

Older News

Kiwisport a Big Hit!

Kiwisport is a scheme from Sport New Zealand (formerly SPARC), aiming to promote sport for school-aged children. Taekwon-Do is ideal for this, with a large portion of its membership being the school aged children Sport New Zealand is reaching out to.

Master McPhail, acting as the Counties Manukau Kiwisport Coordinator, has devised a programme aimed at introducing Taekwon-Do to kids in a fun way. This includes the active sport side, as well as the martial arts discipline and culture.

A number of schools took up the programme at the beginning of the term, and the results are already beyond expectations. Over a thousand kids are taking part in term one, spread over eight schools. More are expected to sign up for the second term and with the success so far, we expect the scheme to grow and grow.

Lianna McCartney, Instructor at Zeal Taekwon-Do Otahuhu, has been at one of the schools and kindly told us how things were going.

The classes run for 45 minutes, giving a brief introduction to a lot of different aspects of Taekwon-Do. They have been learning some of the Korean terminology, and core values (or "Tenets") of Taekwon-Do

From there they work on technical skills, self-defence, and punching and kicking pads.

As you can see from the Redoubt School newsletter, the kids are really enjoying the classes and eagerly await each lesson.
kiwisportRedoubt School Newsletter

There has been a lot of interest from students and teachers who have been given a taste of Taekwon-Do, and want to find out more. For them, there are lots of local clubs to visit, try an introductory lesson, and join up.

For International Taekwon-Do and Sport New Zealand, this has been the perfect launch to a fun, interesting school sports programme.



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