

Hosting Courses and Seminars

Thank you for agreeing to host an ITKD seminar or course. Hosting is easy, and this document gives you the run-down.

The Host / organiser of the course responsibilities are as follows:


The host should book a suitable venue in consultation with the course instructor. Venue costs are budgeted at up to $240 per day. Either send the invoice for the venue to: accounts@itkd.co.nz for payment, or if you have paid it  and have a receipt, it can be claimed immediately using the on-line claim form.

We suggest double checking the venue booking a day or two before the event, to make sure there has been no double booking.

Attendance List

Once approved, Grand Master McPhail will send the host links to two files:

  1. Private list of entry details (gives a list of who has registered and their details)
  2. Private entry screen for results (this is where you can add or remove people to the list)

It is the Host's job to make sure the list is an accurate list of those who attended the course. The course facilitator will enter the details of who passes or not.

Marketing your course

It may be important to promote the course so that you get good numbers attending. This is part of your role as the host. To do this you are free to post on the relevant Facebook Pages and Groups such as:

ITKD Facebook Members Group (You may need to join if you are not already a member)

ITKD Facebook Page (You may need approval to post here)

Other regional Facebook Group Pages such as:




You are also welcome to send me any news items or updates for the itkd website. You can also send information to our Communications Coordinator Mr Matt Pilcher who can do posts on your behalf, if you are not confident doing that yourself.

Communicate with Attendees

The host should communicate with the attendees. Remind them about the course close to the time and what to bring, information about food (bring their own or places they can eat etc), and in general answer any enquires. Your Regional Director will be able to help if you get stuck.

Hosting the Facilitators

It is normally the hosts job to "host" the facilitators. This may involve transportation to and from the airport and the venue, and organising their accommodation. In the first instance, make contact with the facilitators early on to check their requirements.

On the day of the even, provide the facilitator(s) has bottled water and when necessary a light snack for when a break in the day occurs. Again, check their requirements. Some times a whiteboard, protector or other equipment may be required.

You are the host, so anything you can think of to make the course run better, including thinking about the participants as well as the facilitator is much appreciated.

Group Photo

The host should take a group photo and email it to GM McPhail as soon as possible after the course.

Any questions please email Grand Master McPhail.

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