
General Documents

High Performance Advisor Group

The following job description outlines the roles and responsibilities of members of the the High Performance (HP) Advisor Group and other appointed staff members. This should be read in conjunction with the High Performance Programme.

See who the current Advisors are here »


High Performance Advisor Group

The High Performance Advisor in consultation with the Advisory Panel will appoint HP Group members.

The responsibilities of the HP Advisor Group is to:

  • Verify, authorise and sanction New Zealand teams to international events.
  • Represent the interests of International Taekwon-Do.
  • Provide support to and liaise with the HP Advisor.                               


High Performance Advisor

The High Performance Advisor will be appointed, on a biannual basis, by the Advisory Panel and report directly to the Advisory Panel and the CEO. The HP Advisor will provide strategic direction and operational leadership for all aspects of International Taekwon-Do’s High Performance Programme. 


  • Maintain and manage the HP budget.
  • Advertise for and select the Coach and Manager for the New Zealand Team competing at a World Championships, in liason with the HP Advisor Group and the Advisory Panel.
  • Coordinate, communicate, implement and manage HP decisions.
  • Liaise with the Advisory Panel, NZ Team Coaches(s), Manager(s) and other parties as required.
  • Manage discipline and dismissal procedures.
  • Uphold the integrity of the team selection process.
  • Maintain and build upon the current strategy to ensure New Zealand athletes maximise their talent and achieve excellence on the international stage.
  • Continue to foster and create a culture where athletes and coaches value our organisation and the input it provides.



The High Performance Advisor is responsible for:


  • Provide strategic direction and operational leadership for all aspects of the International Taekwon-Do’s High Performance Programme.  Constant review of the programme and structure is required and formal annual programme reviews are required by the Association and with Sport New Zealand.
  • Maintain a clear structure and pathway to ensure that talented athletes and coaches are identified and fostered to perform at the highest levels.


  • Provide effective liaison with numerous external stakeholder groups: international federations, national selectors, ITF, Drug Free Sport NZ, High Performance Sport NZ, Tournaments Advisor Group, ITKD Staff and Board.
  • Manage all reporting for the performance plan investment schedule and deliver on any contracted Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Budget Mangement

  • Prepare and submit budget to the CEO. The Budget is to reflect Coaching and Team Development.
  • Liaise with the HP Group and NZ Coach & Manager on how best to allocate the budget so that both Coaching/Management Team and NZ Team benefits from it.
  • Approve allocated funds which will be held by the Organisation's Accounts Administrator.



In addition to demonstrating relevant experiences across the core functional areas of responsibility identified in this Position Overview above, candidates applying for the HP Advisor role will require a range of personal and professional skills, including:

  • Proven track record of senior management experience in an international high performance sporting environment.
  • Superior written and oral communication skills.
  • The ability to demonstrate leadership.
  • Relevant experience and an ability to swiftly build relationships and credibility with international level athletes and coaches.
  • An ability to form beneficial and professional relationships with a range of external stakeholders including athletes, coaches, volunteers and other sporting organisations.
  • The proven ability to construct detailed implementation plans and associated budgeting.
  • Experience with volunteers as a coaching support base.
  • Excellent planning, organisational and prioritising skills.
  • Financially savvy and MS Office compliant.



  •  To seamlessly assimilate into the International Taekwon-Do High Performance environment.
  •  Achievement of milestones as laid out within the current successful high performance strategy and plans.
  •  Maintaining and building on the current programme.
  •  Timely planning and reporting including, but not limited to;
    • Board Reports via CEO.
    • Financial: Budgets and Monitoring.
    • Presentations to ITFNZ Board, Sport New Zealand, HPNZ and internal stakeholders.
    • Sport New Zealand reporting against any Investment Schedule
    • Appropriate liaison with Sport NZ and the HPSNZ regarding Prime Ministers Scholarships, Performance Enhancement Grant, Carding and Athlete support



The High Performance Advisor has periodic reporting from:

  • National Team Management
  • National Coaching Team

New Zealand Head Coach

Purpose of Position

To ensure the professional preparation and development of all team members, to New Zealand team standards, within the prescribed time frames. The team standards will be reviewed and set on an annual basis in consultation with the High Performance Advisor and Team Manager.                    

Key result areas  


Performance standard

Participate in squad development camps   Attend, and be available for consultation on, all squad camps.
Take part in the selection of team members   Participate in the evaluation of each team member’s skill and suitability for a team place, In consultation with the HP Advisor and other members of the chosen selection panel. Identify, agree and select team members available to represent International Taekwon-Do of NZ at the Championships.
Assess plan and develop skill levels of all team members   Carry out a detailed assessment of each team member’s skill level with the assistance of the Assistant Coach. Develop, in consultation with each team member, a detailed skill development Programme including strategy, techniques and ring craft. Monitor progress on a monthly basis.
Assess, plan and build fitness   Carry out a detailed assessment of each team member’s fitness levels with the assistance of the Assistant Coach. Develop, in consultation with each team member, a detailed fitness Programme for their own individual needs. Monitor progress on a monthly basis, and make adjustment to each individual where/when necessary.
Plan training schedules   Develop a team-training schedule based on the individual and team needs. Communicate schedule to all team members.
Assess and develop team cohesion and strength   Monitor team cohesion and strength in conjunction with Team Manager and Assistant Manager. Develop team-building strategies, implement motivational plan and provide counseling/mentoring facilities.
Evaluate and forecast Taekwon-Do Techniques.   Observe and evaluate Taekwon-Do techniques used in tournaments. Forecast technique development needs and incorporate, where appropriate, into training plan.
Develop overall team make-up and strategy   Assess and determine best use of individual skills within the team with a view to best strategic make-up of individual team positions.
Book Work   Keep a written record of each team member’s progress, including the individuals fitness levels, technical ability and learning skills. Discuss with team members any problems or difficulties that they may have in reaching the standard set by the Coach.
Nutrition   Assess and determine each individual’s nutritional needs
Liaise with Team Manager   To achieve Team Goals
Communication   Any communications from the NZ Coach to be fully discussed and agreed upon by the entire Coaching / Management Team before being presented to the HP Advisor for consideration.

NZ Coach must direct any queries for the Advisory Panel or Board via the HP Advisor . HP Advisor will seek guidance from the Panel or Board and respond to the NZ Coach.

That all communications relating to the current Worlds Campaign (ie) travel & accommodation, other expenses and expectations of Coaches, Manager & athletes to be communicated regularly to Team Members ( Seniors & Juniors ) plus Juniors Parents / care givers.
Accountability   The NZ Coach is accountable to the HP Advisor and Advisory Panel


Profile - The New Zealand Team Coach

Aspects Sought



Impact on others

  • Able to communicate orally with confidence and sensitivity, and relate well with all groups within Taekwon-Do
  • Enhances professional image of International Taekwon-Do

Acquired knowledge or qualifications

  • Previous experience as Coach at Regional level of Taekwon-Do
  • Holds a CNZ level 2 Certificate or equivalent
  • Must be at least a 3rd Dan
  • Must be aware of the ITF Tournament rules
  • Proven experience of body systems and techniques
  • Good understanding of nutrition
  • Basic First Aid
  • Mentoring and counseling experience
  • Planning and monitoring experience
  • Team building skills
  • Has attended a World/Junior World Championship event
  • Has Coached/ Assistant Coached at a World Championship event
  • Proven understanding of muscle group techniques
  • Problem solving skills
  • Advanced First Aid Certificate (2 Day)



  • Proven self-starter with drive to get things done.
  • Maintains high personal standards and inspires those around.



  • Taekwon-Do



  • Achieves and reacts calmly to time pressure deadlines
  • Conscientious and thorough in task completion
  • Displays a high level of honesty and integrity
  • Seeks and employs expertise where required


Accountability The NZ Coach is accountable to the HP Advisor , CEO and the Operations Executive.  


New Zealand Manager

Purpose of Position

To ensure the successful management of the team, to International Taekwon-Do (Foundation) of New Zealand standards, within prescribed timeframes. This will include the planning, organising and the administration of all aspects of team preparation except coaching. Timeframes and standards of management will be drawn from previous world team experiences and will be set in consultation with the High Performance Advisor and Group.

Key result areas  


Performance standard

Coordinate fundraising activities   Research and follow-up fundraising opportunities including, submission of funding applications to Government Agencies and Trusts and pursuing corporate sponsors through contacts, prospects and networking.

Provide forecasts and a timeline for obtaining funds and contingencies in the event targets are not being met within the given timeframes.

Provide documentation to individual team members for individual sponsorship in addition to team sponsorship as required. (See: Sample Document)

Communicate with Advisory Panel, HP Advisor and all Regional Directors, to ensure a good level of communication, to assist with any funding etc that may need to be required.

Team Member’s shall be allowed to seek their own Fundraising/Sponsorship with the approval of the NZ Team Manager.

Training Fees shall be kept to a minimum and an application fee may be required upon Squad Member’s inclusion onto the National Team.
Liaise with Coach/Assistant Coach   Liaise with the Team Coach/Assistant on issues surrounding the scheduling of training camps, squad issues and general planning and organising of the team.

Ensure the efficient and effective communication, coordination and management of all aspects of the team’s affairs.

Any communications from the NZ Manager to be fully discussed and agreed upon by the entire Coaching / Management Team before being presented to the HP Advisor for consideration.

NZ Manager must direct any queries for the Advisory Panel or Board via the HP Advisor . HP Advisor will seek guidance from the Panel or Board and respond to the NZ Manager.

That all communications relating to the current Worlds Campaign (ie) travel & accommodation, Camp fee’s and other expenses and expectations of Coaches, Manager & athletes to be communicated regularly to Team Members ( Seniors & Juniors ) plus Juniors Parents / care givers.
Manage and maintain Correspondence   Contact and liaise with the provider of the team apparel ensuring style, sizing, embroidery and deadlines are scheduled and met.

Contact and liaise with the team travel agent ensuring all correspondence with team members and decisions regarding passports, deposits and itinerary are completed within the set timeframes.

Correspond in a timely manner with the tournament organisers regarding participation and attendance details. Be prepared to provide written reports to the HP Advisor upon request.
Manage the Marketing and Media aspects of the team   Contact, correspond and liaise with all available marketing and media opportunities including, television, radio, local and national papers and Taekwon-Do Talk with the view to raising the profile of the team and/ or individual team members.
Maintain and manage Team accounts   Manage the team accounts by providing, cost analysis, cash flow management, debt collection and balancing of books for audit purposes.

That a monthly financial report be submitted to the HP Advisors outlining all revenue and expenses.

All receipts and invoices are to be kept to substantiate all costs. These are to be presented to the HP Advisors bi monthly via email, scanning or post.

To be accountable for and to justify all decisions made including expenditure.

Accountability   The NZ Manager is accountable to the HP Advisor and Advisory Panel

Profile - The New Zealand Team Manager

Aspects Sought



Impact on others

  • Able to communicate orally with confidence and sensitivity, and relate well with all groups within TKD.
  • Enhances professional image of International Taekwon-Do

Acquired knowledge or qualifications

  • Strong communication skills
  • Coordinating skills
  • Planning skills
  • Time Management and scheduling skills
  • Effective goal setter and developer of action plans
  • People management skills
  • Crisis Management skills
  • Problem solving skills
  • Basic understanding of financial management
  • Basic Business management skills
  • Appreciation of TKD
  • Knowledge of applicants
  • Awareness of TKD protocol
  • Previous team management skills



  • Proven self-starter with drive to get things done.
  • Belief in TKD and the National team.
  • Maintains high personal standards and inspires those around.



  • Taekwon-Do



  • Achieves and reacts calmly to time pressure deadlines
  • Conscientious and thorough in task completion
  • Displays a high level of honesty and integrity
  • Seeks and employs expertise where required


Strength & Conditioning Consultant

Reporting to High Performance Manager, the HP Strength & Conditioning (S&C) Consultant will provide advice and expertise to the New Zealand Team.


  • Injury Prevention
  • Speed, agility, power and strength enhancement appropriate for the athlete's events
  • Exercise Sciences (Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics) as required
  • Nutrition
  • Program design


  • Be available to offer NZ Team members advice on appropriate aspects of Strength & Conditioning.
  • Offer NZ Team Members the opportunity to attend Specific S&C sessions as appropriate, by appointment and at the athletes own expense .These sessions are by approval of the NZ Coach and HP Manager.
  • Offer NZ funded Team Members the opportunity to attend Specific S&C sessions as appropriate, by appointment, as budgeted in the High Performance Programme. These sessions are by approval of the NZ Coach and HP Manager.
  • Attend the Monthly HP Camps to provide general guidance to all Team members (presentation and/or small workshops), as well as using this time to meet with the funded athletes to check programming, training progress or any S&C matters.
  • Monitor each funded athlete's IPPs as required by Sport NZ and report to the HP Manager.
  • Carry out fitness test at the request of the NZ Coach as and when appropriate.



  •  To keep the NZ Team injury free and fit for their specific events.
  •  Assist funded team members to maintain appropriate IPPs and report to the HP Manager.
  •  Maintaining and building on the current programme
  •  Timely planning and reporting including, but not limited to:
    • Presentations to the HP Manager, NZ Team Management, ITFNZ Board and SPORT NEW ZEALAND as required.





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