
General Documents

Standards & Discipline Advisor Group

The following job description outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Standards and Discipline Advisor Group.

See who the current Advisors are here »

Standards & Discipline Advisor  

The Standards & Discipline (S&D) Advisor will be appointed, on a biannual basis, by the Advisory Panel. The position is held by a 4th Degree or above and report directly to the Advisory Panel.

The role is one that relies on confidentiality, tact and the ability to listen well and make informed and fair decisions. Historical evidence shows that reported incidents can often be menial and easily solved, but others can be both difficult and damaging to the organisation if not dealt with correctly. Hence, the need to have someone in the position who is trusted, senior in rank and impartial.

The Standard and Discipline Advisor has a team of selected individuals who fulfil the role of regional S&D representatives. It is important that these selected members also have a vested interest in the organisation and can also fulfil the responsibilities listed below. For this reason, they are not voted in, but are asked directly by either the Standard and Discipline Advisor or are put forward by their own Regional Director for consideration, and approved by the Advisory Panel.  

Responsibilities of the Standard and Discipline Advisor  

  • To accept complaints regarding Standards or Disciplinary issues within International Taekwon-Do
  • To create and hold a record of all complaints and their resulting proceedings for historical evidence.
  • To seek assistance whenever necessary from the Advisory Panel, Operations Executive or CEO.
  • To utilise when necessary other team members to assist in decision making processes.
  • To be prepared to suspend, stand-down or expel members as the need arises.
  • To update and ensure the implementation of the Standards and Discipline document and all its contents.

Expectations of the Standard and Discipline Advisor  

  • To always show the utmost confidentiality and to only involve those necessary and needing to be involved.
  • To deal with each complaint in a timely fashion and in an efficient manner.
  • To make the time available to meet, mediate and question all parties involved in any complaint.
  • To take every complaint on its own merit, to gather evidence and to remain impartial at all times.
  • To immediately pass on any serious legal matters to the Police when required.


Standards and Discipline Regional Representative

The Standard and Discipline Regional Representative position is held by a Senior Degree Black Belt (3rd Degree or above). They report directly to the Standards and Discipline Advisor.

Responsibilities of the Standard and Discipline Regional Representative  

  • To accept complaints regarding Standards or Disciplinary issues within International Taekwon-Do
  • To create and hold a record of all complaints and proceedings for their own region for historical evidence, plus to copy in all correspondence to the Standards and Discipline Advisor.
  • To seek assistance whenever necessary from the Standards and Discipline Advisor and their Regional Director.
  • To utilise when necessary other team members to assist in decision making processes.
  • To be prepared to suspend, stand-down or expel members as the need arises within their own region in conjunction with the Standards and Discipline Advisor.
  • To ensure the implementation of the Standards and Discipline document and all its contents within their own region.

Expectations of the Standard and Discipline Regional Representative  

  • To always show the utmost confidentiality and to only involve those necessary and needing to be involved.
  • To deal with each complaint in a timely fashion and in an efficient manner.
  • To make the time available to meet, mediate and question all parties involved in any complaint.
  • To take every complaint on its own merit, to gather evidence and to remain impartial at all times.
  • To immediately pass on any serious legal matters to the Standards and Discipline Advisor for reporting to the Police.

Standards & Discipline Budget


  • The S&D Advisor to prepare and submit an annual Budget to the CEO.
  • Liaise with the S&D Advisor Group on how best to allocate the Budget so that the majority of members benefit from it.
  • S&D Advisor will approve the final Budget prior to it being submitted to the CEO.
  • Any allocated funds from International Taekwon-Do will be held by the Organisation's Accounts Administrator and approval for funds to be released via the S&D Advisor.


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