Techniques Seminars
Mr Paul McPhail conducted Techniques seminars around the main centres
during October 2000. The seminars covered patterns, sparring and plus
self defence.
The focus of the sparring work was to encourage students to train for
free sparring by using sparring specific techniques, including pad work
and reflex training. Beginners should start by practicing foot work drills,
moving forward, backward and sideways. Senior belts practicing techniques
such as dodging back kicks with the pads and downward kicks that change
their direction part way through the execution.
Self defence was discussed and course participants practiced the idea
of making their movements simple and effective, and finishing their movements
off with a strong guarding block. Patterns were covered in detail and
included any updates from the latest edition of the Encyclopaedia.
The attendance was very good in most regions, with particularly spectacular
turnout in both Tauranga and Wellington. Thanks to the organisers for
their help.
Wellington Seminar [Enlarge]

Tauranga Seminar Photos
