
Commemorative - Dave Ballard

Dave Ballard Memorial Page »

A remembrance evening for Mr Ballard was held in Auckland on Saturday 9th October. Members came from as far as Tauranga and Whangarei to remember and celebrate Mr Ballard's life. Special thanks to Dave's Sister Jan who spoke.

Dave Ballard

Bernie would like to pass on her thanks to everyone for their support and kind wishes.

Message from Grand Master Tratjenberg

On behalf of the International Taekwon-Do Federation and all our Grand Masters, Masters and Instructors around the world, please receive our deeply sadness for so terrible lost of Mr. David Ballard. We keep from him his wonderful work and his smile and kindness. Please give to Mrs Bernadette Ballard and his family our condolence. He was a really Taekwon-Do passion.

With all our heart,
Pablo Trajtenberg
Acting President

Mr. Master Evan Davison:
Im Student of Master Omar Merodio from Mar del Plata - Argentina.
Im writing because we want to give our condolences about the death of Dave Ballard. Its really sad this death from us too, because he was a good and friendly men. He was really charmed in his stay on Mar del Plata.

Our sorrys from his family and friends .

Master Omar Merodio
Taekwondo ITF Argentina

Sat training for the WC people at PNTA is on as normal at 9:30am till whenever – but will be open to all who would like to attend. Focus will still be on WC people but an opportunity for the wider range of TKD people – student, parents, past, present – to come together to talk, train, pay respects. Could you add that to the front page please.

Message from Mrs Ballard

Bernie would like to thank all those thinking of her, Dave & their family, and asked for her thanks to be transmitted via the web.

Family is starting to gather around now... Dave’s sister & husband there now and other sister arriving tomorrow. As details are figured out we will let people know. For the moment the family is only receiving select calls – Mike Yates, Tanya Katene and Richard Burr are fielding the TKD enquiries.

Message from ITFNZ President, Master Evan Davidson

Thursday 16 September 2010

It is with deep sadness that we have learned of the sudden death of Mr David Ballard, 5th Dan Black Belt and Instructor of Fielding and Palmerston North International Taekwon-Do schools. Dave is also coach of the New Zealand Senior Team.

International Taekwon-Do - New Zealand extends its condolences to Mrs Bernadette Ballard, Matt and Mayson and all the extended family. Our thoughts and prayers of comfort are with them at this time of grief and sorrow.

Further details regarding Dave’s funeral will be promulgated in due course.

In deepest sympathy

Master Evan Davidson
7th Dan President International Taekwon-Do - NZ.

Message from ITFNZ Board and Staff

The International Taekwon-Do Board and staff are deeply saddened and upset with the news of Mr Ballard’s sudden death.

He was a valued and loved member of the International Taekwon-Do family.

His value as an International Taekwon-Do officer holder is evident, but the genuine grief that this news has been met with, shows the true measure of his person.

As an organisation, through the Board, we will do our very best to support Dave’s family, friends, students and colleagues as they cope with Dave’s loss.

As people, and as members of the International Taekwon-Do family, we mourn.

Dennis Burns
Chairman ITFNZ Board

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