
On-Line Courses

Instructors and students to up-skill and improve their knowledge at home, gaining qualifications recognised by ITFNZ Inc.

Most of our on-line courses are now hosted by SPORT TUTOR.


Create a free Sport Tutor account and complete the required courses. After finishing a course, add it as a Credential in the JustGo Membership Portal for your instructor's approval.


  • Child safeguarding
    Module – more detailed coverage of specific topics. Includes information, practical scenarios, and assessment.
  • Umpires Refresher Course
    (For all current and past Umpires)

    This course allows ITFNZ members with a current (or expired) ITFNZ umpiring qualification to undertake the course in their own time and, provided they pass, renew their qualification for another 3 years. 

  • Standards & Discipline Etiquette Course
    (For all members)

    Brush up on your basic TKD etiquette with this 5 minute course.

  • Turning Leads into Members
    (For Instructors & Club Admins)
    This two module course is a must for all ITKD instructors and administrators. Ms Rachel Bates, Centre Manager of New Zealand's largest Taekwon-Do club guides you through an excellent presentation of how to take your internal club sales & marketing to the next level.

  • Instructors Induction Course
    (For blue belts & above)

    Mr Lowe's Instructor Induction Course is in two parts: on-line for the first part, then the balance of the course being 100% practical. Members must pass this course before applying for the training course with Mr Lowe.

  • Self Defence Course
    (For all members)

    Get a 20 minute overview of the ITKD Self Defence Syllabus - both practical and theory. Then take a quick 10 question quiz to finish your course.



  • On-Line First Aid Course for Instructors
    (You first have to create a fee account with Pro-trainings)

    Instructors, you now have the option to renew your First Aid Qualification with UK based ProTrainings. This course is designed specifically for martial arts instructors and costs £29.95 (Approx $63).

    Although not perfect, we feel it is great to have this option for instructors to be able to renew their current First Aid Certificate. This can be done twice before having to attend an in-person course again.

    NOTE: The Course features a different emergency number as it is UK based.

and take a course

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