
Advisor Group News

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Grant Eccles        Gwyn Brown


Advisor Group News Jan 2021

A HUGE thanks to Mr Gwyn Brown! We are sad to say he is stepping down as our Tournament Director this year.

Everybody knows Mr Brown - not only from his massive contribution to our tournament scene, but also as co-host of the popular National Kids Camp. He has had the privilege of seeing MANY kids come through that camp and see them grow into amazing adults. And it has been our privilege to work alongside Mr Brown, such a highly skilled, knowledgeable and likeable person. Thank you Sir.

Mr Eccles, already a long time member of the committee will take over the the Tournament Director.

The Advisory Panel have yet another announcement regarding our Advisor groups. Dr Jake Pearson will take over from Mrs Lena Walton in 2021 as the Standards 7 Discipline Representative for Wellington.

Dr Pearson is a long standing senior member of our organisation. He is a specialist Sports Physician with a passion for sport and exercise. Raised in Wellington, he completed a Bachelor of Physical Education (Hons) at Otago before going on to study medicine.

We are very proud of Dr Pearson and are thrilled he is joining our S&D team.

Lena Walton    Master Evan Davidson
The Advisory Panel have another announcement regarding our Advisor groups. Mrs Lena Walton will be stepping down as Standards & Discipline Advisor and Master Evan Davidson will take over this role.

Master Davison was previously our S&D Director but in recent years has been concentrating on his international position as Chairman of the ITF Ethics Committee. Master Davidson is also a former Policeman and of course former President of ITFNZ - so perfectly qualified for the job.

Mrs Walton took on the role of the Wellington RD in 1997 as the Wellington S&D Representative. She continued to hold that position for 23 years.

During that time she held other leadership roles within the Organisation: High Performance Advisor and was on the Organising Committee for the 2010 Oceanias and 2011 World Championships. She held the S&D Advisor role since June 2013.

Being one of the seniors in Wellington, she actively took lead roles where she made a positive difference. Mrs Walton says she found each committee role challenging, but we appreciated how she took on each situation with professionalism and with a level headed approach.

In January 2021, Mrs Walton will be stepping down from being the S&D Advisor and S&D Representative for Wellington. She will continue as co-Instructor of Berhampore Club

Our sincere thanks to Mrs Walton for all her work throughout the years, some of which were particularly challenging as the S&D Director. Mrs Walton led by example, and made very real contributions to our art and organisation.  Thanks Mrs Walton!

Dane Canton     Darren Andrews
The Advisory Panel are pleased to announce that Mr Dane Canton has been approved to be our newest addition to the Standards & Discipline Advisor Group. Mr Canton is a well respected Senior in our organisation. A big welcome to Mr Canton and thanks for taking on this role.

Mr Canton takes over from Mr Darren Andrews, who has decided to take a well deserved break, having been a part of the S&D Group since 2008. Apart from Mrs Wallton he is longest standing S&D Representative. We fully support Mr Andrew's decision as he takes time out to be with his wonderful family. 

Thank you Mr Andrews for 11 years of commitment & your 'that makes total sense' input into S&D. Mrs Walton is grateful for his supportive nature over the years.

Thank you Mr Andrews!


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