31 October - 1 November 2009
[4th dans and above only]
2009 Theme - PATTERNS
The 6th Annual Stripes 1 to 1 seminar is going bush again!
We will be - OUT IN THE STIX.
Stripes 1 to 1 is a chance for New Zealand's Senior
Black Belts to get together, train together and plan for the future.
Out in the Styx is nestled quietly in the heart of the
Maungatautari, surrounded by 3500 hectares of 1000 year old virgin native
bush, and the magnificent Maungatautari Mountain right on its doorstep...
We will be also holding an ITFNZ
Examiners Course the
day prior to Stripes 1 to 1
Report from Stripes discussions
Stripes 1 to 1 always produces great ideas and initiatives
for ITFNZ. This year was certainly no different, as our most senior instructors
spent hours discussing such issues as re-branding, member retention and
the examination system. Below is a summary of the discussion
Please note that these points were discussed, not necessarily
agreed on, so may or may not go ahead.
- Plus 5. A growth initiative to encourage
schools to grow. Each school is challenged to grow by 5 students during
2010 - based on the registered database figures. Rewards for those
that achieve the plus 5 figure first or grow even more.
- 10 Biggest Schools (currently on the
Instructors Only page) to be extended to 50 Biggest
Schools and
published on the main website. This would be linked in to the Plus
5 initiative.
- Set up mechanisms to grow schools, using the most active and successful
schools (top 20%) to model from.
- Run the 3rd ITFNZ Development Camp (for double graders / talented
up and coming students).
- Fix communication issues within ITFNZ - from the top down. Use of
Web 2.0 communication.
- Modify the ITFNZ Grading / Examiner system to allow for a
more flexible grading schedule that suits the members and schools.
- Develop the Examiner system so that 4th
dans have the potential for a professional Taekwon-Do career path.
- Introduce Examiner moderation.
- Adjust the grading system to allow for students to attain rank based
on hours trained (as per encyclopedia).
- Add moral culture content to the grading system. Begin to examine
ideas for the "Do" to be introduced into the syllabus. e.g. Parent
sign off sheets for kids. Mr Banicevich is assisting GM Tran with an
international system, so will look into the ideas for a local syllabus.
- Formalise Black Belt Pre-gradings.
- Re-Branding and new name roll out (briefing by Mr Burns).
- Develop product downloads (syllabus videos etc) and licence to suppliers
(and tighter controls on use of the logo on products).
- Investigate gaining funding from tournaments, which currently is
not being carried out according to the ITFNZ Event Management Policy.
- Charge less for bigger clubs - e.g. registering members over 30 may
be at a reduced rate, over 50 less again etc.
- Abandon membership cards. Instructors would use the database to select
and print grading lists that show the name, age, rank and previous
results for the examiner.
- Printing of Gup Certificates on a laser printer rather than using
a calligrapher.
- The Sun Bei experiment (see new Taekwon-Do Talk Magazine).
- Have another Instructors Conference.
- Next Stripes: 13-14 November 2010 - same venue.
Why is it called Stripes 1 to 1? Well it is a seminar for
stripes (4th dans and above) from 1 pm Saturday till 1 pm Sunday. And it
is change for 1 to 1 discussions and socialising between our senior members.
See pictures from the pervious Stripes 1 to 1: 2008 2007 2004 2003 2002.