Senior Dan Grading Photos
Here are exclusive photos including the "closed Door" portion
of the grading held at the Conference.
Closed doors...

Theory Exam

Conditioning test

Fitness & agility testing

Mr Chris Fitzgerald rests after fitness test


Mr Pygott vs Mr Breen

Mr Pearson executes a flying punch on Mr Mantjika

Mr Mantjika responds!

Mr Pearson vs Mr Breen

Mr Banicevich sparring

Resting after sparring

2 on to 3 sparring!

Open to the public...

Patterns. Mr Niven and Mr Pygott - Sam-il Tul

Mr Mantjika - Yoo-Sin Tul

Mr Banicevich - Choi Yong Tul

Mr Banicevich, Mr Fitzgerald and Mr Pearson - Sam-Il Tul

Mr Fitzgerald - Self Defence

Mr Mantjika - Self Defence

Mr Pygott - power break

Mr Fitzgeralst - the power break that broke the holder!

Mr Breen - multiple flying kick break

Mr Mantjika - Side Piercing kick

Mr Fitzgerald - Back Piercing kick

Mr Matthew Breen - Flying Double Side kick (horizontal)

Mr Lawrence Mantjika - spiral kick

Mr Jake Pearson - flying double turning kick

Starting to relax near the end of the grading

Master Leong Wai Meng - examiner

Grading results announced by Master Leong that evening.
Congratulations to all seven! |