
General Documents

Technical Advisor Group

The following job description outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Technical Advisor Group.

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Technical Advisor

The Technical Advisor will be appointed, on a biannual basis, by the Advisory Panel and report directly to the Advisory Panel. The Technical Advisor will have the following responsibilities:

  • Appoint Technical Advisor Group members in consultation with the Advisory Panel.
  • Coordinate, communicate, implement and manage Technical Advisor Group decisions.
  • Liaise with the Advisory Panel and other parties as required.
  • The drafting and issuing of the Technical Syllabus and Grading requirements.
  • Oversee the implementation of Instructors courses each year.
  • Running Examiner Courses to qualify new examiners and update existing examiners on a biennial basis.
  • Approve and appoint Examiners for Gup and Dan Gradings.
  • Oversee the running of the Technical Advisor Group and make any final decisions, as they are required.
  • Standardisation of techniques practiced throughout International Taekwon-Do, in accordance with the teachings of the late Founder, General Choi Hong Hi.

Technical Advisor Group

The Technical Advisor in consultation with the Advisory Panel will appoint the Technical Advisor Group members. This Group should comprise of the most senior ranked members of the organisation (ie Masters) as appointed by the Advisory Panel.

The responsibilities of the Technical Advisor Group are to:

  • Liaise with the Technical Advisor and other Group members to assist in the standardisation, implementation and clarification of Technical matters.
  • Be available when called upon by the Technical Advisor to assist with Instructor training, technical seminars, and the like.
  • Play an active role in their regions with regular training sessions and seminars, to help standardize techniques.
  • Seek approval from the Technical Advisor before engaging in any activities that may require funding approval.


Examiners are appointed by the Technical Advisor Group from those qualified. Examiners must hold the following qualifications:

  • 4th dan or higher.
  • ITF International Instructor and current Plaque holder.
  • Attended and passed an ITKD Examiners Course and undergone at least 12 months of examiner mentoring.

Examiners are categorized as follows and carry out the following roles:

  • Regional Examiners
    Examiners that are 4th dan or above, appointed by the Technical Advisor Group to conduct gup gradings at regional level.

  • Senior Examiners
    Examiners that are 5th dan or above, appointed by the Technical Advisor Group to conduct gup and dan gradings.

  • Master Examiners
    Examiners that are 7th dan or above, appointed by the Technical Advisor Group to conduct gup and dan gradings, senior dan gradings and facilitate Examiner Moderation.

Technical Budget


  • The Technical Advisor to prepare and submit an annual Budget to the CEO.
  • Liaise with the Technical Advisor Group on how best to allocate the Budget so that the majority of members benefit from it.
  • Technical Advisor will approve the final Budget prior to it being submitted to the CEO.
  • Any allocated funds from International Taekwon-Do will be held by the Organisation's Accounts Administrator and approval for funds to be released via the Technical Advisor.


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