation even with identified athletes as this will lead to athlete burnout and/or drop out
- implement clear development programmes around identified individuals. Development rather than competition success should be the key outcome
Instructors, coaches or members of the High Performance Team can recommend to the National Coach that members be considered for inclusion in the National Development Squad. In cases where a member lives out of a main centre or has financial difficulties, support may be available in terms of transport, billeting or financial assistance. This is considered on a case by case scenario at the discretion of the HP Advisor.
National Development Squad
If a member is serious about progressing to become a member of the National Development Squad they will need to be at least blue belt, show extensive tournament experience on the local and regional scene, and have the consent of their instructor. The work they need to do is about achieving the specific fitness levels for international Taekwon-Do performance as well as developing the technical aspects of competition that only comes with intensive training and coaching.
Numbers will be dependent on the standard of athletes at any one time. The goals of the inclusion of these athletes are:
- To manage the development of athletes from Regional and National Level tournaments to international competition, such as the Oceania Championships and the ITF World Cup.
- To manage the transition from Junior to Senior. When athletes return from the World Junior events they are often not sure of their future in TKD. This squad will enable them to see and participate in the performance pathway.
The assessment and selection will be based on:
- Fitness
- Training attitude
- Attitude and behaviour in and out of the dojang, to officials and other athletes
- Expressed desire to become a high level athlete
- Support (coach, parents, education) in own region
- Results at Local, Regional and National Tournaments
Squad Termination and Reinclusion
If it is considered that an athlete is not putting in the required effort to reach and/or maintain the standards stated for squad membership, they will be told they are no longer a member of the squad. There are three areas of consideration;
- Taekwon-Do specific skill development
- Where an athlete is not adapting in a consistent way to show they are learning the skills required, the National Coach may, after a discussion with that athlete, the High Performance Advisor and time being given to show better progress, terminate that athletes’ membership of the squad.
- That athlete may be reincluded in the squad if they are able to show the National Coach through tournaments entered and the level of TKD played that they are ready to rejoin.
- Fitness
- Where an athlete has had the opportunity to make the fitness gains required to hold membership of a squad and has not reached the standards as set, their squad membership will be terminated.
- For an athlete to regain membership they must work with a fitness adviser in their region and in consultation with the National Coach and / or HP Strength & Conditioning Consultant to plan a retest either in their region or with the National Coach. All costs of that retest will be at the athlete's expense. Once they have shown that they have reached the required fitness standard the National Coach will invite them back into the squad.
Strength and Conditioning requirements for the National Development Squad
From time to time, all ITKD squad members may be fitness tested, either by the National Coach, a nominated Strength and Conditioning Consultant, or in regions as stipulated by the National Coach.
Following each assessment all athletes will be given individual targets which they are required to meet for their next assessment.
If any athlete does not meet their targets they have one month to complete the assessment again. If within the second assessment the athlete does not reach their targets, official action will be demonstrated resulting in a form of consequence – i.e. ineligible in National Squad.
As well as individual targets there are minimum standards that all ITKD athletes must achieve to be selected within the National Development Squad.
Minimum Fitness Assessment Bench Marks
Fitness test to be decided by the Strength & Conditioning Consultant in consultation with the Coach and HP Advisor.
Criteria for the ITF World Cup for New Zealand members
The ITF World Cup is a annual event open to blue belts and above aged 12 years and older. In New Zealand the following criteria applies to all ITKD members:
- Each region will form a team known a "Club" for the purposes of entering the tournament.
(The World Cup is named a Club competition)
- A regional team will be made up of registered ITKD members who are active in a club from that region.
- ITKD members are not permitted to change regions or compete for another region for the purpose of the competition.
- No individual or club wishing to enter independently will be permitted to by ITKD.
- There will be a maximum of six teams entering a World Cup from New Zealand, named: NZ Auckland, NZ Counties, NZ Midlands, NZ Central, NZ Wellington and NZ South.
- Each region will appoint its own coaching and management staff, using the same democratic procedure as they would normally do for the National Tournament.
- The regional coaching & management staff will be responsible for setting the selection criteria and process for its own team.
- The regional management will oversee any official apparel, travel, accommodation, and all aspects of the competition and team training for their region.
- All aspects of the athlete’s code of conduct will apply to World Cup Regional Teams and NZ National Team members equally.
Team Commitment Information
- Squad Members must be at least red belt and above on the Selection Day to be considered for a place on the National Team.
- Team Members must have at least an 80% attendance record at National/Regional Team Training sessions.
- Team Members must report to the Coach/Manager if they are unable to attend training, with good reason.
- Team Members/ Coach and Manager shall adhere to all rules and regulations as written in these documents.
- Team Members shall be responsible for their own individual training.
- Team Members shall ensure that they keep their body weight (if necessary) within the weight required for their individual sparring weight division.
- Team Members must be free from having a Criminal Record and act as good ambassadors for International Taekwon-Do.
- It is a clear expectation of this organisation that Squad members not chosen to represent New Zealand Team, maintain good etiquette and manners that are associated with our art.
Equalization Policy
This is to ensure all National Team members have equal opportunity to attend Team training sessions and other commitments. Details of the equalization policy will be explained to the Team by Management once the team has been selected.
New Zealand Team Selection Guidelines
17 Months prior to the World Championships:
- HP Advisor calls for applications for both the NZ Coach and NZ Manager.
16 Months (end):
- Close for Coach/Manager applications.
- Distribute the completed and returned Coach/Manager position applications to the HP Advisory Panel for a joint consideration.
15 Months (mid):
- Select NZ Head Coach
- Select NZ Head Manager
- Team Members application form placed on website
15 Months (end):
- NZ Head Coach selects Assistant Coach(s) (HP Advisor and Group reserves the right of veto)
- NZ Head Manager selects Assistant Manager(s) (HP Advisor and Group reserves the right of veto)
14 Months:
- NZ Coaching and Management Team develop and schedule future squad trainings in consultation with the HP Advisor.
13 – 5 Months:
- NZ Coaching and Management Team communicate to National Squad with their expected training requirements.
- NZ Coaching Team to monitor progress and advise Squad members of any improvements that need to be made.
- NZ Coaching Team to monitor and consider squad members results from all National and International Tournaments from the previous World Championships to the upcoming World Championships
4 -6 Months:
- NZ Head Coach and the chosen selection panel, carry out Team Selections from the members of the training squad present to represent International Taekwon-Do (NZ) at the World Championships.
Selection Panel
The Selection Panel will be made up from the following people - Head Coach, Assistant Coach(s) plus other member(s) agreed upon by the Coaches and HP Advisor. Minimum 3 in the Selection Panel and maximum is 5. HP Advisor, NZ Team Manager or Assistant Team Managers cannot be a part of the Selection Panel.
Selection Process
The Selection Panel will take into account a Squad Members attendance over training camps, general attitude and results from International and National Tournaments they have entered in since the most recent International Taekwon-Do World Championships.
Selection Notes
Note 1:
If you are a Black Stripe (1st Gup) and you are provisionally selected for the NZ Team at the trials you must successfully complete your Black Belt grading to confirm your position in the team.
Note 2:
1st Gups and Black Belts trialling for individual patterns and planning to grade after the trials must know and perform the relevant patterns for their division. Those athletes who fall into this category must learn their new patterns in their own time, and not expect to be shown at any HP training sessions/camps as the coaches time is fully committed to delivering High Performance training - not for individual tuition.
Note 3:
There will normally be no specific trials for the following events: Team Patterns, Team Sparring, Team Specialty, Team Power.
Athletes who have expressed interest in these team events must take part in the trials for the respective individual events and the subsequent team members for these events will be selected from the final official NZ squad.
Note 4:
Pre-arranged / Traditional Sparring is the only Team Event that will be trialed.
Note 5:
Certain trialists that miss out on selections for the NZ team may be invited by the NZ Coaches to continue to train with the NZ squad – in the event of a significant injury to a NZ team member or should any other circumstance occur which means that the NZ team member can no longer continue to be part of the NZ Team, the invited athlete may be considered as a suitable replacement.
2020/21 targets to be set
ITKD’s future participation and performance goals are directly linked to the establishment of a sound and consistent coaching philosophy and structure at a national, regional and club level. ITKD wants every athlete to have access to an appropriately qualified coach. To this end it has developed a national coaching strategy to be led by the High Performance Advisor, constantly supporting coaches at all levels and enabling a clear pathway to coach high performance.
Introduction to the ITKD Coaching Strategy
The Strategy encompasses a holistic philosophy, which is based on Sport NZ's Coaching Development Framework and is aligned with Sport NZ's direction, strategy and accompanying objectives.
ITKD regards coaching and coaches as critical to its overall strategy. ITKD wants every athlete to have access to an appropriately qualified coach to ensure that they reach their potential or desired level of competition. ITKD fully endorses Sport NZ’s three coaching objectives as stated in its Coaching Strategy.
- More Time
- Increase and improve the quality and quantity of time available for coaches to focus on coaching activities and coach education opportunities
- Increased recognition of status
- Increase and recognise the status of coaches to ensure they are valued and that coaching is viewed as a rewarding experience at all levels.
- Improved quality
- Continually improve the quality of the coaching education process ensuring that coaches have ongoing pathways for further development and are always up-to-date in coaching information
The implementation of ITKD Coaching Strategy will be focused on:
- Building its coaching communities; and
- Creating a coaching environment which:
- Is led by the High Performance Advisor
- Is specific to TKD
- Provides support to coaches and resources
- Improves coach development
- Increases High Performance capacity
ITKD actively encourages coaches to
- Strive for the highest standards for the athletes, themselves, their fellow coaches and international Taekwon-Do
- Adhere to the ITKD Standards Document as a matter of course
High Performance funding depends to a large extent on achieving designated Performance Targets. ITKD has made these targets realistic yet challenging. Therefore, achievement of these targets involves a partnership between all interested parties working together to achieve the common goal. Funding for future activities is heavily reliant on achieving our stated targets.
Key Stakeholders in ITKD’s High Performance Programme are as follows:
Sport New Zealand
High Performance New Zealand
Key Governing Bodies
These three organisations are the governing bodies of International Taekwon-Do.
ITKD is expected to provide each National Squad member with:
- Access to an appropriately qualified coach
- A training programme
- Competition and training opportunities
- International competition (where appropriate)
- Information (e.g. this document, scholarship or funding opportunities).
Athletes in the National Development Squad are expected to:
- Be available for selection for international competition
- Adhere to the training programme established by the coach
- Participate in designated tournaments as described in selection policies
- Maintain pre-determined levels of fitness as described in this document
- Advise the National Coach or the squad coach of any injury as soon as the injury occurs
- Abide by the International Taekwon-Do Rules and Regulations (see Standards Document).
- Adhere to ITKD policy of Drug Testing as implemented by Drug Free Sport NZ
Members of the New Zealand National Team are, through their performance and behaviour, a reflection of the quality of the ITKD High Performance Programme. As such, athletes must train with a level of commitment that is in keeping with their own and ITKD’s stated goals. Athletes will need to ensure that their off-court activities will contribute to the attainment of their Taekwon-Do goals.
Expectations of Parents
Parents play a very important role in the development of athletes and therefore are a part of the High Performance Programme. Communication between coaches, administrators and parents is crucial to ensure a consistent message is portrayed to athletes. It is important parents understand the commitment required of High Performance athletes.
ITKD’s High Performance coaches will:
- Plan, monitor and evaluate periodised training Programmes.
- Provide coaching at a level appropriate for each athlete.
- Recognise that while competition results are important to the High Performance Programme, they will not be sought at the expense of the health and well-being of coaches or athletes.
- Reflect on their coaching performance in order to learn more about their own strengths and weaknesses.
- Contribute to the long-term development of ITKD by recognising and respecting other coaches and working together.
- Acknowledge that constructive feedback will contribute to the development and improvement of the High Performance Programme.
- Acknowledge that destructive criticism of other coaches is detrimental not only to the coaches concerned, but to the whole environment of ITKD.
Where Regional coaches are working with athletes, they will be required to submit reports to the National Coach on a regular basis. These reports will contain information on their work as a coach, the regional programme as a whole and relevant individual athlete information.
An important part of preparing athletes for international competition is to ensure that an athlete abides by the rules of competition. It is vital that athletes understand these requirements before they compete in international events.
Therefore, our ITF A Grade umpires need to participate in domestic tournaments on a regular basis. In addition to this, umpires should make coaches aware of any athletes in their squads who are not following the rules.
Umpires have a responsibility to make High Performance coaches aware of any changes in interpretation of rules as well as discussing likely scenarios that could occur at International level.
ITKD have announced their partnership with STA travel effective 1 October 2014.
All athletes who are selected for the New Zealand team are required to travel as part of team travel arrangements made by the HP personnel to the World Championships. Parents and Supporters may also travel with the team and be included in the Group booking at their option.
A return group booking will be made for those wishing to travel back to New Zealand as a group, but this would not be compulsory.
All coaches and team management will be travelling with the team.
Appendix 1: Key Events
Regional Events
- Under 18 Series (juniors)
- Regional Tournaments
- Any local Round-Robin or similar Tournaments
National Events
International Events
- Oceania Championships (bi-annual)
- ITF World Cup (bi-annual)
- ITF World Championships (bi-annual)
Appendix 2: Athletes’ “Code of Conduct”
Along with the Tenets of Taekwon-Do and the rules and regulations outlined in our Standards Document, the objective of this Athlete code of conduct is to state plainly the way in which athletes chosen to for an ITKD New Zealand National Development Squad or Team are expected to conduct themselves as National Representatives.
All competitors and assistant coaches competing or officiating in the World Cup or World Championships will be required to sign a code of conduct form, agreeing to the all of the terms and conditions found in this ITKD HP performance program document.
This Code of Conduct is to be followed on all occasions and in all places where the athlete can be seen to be a representative of ITKD and includes:
- The venue of the tournament, which means; the mat, surrounds of the place where the athlete is about to compete, or is competing in, or has competed in.
- Where the place of competition is out of New Zealand: this includes the period from departure to the return to New Zealand and applies equally to any accommodation provided during that period.
- All national squad training camps, training sessions (group and individual), and events the athlete is involved in.
Athletes’ Obligations
At all times to
- Behave in a way that reflects positively on the Art, Sport, ITKD, the team and its management at all times.
- Refrain from making any comment to the media relating to the representative team or the event without the permission of the National Coach or Team Manager and in particular any public announcement or media comment that might bring the sport into disrepute.
- Comply with all directions from the National Coach or Team Manager.
- Accept without question any judgment of the National Coach or Team Manager as to any unacceptable behaviour.
- Comply with the requirements of the National Coach or Team Manager as to dress (including sponsor’s logos).
- All NZ Team members or Regional Team members including coaches and management are required to wear the official NZ team or regional team apparel for the event. This includes traveling to and from the tournament venue, at the venue for the duration of the competition, or at other times specified by coaches or management.
- No ITKD club tracksuits or apparel or foreign TKD uniforms or apparel are permitted to be worn for the duration of the competition.
During Competition:
To maintain at all times a high standard of sportsmanship and fair play. This will include:
- Always competing to the best of their ability and where appropriate to compete as part of a team;
- Abiding by the Rules of the competition, its Regulations and the Conditions as specified by the ITF;
- Respecting any ruling given by the Umpires. Athletes may question dubious decisions in the correct way;
- Not purchasing or consuming alcohol if under the legal age limit (18 years of age);
- Not taking any performance-enhancing drug and, in particular, to strictly comply with any regulations adopted by ITKD in regard thereto;
- Presenting for competition in an acceptable physical and mental condition and standard of appearance;
- Maintain towards opponents an attitude of respect and politeness.
- Respect the tournament officials, volunteers, members and staff of any Club at which the event is being or has been played.
- Respect the coaches, managers and any other appointed officials of ITKD or the ITF.
Dismissal Procedure
All disciplinary matters shall be reported to the “High Performance Advisor (Any action needed to be taken can be discussed, recorded and followed through with, in conjunction with the Director of the Standards & Discipline Committee if deemed necessary.
- Experience has shown that certain disciplinary procedure/house rules are necessary to ensure that all parties involved with the running/organising of the National Team have a clear understanding of their responsibilities.
- When it is considered necessary to take disciplinary action, the person concerned will be advised and given the opportunity to offer an explanation or present mitigating facts for consideration in their defence.
- Where possible the High Performance Advisor will conduct an investigation and advise the person/s involved the facts relevant to any possible disciplinary action prior to the disciplinary meeting with the Standards & Discipline Committee, to enable the person/s to adequately respond to the allegations.
- Following the disciplinary meeting the Standards & Discipline Advisor will evaluate all known relevant facts, the person’s response and the person’s training history and make a decision as to the form of disciplinary action to be taken. The person/s involved will then be informed by the Coaching & Selection Advisor of the decision.
Where a member of the Team/Management/Coaching Staff’s action is deemed to be MISCONDUCT as outlined below, the following WARNING PROCEDURE will be followed.
1st Offence (where applicable)
The High Performance Advisor having investigated the matter and heard the explanation of the person involved will report the incident to the Standards & Discipline Group for them to consider, before they issue a verbal warning. A written record of this warning is to be kept by the High Performance Advisor.
2nd Offence
The High Performance Advisor, having investigated the matter and heard the explanation of the person/s involved will report to the Standard & Discipline Group to issue out a final written warning.
The High Performance Advisor and the Standards & Discipline Advisor, reserve the right to action instant dismissal if they feel that circumstances, after investigation warrant this action.
The following are examples of the type of action/behaviour which the Coaching & Selection Group considers to be MISCONDUCT and warranting of a WARNING in accordance with the above procedure.
- Using abusive or obscene language.
- Repeated lateness or lack of application to set training sessions
- Disrespecting Team Members/Management/Coaching Staff and members of the public
- Any breach of the rules during or after training camps.
- Failure to follow proper etiquette/protocol that may bring the International Taekwon-Do into disrepute.
- Habitual absenteeism without reasonable excuse.
Where any parties actions are deemed to be SERIOUS MISCONDUCT as outlined below, SUMMARY DISSMISAL without notice may result following investigations.
Serious Misconduct
The following are examples of the type of actions/behaviour, which the
Coaching & Selection Group considers to be SERIOUS MISCONDUCT and warranting of SUMMARY DISSMISAL:
- Unauthorised possession or removal of another Team Members property without that Team Members consent.
- Refusal to carry out lawful instruction of the Manager/Coach or Coaching & Selection Advisor, without good reason.
- Intentional Damage to training venue premises or that of another Team Member which can seriously affect the safety of others.
- Physical assault on any Team Member, support crew or member of the public.
- Verbal abuse or mental intimidation of any Team Member, Member of the public or the Management/Coaching Staff.
- Possession of drugs or the consumption of drugs (other than drugs prescribed to that Team Member).
- Bringing alcoholic drinks to the training venue and/or consuming these therein without management/coach’s consent.
- Reporting for training in such a condition of alcohol and/or drug intoxication that the person involved is unable and/or unfit to perform training tasks effectively and/or safely.
- Refusal to perform set tasks or walking out of training sessions.
- Sexual harassment of another Team Member or Member of the public.
Code of Ethics
This Coaches’ Charter is from the Sport New Zealand Coaching Code of Ethics.
Coaches should:
- Be treated with respect and openness
- Have access to self-improvement opportunities
- Be matched with a level of coaching appropriate to their ability
I agree to the following terms:
- I agree to abide by the Coaches’ Code of Ethics below.
- I acknowledge that the Coaching and Selections Advisor may take disciplinary action against me if I breach the Code of Ethics. I understand that the NSO is required to implement a complaints handling procedure in accordance with the principles of natural justice in the event of an allegation against me.
- I acknowledge that disciplinary action against me for a proven or established breach may include de-registration of my qualification, depending on the seriousness of the breach.
Please refer to the harassment-free sport guidelines available from Sport NZ or contact ITKD if you require more information on harassment.
- Maintain high standards of integrity.
- Operate within the rules of your sport and in the spirit of fair play, while encouraging your athletes to do the same. Advocate a sporting environment free of drugs and other performance-enhancing substances within the guidelines of the New Zealand Sports Drug Agency and the World Anti-Doping Code. Do not disclose any confidential information relating to athletes without their prior written consent.
Professional responsibilities
- Display high standards in your language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation. Display control, courtesy, respect, honesty, dignity and professionalism to all involved within the sphere of sport – this includes opponents, coaches, officials, administrators, the media, parents and spectators.
- Encourage your athletes to demonstrate the same qualities.
- Be professional and accept responsibility for your actions.
- You should not only refrain from initiating a sexual relationship with an athlete, but should also discourage any attempt by an athlete to initiate a sexual relationship with you, explaining the ethical basis of your refusal.
- Accurately represent personal coaching qualifications, experience, competence and affiliations.
- Refrain from criticism of other coaches and athletes.
- Provide a safe environment for training and competition.
- Adopt appropriate risk management strategies to ensure that the training and/or competition environment is safe.
- Ensure equipment and facilities meet safety standards.
- Ensure equipment, rules, training and the environment are appropriate for the age, physical and emotional maturity, experience and ability of the athletes.
- Show concern and caution towards sick and injured athletes.
- Allow further participation in training and competition only when appropriate.
- Encourage athletes to seek medical advice when required.
- Provide a modified training programme where appropriate.
- Maintain the same interest and support toward sick and injured athletes as you would to healthy athletes.
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every individual athlete as a human being.
- Treat everyone equally regardless of sex, disability, ethnic origin or religion.
- Respect the talent, developmental stage and goals of each athlete in order to help each athlete reach their full potential.
- Be a positive role model for your sport and athletes and act in a way that projects a positive image of coaching.
- All athletes are deserving of equal attention and opportunities.
- Ensure the athlete’s time spent with you is a positive experience.
- Be fair, considerate and honest with athletes.
- Encourage and promote a healthy lifestyle – refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol around athletes.
- Make a commitment to providing a quality service to your athletes.
- Seek continual improvement through ongoing coach education, and other personal and professional development opportunities.
- Provide athletes with planned and structured training programmes appropriate to their needs and goals.
- Seek advice and assistance from professionals when additional expertise is required.
- Maintain appropriate records.
- Protect your athletes from any form of personal abuse.
- Refrain from any form of verbal, physical or emotional abuse towards your athletes.
- Refrain from any form of sexual or racial harassment, whether verbal or physical.
- Do not harass, abuse or discriminate against athletes on the basis of their sex, marital status, sexual orientation, religious or ethical beliefs, race, colour, ethnic origins, employment status, disability or distinguishing characteristics.
- Any physical contact with athletes should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the athlete’s skill development.
- Be alert to any forms of abuse directed towards athletes from other sources while in your care.
Role of the Parents & Supporters
- To provide encouragement and support to their children
- To provide them with tangible help with their diet on a daily basis, based around the athletes’s individual nutritional requirements.
- To ensure prompt timekeeping for all TKD matters.
- To assist with communication with ITKD.
- To assist with maintaining a balanced lifestyle. For example, juggling TKD, school work and social time so that they do not impact on each other detrimentally.
- To encourage good discipline and behaviour in the dojang.
- To direct any worries, problems or issues through the National Coach immediately.
- To be aware that members of a National Squad not only represent their clubs and district but also their country – New Zealand.
- To help their child become self responsible.