
Counties Manukau


Mr Mark Trotter has been in TKD for over 30 years becoming 9 times World Champion. He was inducted into the ITF hall of fame in 2011 and named New Zealand''s first ITF Icon. He was the longest standing NZ team member, representing New Zealand for over 20 years.



School Name: TMT Academy
Instructor: Mr Mark Trotter VI dan
Assistant Instructor:
Location: Temp venue: MMC
198 Marua Road, Ellerslie
Auckland, 1051         View Map »
Session Times: Friday 7.30 - 8.30 pm
Visitors please contact Mr Trotter prior to attending.
Phone: 0212926217
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Website: www.tmt.nz/
Minimum Age: 12

East Auckland

Mr Tolley began his training under Grand Master Paul McPhail in the late 1980s. He later travelled extensively overseas training in many parts of the world. He is an excellent organiser and takes part in practically every event either as a participant, official or an organiser. He is also the Operations Executive of ITFNZ.


Servicing: Howick, Pakuranga, Cockle Bay, Botany, Highland Park, Dannemora, Bucklands Beach.

School Name: Eastern (ITF) Howick
Instructor: Shaun Tolley VI dan
Assistant Instructor:
Location: Howick Intermediate
15 Botany Rd
Howick, 2014         View Map »
Session Times: Tuesday and Thursday
6.30 - 8.00pm
Phone: 0274531773
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Minimum Age: 7
  Mini-Kids »
Mr Vic Gilpin started his Taekwon-do journey in 2012, following his son Asher in to the art and training under Master Rimmer in Papamoa. In 2014 Mr Gilpin moved to Maraetai and trained under Mr Brett Kimberley (5th Dan) at Ji Shin Maraetai. Mr Gilpin graded to 1st Dan alongside his son in 2016, and took over as Head Instructor of Ji Shin Maraetai in 2020.

Mr Jones has been training since 2016 at Ji-Shin Maraetai, Auckland. He received his 1st Dan in Dec 2019 and became Assistant Instructor in 2020.


Servicing: Beachlands, Maraetai, Whitford, Clevedon, East Botany.

School Name: Ji Shin Maraetai
Instructor: Mr Vic Gilpin I dan
Instructor: Glyn Jones III dan
Assistant Instructor: Zharna Welch I Dan
Location: Maraetai School, Maraetai Drive,
Maraetai.         View Map »
Session Times: Juniors and Seniors Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6.15 - 7.45pm
MiniKids 6:00 - 7.00pm, Wednesdays or Fridays
Phone: 02102966092
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Minimum Age: 5
  Mini-Kids »
Master Bhana is a 8th Dan and Instructor of Eastern (I.T.F.) Taekwon-Do in Auckland. He began Taekwon-Do in 1983 and enjoys instructing and seeing the progress of his students. He is proud to be part of the original Taekwon-Do as founded by General Choi Hong Hi.

He says Taekwon-Do for me is a lifelong journey of discovery, knowledge, awareness and personal development.


Servicing: Pakuranga, Farmcove, Highland Park, Bucklands Beach, Half Moon Bay, Meadowlands, Howick

School Name: Eastern Taekwon-Do
Instructor: Master Mahesh Bhana VIII dan
Assistant Instructor: Florinda Petterson IV Dan
Location: Farmcove Intermediate (New Gym)
16 Butley Dr, Farm Cove
Auckland, 2012         View Map »
Session Times: Monday and Wednesday
6.30pm - 8.00pm
Phone: 027-2444-690
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Website: www.easterntkd.co.nz/
Minimum Age: 11

Manukau South and Papakura

Master Raukura started training in ITF Taekwon-Do in 1989 under Mr Sam Clark. Currently, he is the Instructor of Dragon''s Spirit Papatoetoe in Manukau, a large club with a great family atmosphere. The club members are well respected within the Counties Manukau area and have gained major recognition at both the National and International level in all areas of competition. The school has a reputation for hard work and perseverance, which Master Raukura continually fosters. Respect and family values are paramount within the walls of the school dojang and great role models can be found in its students. Master Raukura recently achieved his Master''s degree in March 2020


Servicing: Papatoetoe, Manukau, Otara, Otahuhu, Mangere, East Tamaki, Flat Bush, Clover Park, Manurewa

School Name: Dragons Spirit Papatoetoe Taekwon-Do
Instructor: Master Kane Raukura VII dan
Assistant Instructor: Danielle Drylie III Dan
Location: Papatoetoe High School (Gym) 19 Nicholson Avenue, Papatoetoe (use Carlie Street entrance)
Auckland, 2025         View Map »
Session Times: Monday and Thursday
Lil` Dragons class (Mini-Kids 5-10yo): 6.10pm - 7.10pm
Main class (10yo plus): 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Senior grades: 8.00pm - 8.30pm
Phone: 0212327041
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Website: www.dragonsspirit.org.nz/
Minimum Age: 5
  Mini-Kids »
Grand Master Paul McPhail began his training in 1975, and was promoted to 1st dan black belt at age sixteen. In 1985 he moved to Auckland to become a professional Taekwon-Do instructor.

Grand Master McPhail began examining in 1988 on his promotion to 4th dan black belt and in 1994 he was awarded the Outstanding Instructor Medal from the International Taekwon-Do Federation. He was promoted to 9th dan in 2021.

Master McPhail is the Technical Advisor and Chief Examiner for the International Taekwon-Do Foundation of New Zealand. He wrote the ITFNZ Techniques and Self Defence Syllabus handbooks which are in use throughout the Country, and is the author of the book Taekwon-Do - Beginners Training Manual, which is in its 5th Printing.

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Servicing: Papakura, Manurewa, Takanini, Drury, Manukau City.

School Name: Paul M Papakura
Instructor: Grandmaster Paul McPhail IX dan
Instructor: Kishan Mistry V dan
Assistant Instructors: Bryan Reynolds I Dan
Logan Lum I Dan
Location: Papakura Normal School
143 Porchester Rd, Papakura, Takanini         View Map »
Session Times: Monday and Wednesdays
Mini-Kids 5-5.45pm
All Grades 6-7pm
Senior Grades 6-7.30pm
Phone: 021-983-532
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Website: paulmtkd.co.nz/
Minimum Age: 5
  Mini-Kids »

Franklin and Counties

Text to come


Servicing: Pukekohe, Tuakau, Karaka, and the wider Franklin Community.

School Name: Xtreme Martial Arts Academy
Instructor: Mrs Melissa Bray IV dan
Assistant Instructor:
Location: Valley School
42 East St, Pukekohe         View Map »
Session Times: Monday and Wednesday
Peewee (5-10yrs) 5:00 - 6:00pm
Intermediate/Adults (11yrs +) 6:00 - 7:30pm
Red stripe and above stay until 8:00pm
Phone: 0210794265
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Website: www.xmaacademy.co.nz/
Minimum Age: 5
  Mini-Kids »
The Waiau Pa branch was established on the 24th March 2004 by MAster Paul McPhail and Mr Dan Jackson. Original members of the club, Mr Michael Archer and Mrs Mera Horton are now the Co-Instructors. The club has a family feel that caters for all ages from 5 years of age.

The Waiau Pa branch was established on the 24th March 2004 by Master Paul McPhail and Mr Dan Jackson. Original members of the club, Mr Michael Archer and Mrs Mera Horton are now the Co-Instructors. The club has a family feel that caters for all ages from 5 years of age.

Waiau Pa

Servicing: Waiau Pa, Clarks Beach, Te Hihi, Glenbrook, Patamahoe, Kingseat,Waiuku

School Name: Paul M Waiau Pa
Instructor: Michael Archer II dan
Instructor: Mera Horton I dan
Assistant Instructor:
Location: Waiau Pa School, RD4, Pukekohe, Auckland         View Map »
Session Times: Tuesday and Thursday
Juniors: 6.30 - 7.30pm
Seniors: 6.30 - 8.00pm
Phone: 0274758456
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Website: www.facebook.com/groups/paulmwaiaupa
Minimum Age: 7
  Mini-Kids »
The first Calibre branch of ITFNZ opened in February 2011, Henderson. It came about as a result of the passion the instructor, Jon Sawden, has for Taekwon-Do. Calibre TKD runs separate classes for each age group; 4-7 yrs, 7-12yrs and 13+.


Servicing: Ngatia, Maramarua, Mangatawhiri, Kaiaua and surrounding areas

School Name: Calibre Taekwon-Do Hauraki Plains
Instructor: Jon Sawden III dan
Assistant Instructor:
Location: Waitakaruru Community Centre, Waitakaruru, 3576         View Map »
Session Times: Thursday
Minikids: 5 - 5:40pm
Monday and Thursday
Intermediates and seniors (8yrs +): 5.50pm to 7.20pm
Phone: 0274770887
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Website: www.facebook.com/calibretkd/
Minimum Age: 5
  Mini-Kids »

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