18th National Kids Camp 2023 SPONSORED BY:
Date: March 24th-26th 2023
Aongatete Lodge
Who can attend: Ages 8-15 year old
Cost: $45 per child
Parents: optional. We only have space for 14 adults so please only 1 parent per family (cost is $45 to cover accommodation and food)
Theme: 10,000BC Caveman Taekwon-Do
Instructors: Master Kane Raukura, Miss Kara Timmer, Miss Angel McCreedy, Miss Danielle Drylie, Mr Matt Pilcher, Mrs Tracy Foster + more TBC
Best Overall student Prizes: Donated by Mighty Fist and Top Ten
Best Overall Baker and Costume Prizes: Movie Vouchers
This year's National Kids Camp is fast approaching and spots are limited. For a low cost of $45 you can relieve yourself of your child for 2 nights while we take care of them and teach them some new skills, all the while they get to have fun and make some new friends. This camp sells out almost every year and wasn't able to be run in recent years due to covid. So please, get involved and come along!
More information about the event can be found here:
Registration can be done here:
***Close off for registrations is Friday 17th of March 2023***
Any questions, please let me know.
Kind regards,
Danielle Drylie
Regional Director - Counties Manukau Taekwon-Do
M: 027 490 1322