General Choi Hong Hi, Founder of Taekwon-Do, was in New Zealand during
January 1998 to conduct an ITF training course. Here are some photos and
details of the course
View the T-shirt
design here.

Group Photo [enlarge]

(left to right) David Sutrisna (Indonesia), Master Tom MacCallum
Gen. Choi Hong Hi, Mr Paul McPhail and Master Choi Jung Hwa
at Auckland International Airport.

First day of the course - Tuesday 13th January.
Gen. Choi explaining techniques to the course participants
assisted by his son, Master Choi Jung Hwa (8th dan)

Gen. Choi and Master Choi conducting basic training.

Master Choi demonstrating crossing positions.

General Choi correcting members at the course.

Mr Evan Davidson and Mr Paul McPhail.
The board autographed by Master Choi Jung Hwa
to the Auckland Demo Team following their
successful demonstration at the Master Class,
Wednesday 14th January. Close to 200 students
turned out for the Master Class conducted by Master Choi.

Mr David Sutrisna being asked theory at his grading for 5th dan.

Mr Paul McPhail (Chief Examiner ITFNZ), Gen. Choi and
Mr Mantjika prior to ITFNZ meeting with the Masters.

Mr Michael Lowe (ITFNZ Executive member), Mr Sutrisna, Gen. Choi
Mr Mantjika and Master MacCallum, just prior to the meeting.

Master Choi, Mr Sutrisna, Mr Lawrence Mantjika (President of ITFNZ)
and Gen. Choi Hong Hi - conducting a historic meeting on 12th January
authorising Mr Sutrisna as the ITF representative for Indonesia.

Master Choi and members relaxing on the Cruise.

Gen. Choi giving David Sutrisna the General's own ITF
badge at the formal dinner.

Mr David Lange (Patron of ITFNZ, Past NZ Prime Minister)
speaking at the formal dinner

Master MacCallum, General Choi Hong Hi, Paul McPhail
and Master Choi Jung Hwa on Kawau Island.

The team relax at Mac's for breakfast after it's all over.
General Choi departed New Zealand on Saturday 17th January.
It was an early flight (6.15 am) so he had to get up at 3.00 am
to train. Gen. Choi does 75 minutes training everyday.
He has never missed a day in 60 years!
Otahuhu Town Hall on Tuesday, 13 January 1997.
Programme includes Maori Group/s, TKD demonstration and MOANA HULA Pacific
Island Group - they are international entertainers who are going to Spain
for a 7mth contract in 1998 so they are good. The food will be typical
Polynesian feast.
Dear Taekwon-Do students
We are privileged to be able to host an International Instructors’
Course conducted by the Founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi. The
course is open to red belts and above and is being held in Auckland, New
Zealand on January 13th – 15th 1998.
We are excited to announce that accompanying General Choi will be his
son, Master Choi Jung Hwa (8th dan), who will also be conducting a Master
Class. We are also privileged to be hosting Master Tom MacCallum, 7th
dan and Secretary General of the International Taekwon-Do Federation.
The course content will include a thorough analysis of the patterns as
well as other aspects of Taekwon-Do. You will be free to ask questions
throughout the course.
So how much is this going to cost…first, let’s compare this
course to other courses in other fields:
A Music Conference held in Auckland this year for children cost $270
per child. These were group classes, with mainly local teachers. Dance
seminars are often much higher costs than this.
A Music Master Class weekend in Europe can cost well over US$1000 for
top musicians to attend.
We have the opportunity to learn from the Founder of our art, accompanied
by one of the best technical exponents in the World, Master Choi Jung
Hwa – please appreciate that this is value for money and not to
be missed. If each club in New Zealand makes the commitment to getting
just ONE representative to the course, we will easily reach our target
of 50 people.
Conducted by Master Choi Jung Hwa – 8th dan, based in Canada. Open
to all ranks, white belt and above.
Venue: Diocesan School Sports Centre, Clyde Street entrance, Epsom, Auckland.
Date: Wednesday 14th January Time: 6 – 9 pm Cost: $5 per person
This will include a demonstration by the new Auckland ITFNZ Demonstration
Team, plus we are hoping General Choi will give us some time for signing
autographs. Please make sure you have something appropriate for autographs
(eg an encyclopedia).
If you need assistance with accommodation or advice on handy motels, please
contact Mr Mark Banicevich. We may be able to organise billets for you
to keep your costs down.
Food will be available for sale during the course. This will be fundraising
by the Promotions Sub-Committee.
There will be an official dinner on Thursday 15th January. This is open
to all ranks and partners. The venue is Eastern Palace in Pakuranga and
the cost is $15 per head. Tickets on sale at the course and at the Master
A senior dan grading is possible – the ITFNZ Grading Sub-Committee
must receive all applications by 15th December 1997.
Correct uniform is required – make sure you have an ITF Tree on
the back of your dobok, and there should be an ITF badge on the front.
Red belts & 1st dans $240
2nd dans and above $280
All ITFNZ members receive a subsidised price as follows:
Red belts to 1st dans $180 ($60 discount)
2nd dans and above $220 ($60 discount)
Non ITFNZ members can obtain group discounts as follows:
5 to 9 people from the same organisation in a group:
Red belts to 1st dans $230 each ($10 discount per person)
2nd dans and above $270 each ($10 discount per person)
10 or more people from the same organisation:
Red belts to 1st dans $220 each ($20 discount per person)
2nd dans and above $260 each ($20 discount per person)
To obtain a group discount, all forms must be submitted together with
one cheque made out for the total amount.
All course participants receive a certificate of completion from the International
Taekwon-Do Federation. 4th dans and above are then eligible to apply for
an International Instructors' Certificate.
The Organising Team:
Paul McPhail
Course Organiser
Peter Graham
VIP hosting
Angela Dunn
VIP entertainment, venue catering
Sue Breen
Publicity, administration, proofer extraordinaire
Neil Breen
Video/audio technician and production
Mark Banicevich
Jeanette Joe
Christine Foot
Venue catering
Margaret Pepper
Vince & Shirley Pygott
Master Class |