
Voice of the Participant

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Voice of the participant Survey:

Earlier in 2021, the membership was invited to participate in an independent survey to help us better understand what is important to our members and how we are performing against your expectations. Thank you for both the quantity and quality of responses. I am pleased to share the results with you. Overall, the results are very positive with a strong level of satisfaction and trust. This is great recognition for the years of effort that has been put into the art, especially by club instructors.

These survey results will form part of the benchmarking for the Strategic Plan and will be reviewed annually after each survey to measure performance and focus is in the right areas.
The survey has identified some areas that we need to focus on to improve your experience. These have been captured into the Strategic Plan’s workstreams. The top three drivers of recommendation for Taekwon-Do were:

  • Helping me develop/ fulfil my potential
  • Quality of coaches or instructors
  • Providing information when needed

We will keep you informed of progress and initiatives to address these and other aspects of the art as we implement the Strategic Plan.

Alex Hayton CEO  

Download the results

International Taekwon-Do is undertaking an important research programme, the Voice of the Participant, to better understand how our members view their experience within our art. The project aims to understand what is important to our members and how we are performing against their expectations.  NielsenIQ, an independent research company, is carrying out the research on behalf of International Taekwon-Do and Sport New Zealand. This was the first time International Taekwon-Do has taken part in the survey, which will occur annually moving forward.

International Taekwon-Do would like to thank all those who took part in the survey which closed 11 April 2021.  NeilsenIQ received 446 surveys which represented a 16% response rate – the second highest across the Summer sports involved in this survey. There is a separate Winter code survey.

To encourage members participation, International Taekwon-Do put up a prize of $500 worth of gear to the club of one member selected at random by NielsenIQ. The winner was Jarrad Ramsay from the Halswell club in Christchurch. Congratulations!

The analysis of the survey results will be completed and reported to International Taekwon-Do in July 2021. This will help benchmark the new Strategic Plan currently in development.

Halswell club membersa with their new gear!

International Taekwon-Do Federation
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